Watch these two short excerpts:
If you still think Trump was shot and are in danger of being declared a mentally ill retarded MORON… watch the entire clip.
If you still insist he was shot then you truly are beyond help. Take another Covid booster and hope that it cures you of your stupidity.
And make sure to unsubscribe because Fast Eddy has insulted you.
I never believed it. But to me that proved that the Deep State wanted Trump to win.
100%. Sadly, I have lost respect for some of my friends...and have disengaged...because they can't see through the theater...and are...well...wilfully retarded at this point. Some even got mad when I tried to show/prove it to them.
It's one thing if you were never given a choice by nature but to CHOOSE to be retarded, is something completely different.
I knew immediately it was a ruse. So should anyone who remotely claims to be awake, understands how our country and world truly runs, understands the agendas, strategies and tactics that have been used against us for CENTURIES, and who possesses a shred of critical thinking skills. On top of it, there is all of the actual evidence that backs up the fact that it was a ruse...
But alas, most don't want to be awake. They are literally programmed by CIA TV. They prefer Bread & Circus, over learning the truth about our world. They want to believe in the hollywood script and archetypal character being delivered by Trumpenstein. Little do they know they're following the Pied Piper, Rat Catcher of Hamelin...right into the NWO trap.
I can see how these "elites" think most of us are just stupid cattle. Sadly, it seems we prove them right, time and time again.