During Covid, dining bubbles were all the rage. The barnyard animals flocked to their favourite restaurants and were told they could not enter the premises to dine, but were welcome to gather in the plastic tents to enjoy a meal. Surprisingly (or maybe not), this did not result in a WTF moment and a questioning of the entire Covid narrative.
Nor did the barnyard animals become suspicious when they were told they had to wear a mask when entering restaurants or going to the bathroom, but not when they were seated.
Remember Wuhan? Remember this photo? This was the ground zero moment in the Covid Advertising and PR campaign. A man has dropped dead from Covid. Yup, he was deathly ill but he went out for a stroll and dropped dead. Makes perfect sense - if you are a retard.
But the barnyard animals reacted as they would to the release of a new Taylor Swift song. No matter how terrible the song, they are told it is poetry in motion and dance and sing along like the imbeciles that they are. They believe what they are told and skip meals so they can save money to buy front row seats to her upcoming concert.
It’s not cool to suggest that a Taylor Swift song is vapid trash so the barnyard animals would never dare.
Likewise nobody questioned the photo of the dead man in Wuhan. Fuck logic. Do what you are told. Believe what you are told. Question everything you are told - except if the source is bbccnn.
We can stand here and laugh at the barnyard animals. How could they be so stupid?
But then many of us believe Trump was shot. Many believe oil is abiotic. Many of us believe that man has walked on the moon or that helicopters can fly in the zero atmosphere of Mars. Many of us believe that man is wrecking the climate. Many of us believe we can replace oil with solar panels and EVs. Many of us continue to trust bbccnn and almost never question a MSM story. Example
We all have blind spots. When we change our minds only then do we realize that we are sometimes just as stupid as that woman in the photo at the top of this page in the bubble tent wearing a mask.
But in order to change your mind you need to be willing to change your mind. You have to be ok with accepting that you were a dunce and laugh at your stupidity.
Most people cannot do that. They will not accept that they have blind spots, that they are wrong.
Read the comments on this article for examples of people refusing to change their minds - even when faced with irrefutable facts.
Substack is overrun with articles ‘Vaccines Bad’ … ‘Artic Ice Growing - Climate Change Lies’.
Bitch and moan all you want about Vaccines Bad. They are bad. But they are necessary because they keep population growth under control.
Fuck you Fast Eddy, I cannot argue with your assertion that not sickening the herd would result in a deluge of geriatrics sucking the global economy dry and collapsing civilization. All I know is Vaccines Bad and I want to whine.
And then they insist RFK Jr and Trump will fix this. Not only can they not change anything, even if they tried to, that would not be allowed.
Similarly the Global Warming pundits screech ‘See - SEE!!!’ they are faking the temperature measurements, the ice is expanding and on and on and on believing if they screech loudly enough things will change. But they will not change because the Climate Change campaign (formerly know as global warming) is necessary.
I’ve succinctly laid out exactly why these fairy tales are necessary and I sometimes post this information on Substacks that endlessly whine about these PR and Advertising campaigns. But still, they continue to whine and moan and cannot understand why the authorities keep pushing these false narratives. Or they fall back on ‘it’s all about money.’
Anything but the truth.
If you are not willing to change your mind and accept that you have blind spots, you will live forever wallowing in the mud of ignorance and stupidity along with billions of other barnyard animals.
I now see said the blind man....
It was always all about setting the stage to reinforce the Trump as Messiah narrative... he can fix ANYTHING!!! He is all powerful -- watch as world leaders drop their knees and give him Suck.
Entirely orchestrated.
As if the US would slap massive tariffs on tar sands oil -- the US needs that oil to blend with the shit that comes out of shale... there is no alternative -- so all the tariffs would do is filter through as inflation...
In what is a carbon copy of Trump's tariff-delaying deal with Mexico, moments ago Canada's outgoing PM, Justin Trudeau, said that he too had bent the knee, i.e. had a "good call" with Trump, and that US tariffs on Canada would be paused for 30 days after Canada - just like Mexico - agreed to send 10,000 troops to the border as part of a $1.3 billion border plan which "reinforces the border with new choppers, technology and personnel, enhanced coordination with our American partners, and increased resources to stop the flow of fentanyl".
I can hear the MSM exec murmuring to himself appreciatively, "Thank God for the United State of Amnesia and the mosquito-length attention span of our cherished viewers". I clearly remember the citizens keeling over doornail-dead, a camera conveniently catching their melodramatic Sarah Hardtburn death throes (nobody can outdo the Chinese in melodrama - not even something as sappy as "La Dame aux Camélias"). Gullible Americans got their fear-fix hot and hard from that one, also bombarded by tales of mass deaths in nursing homes. Sick elderly citizens get a condition and die - Who Knew?? Look at the Charlie McCarthys in Congress still spouting the "safe and effective ... polio ... smallpox ... CDC ... WHO ... party line. It was funny seeing Bernie turning beet-red when RFK Jr. reminded him of the two million shekels gushed into his campaign from Big Pharma, an authentic GOTCHA moment. Spit-sputter-snarl. Whoever is finally approved for the health post should arrange a "beauty show" of vaccine-injured on parade, something like the notorious vaxtestimonies.org/en/ panoply. Fuckers. I began to read the warning posts early on, and was astounded at people's carelessness. IT'S YOUR BLOODSTREAM!! "Oh but I got a free donut."