It took me a few weeks to realize the Covid narrative was bullshit and that we were being exterminated. That’s because I have been aware, since 2008, that civilization was doomed and collapse imminent due to the severe depletion of affordable oil and other finite resources.
The Men Who Run the World weren’t going to stand back and watch 8 billion barnyard animals flood onto the cold, dark streets… angry and starving… and tear each other’s faces off.
Instead, when we reached peak oil in 2018, they primed The Ultimate Extinction Plan.
The Covid-CON was followed by the announcement of Operation Warp Speed claiming there would be a Safe and Effective Silver Bullet within a year.
I have zero medical training but I am not mentally retarded and I won quite a few spelling Bees in primary school, so I was aware that it takes many years to test a new vaccine. There is no way to accelerate the testing for long term side-effects without access to a time machine.
Curious by nature, I searched for information regarding attempts to create a vaccine for the SARS virus.
Feds Race to Make SARS Vaccine
Developing a vaccine often takes a couple of decades or longer, but the federal government is aiming to develop a SARS vaccine in just three years. Scientists at the Vaccine Research Center are attacking the problem on several fronts, although some question whether a SARS vaccine is even possible.
Worry that a vaccine will be too dangerous is one reason development takes so long. No one wants to make healthy people sick by giving them shots intended to prevent illness. So typically vaccines are tested painstakingly on thousands of volunteers over many years to prove they do far more good than harm.
Even with this, dangers may come to light only when they get into routine use. Four years ago, the first rotavirus vaccine was pulled from the market after just one year. The shots prevent childhood diarrhea, but they also turned out to cause life-threatening bowel obstructions in one in 10,000 recipients.
Scientists are especially cautious because of their experience with vaccines aimed at animal relatives of the SARS virus. SARS is a coronavirus, the same virus family that causes serious diseases in pigs and other animals. While shots work well against some of these, they occasionally go disastrously bad. A vaccine for the feline coronavirus actually results in worse disease, not less, when cats catch the virus. Read More
When the Covid Rat Juice Shots were announced, there was no mention of how they overcame these insurmountable obstacles nor did they explain how they tested for long term side-effects in less than a year.
Kinda like how nobody explains how Trump’s ear was completely healed within two weeks of being shot - and without any scarring.
An acquaintance who is a senior executive in a pharma company dismissed my concerns about side-effects suggesting that ‘“with this new technology we can skip the long term testing for all MRNA vaccines because it’s proven to be safe.”
This is the same morbidly obese clown who was urging me to take statins 20 years ago even though I did not have any health issues. ‘Even if you have normal cholesterol, it can always be lower,’ he preached to me. This is a prime example of Circus Animal Behaviour which is a form of severe mental illness combined with stupidity.
I emailed the SARS article to over a dozen friends and family members attempting to warn them off the Rat Juice Shots. They dismissed me as a conspiracy theorist and joined the queue in the Walmart parking lot eager to get shot with the Silver Bullet. Roughly a quarter of them are now suffering from unattributed vaccine injuries.
It was kinda like trying to convince a Swifty that Taylor Swift is a vapid, talentless, average karaoke singer. Good luck with that too.
Anyone with even a bit of intelligence and common sense should have reached the same conclusion as I did. A vaccine rolled out in less than a year is unlikely to be Safe or Effective.
When you outsource your thinking to CNNBBC, this is what happens. You do whatever you are told, no questions asked. Make no mistake - this is a symptom of profound stupidity. Actually it’s worse than that but I do not have the words to describe what it is.
Generally, dismissing the obvious as a conspiracy theory, is harmless. The downside is that no matter how educated a person is, nor how high their IQ is, rejecting the premise that conspiracies exist, exposes a person as stupid.
Here are some litmus tests you can use to determine if someone is suffering from stupidity. Show these articles to a barnyard animal and ask for their opinion. If they disagree with any of them then they are stupid and you can confirm that they are a barnyard animal. And mentally ill to boot. No exceptions.
How did they charge the Mars Ingenuity helicopter?
Let's take a look at India's 'moon landing'
Let's take a look at Donald Trump's Ear
It’s ok to be stupid and mentally ill. This is the default position of almost all 8B+ humans; make no mistake, we are dealing with the dumbest species ever.
But this time is different. Stupidly injecting Operation Warp Speed no questions asked often results in severe disease or death. It’s very much like playing Russian Roulette but with no winner’s prize. Now that is dumb. Really f789ing dumb.
Oh wait you say, they got donut coupons. There is that.
We were told that the spike protein in the virus was the cause of severe disease. The vaccines are loaded with spike protein and cause the recipients’ bodies to become spike protein factories. The dunces didn’t ask the obvious question and instead clamored to be first in line for the Rat Juice shots. Duh.
These barnyard animals were surely aware that the manufacturers of the Rat Juice could not be sued if things went sideways. Surely that should have been a red flag but nope, CNNBBC said the shots were completely safe (and effective).
Don’t get me wrong, I am not sympathizing with the morons. On the contrary, the past few years have been immensely entertaining.
Watching the imbeciles shooting an untested substance into their bodies and collecting their free donut coupons was priceless!
The same idiots who laughed at me because I suggested man has never been past the Van Allen Belts and landed on the moon were injecting Rat Juice. YES!!!
The same fools who believe in Global Warming rejecting The Three Pillars of Bullshit were poisoning themselves. FANTASTIC!
The dunces who saw the plastic toy that India supposedly landed on the moon, and clapped their hands gleefully, no questions asked - have been boosting away with Death Shots. WOO HOO!
I have been entertained.
And as we are now seeing both the near and long term side effects of Operation Warp Speed I have transitioned from being amused to experiencing profound levels of Schadenfreude or SCHAD.
My SCHAD is most intense when a doctor or a nurse is maimed or killed by the Rat Juice. They should have known better and asked questions but instead they repeatedly pumped the shots into everyone including pregnant women and infants collecting their not unsubstantial fees for committing crimes against humanity.
Let’s not forget how they administered Midazolam (and ‘Remdeathisnear’) to Covid sufferers, a drug that depresses respiratory function as is not meant to be given to anyone with a respiratory illness. I suppose they did not connect the dots when soon after the injections their patients died?
Nothing better than reading about a medical professional suffering from Turbo Cancer. F789 them.
Next in my hierarchy of SCHAD would be the celebrities, athletes, Tee Vee presenters, politicians, and influencers who get smashed in the face by the end product of Warp Speed. Watching them suffer and die is pure Vax-Porn. Good riddance to them.
I will give a pass to those who preferred not to inject the Death Shots but were mandated by their employers. I imagine the choice between injecting when initially nobody knew exactly how deadly this garbage was, and being able to support one’s family was a difficult one.
Before you try to defend these morons, remember how they behaved towards you over the past few years. If they didn’t call you an idiot to your face they most certainly did behind you back. And they would have thought ‘it served you right’ if you died from Covid (no doubt many of them yearned for you to die).
Make no mistake, if BBCCNN had instructed them to stone the unvaxxed to death, those of us who rejected Warp Speed, would be dead.
And now they pay the price. A very grim price indeed. This is the price of not questioning CNNBBC. This is the price of not questioning the moon landings, 911, WMD etc… This is the price of believing The Men Who Run the World value them beyond their contribution to production on the farm.
Celebrating SCHAD is very positive emotional outlet that helps you to cope with the trauma that these Vaxxers inflicted on you. It is a mechanism that helps you deal with being surrounded by billions of fools who embrace the fake world fed to them by BBCCNN. Trying to convince them that they are knee deep in the matrix is akin to shouting at a hurricane to ‘stop!’
To maintain your sanity I suggest you cease trying to convince them to reject the Rat Juice Boosters. If by now they cannot see the carnage caused by the shots they are beyond hope. Instead, encourage them. Offer to drive them to the clinic for their next booster.
Great summary! It was how I felt in December 2020: no medical training; also not mentally retarded. Was shocked by people’s acquiescence more than anything else. And it changed the entire trajectory of my life/opened my eyes to what was always there. Thank god.
If Trump's alleged assassination were a thing, he'd be flaunting his maimed fucking ear left and right, at every opportunity. He could conceivably put some make up on the wound/scar, but why? Wouldn't he want to remind people of how he narrowly escaped?
There were 1000+1 ways to tell that the CV BS is BS. For starters, people should have been alarmed by how they vehemently tried to shut up everybody who dared question the obviously doctored stats they were shoveling down people's throats.
There was this doctor from New York, Zelenko - not to be mistaken for the autocratic dickhead who likes to play the piano with his nanodick - who said that only a handful of jews said fuck it and went to desert to save themselves. The rest perished.
The people who took the shot out of fear of losing their job are only one small notch above the fucking idiots who were jubilantly posting their pics being jabbed somewhere at a train station or some other shithole. AFAIK, there was never anywhere any actual lawful requirement to take the shot everybody could refuse without consequences, if only they put up a bit of a fight. Luckily, I didn't have to worry about that in view of the nature of my profession, but my ex-wife, a teacher, refused and nothing happened. Apart from the fact that just about all the other m-effer teachers turned rabidly against her, even individuals whom she had helped selflessly in a moment of dire need, and put her under immense pressure. Fucking assholes!
What a mess! We're living through a low point in human history. It sure ain't pretty to see how many of the people out there are such total shitheads!