“Not to freak anyone out, but a lot of events in recent times almost make it seem like the end of times are being ushered in. Many movies and shows paint a clear picture of how the world would deal with an apocalyptic event and its consequences. You know, scarcity of resources and zombies – the usual. And while watching movies and TV shows like this can be kind of frightening, there’s a pretty huge fascination with the genre as well. Even video games have been hopping on the trend! Perhaps fans are trying to put together a personal survival guide full of tips and tricks to stay afloat throughout the Armageddon. Or, maybe that’s just me.” Read More
Not it’s not just you, the deluge of Doomsday Prepper shows is no accident. Nothing you watch on Tee Vee or at the movies is an accident. It’s all about controlling what the mass of imbeciles otherwise known as humans, thinks.
I don’t have Tee Vee and I don’t watch Hollywood drivel however some years ago I was staying with relatives on an overseas visit and like most imbecile families, after dinner, they gathered around the Tee Vee enthralled by the latest reality programs. I looked on with disgust when they squealed with delight as their favourite singer advanced to the next round of the karaoke singing contest.
I can only tolerate this in micro bursts and usually slink off to another room to read a book.
One evening a Doomsday Prepper show was playing. I watched for maybe 10 minutes and noticed that all the characters looked like models from an LL Bean commercial. Everyone was attired in the latest clean, pressed active wear; their hair was perfectly coiffed.
I couldn’t help but blurt out, “So the world has collapsed and all the survivors are wearing new clothing… there is no strife… it looks like they are having a wonderful time. Don’t you think this is a ridiculous portrayal of what collapse would look like?”
“Don’t be an idiot!!! The malls would be full of clothes (and accessories) so the survivors would be able to help themselves to the latest fashions”
Yes of course, and the supermarkets would be eternally stocked with loads of canned foods and other items that do not perish quickly.
When faced with stupidity on this level, the best option is to retreat to the quiet room and not argue, which I did, while thinking about what happened in New York city in 1977 when the power went out for two days.
The reason the Ministry of Truth has sponsored dozens of doomsday prepper shows is to condition the herd to believe collapse of civilization will not only be survivable, but that it will be a grand adventure.
Many of the imbeciles are now getting a whiff of imminent collapse. Raging inflation, the addition of a cool trillion in debt every 100 days in the United States, ghost cities in China and a collapsing property market, the endless threats of ‘deadly viruses’ - the herd senses the wolves are closing in.
Fortunately cnnbbc has told the herd what to think and what to do. Plant a garden. Buy gold. Stockpile guns, ammo, food - and toilet paper.
The other message they are sending out is that collapse will be temporary. You only have to survive for a short period of time then everything will return to normal, the supermarkets will reopen as will the malls, and we can start shopping again.
May 22 2024 - Government tells Britons to stockpile as part of emergency planning. As campaign urges households to stock up on tinned food and batteries, retailers warn. Source
This extensive advertising and PR campaign eliminates any feelings of panic as the morons watch civilization unravelling before their eyes. Collapse can be … fun!
Now that we understand the motive behind the doomsday prepping campaign, let’s examine the feasibility of prepping. Let’s focus on the hardcore doomie preppers and their strategies.
First and foremost the doomie prepper prioritizes growing food. They’ve got extensive gardens, food preserving gear and stockpiles of items that they won’t be able to purchase post collapse (e.g. salt)
They are ready. Well, they believe they are ready. But they are living in DelusiSTAN and they are doomed unaware of the elephant in the room - the hordes who will be starving and desperate when collapse strikes.
The very same family members who ridiculed the prepper’s apocalyptic visions will be pulling up to the door with the kids expecting to be fed.
Then there are the neighbours who are not preppers who come knocking and wanting more than a cup of sugar.
How do you deal with these people? Do you turn them away? If they get angry, do you shoot them?
Then there are the refugees who will flee the towns and cities, headed for the rural areas where they know food is grown. How do you think they will react if you inform them that you barely have enough food to feed your family then slam the farm gate in their faces?
Another problem will no doubt involve violent, armed gangs who will prey upon individual preppers and communities of preppers. Defending a garden from such people will be impossible. They will put a bullet in your head from 500 metres when you come out to plant or weed. There is a reason why peasants retreated into the castle when the bad guys arrived during Medieval times.
If anything, prepping is the worst thing you can do because it will make you a target. There will be no police or courts to deter the desperate people who will find you. A puff of smoke up the chimney, a solar powered light in the window - they will find you. If you piss them off you’ll be brutally beaten, your wife and daughters will likely be gang raped then murdered. Prepping will almost certainly lead to a horrifying outcome.
For those who have chosen an extremely remote inaccessible location to prep, and are reading this article feeling smug as bugs, here’s the coup de grace.
There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…
If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.
One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.
It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl. Source
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo. Source
Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident Source (Note: The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.)
“However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.” Source
It does not matter how remote you are, the jet stream and ocean currents will circulate these toxic cancer-causing substances around the globe. They will be picked up by convection and pour deadly rain on your crop and water supply.
Nobody survives the collapse of civilization. This will be an extinction event.
The doomsday prepper programs are purveying fantasy, they are hopium, just like The Three Pillars of Bullshit.
While it’s true that doomsday prepping is pointless, prepping for emergencies is not pointless at all.
I live in Texas. Every year since the big storm of 2021, there is a mad dash for the grocery stores and camping stores in case it happens again.
What do I do? Nothing. I’ve already prepped with non-perishables and other things in case we go through that scenario again.
I “gray person” through life, so there are no angry swarms of people who will steal my things. Instead, I’ve made friends with my neighbors, and we look out for each other.
I tell my worried relatives who live elsewhere that I will be fine—and I am.
If the world ends, there’s not much I can do. But for natural disasters and emergencies, there is a lot I can do—so that is why I prep.
People in parts of the Carolinas, Tennessee, and other storm-stricken states are standing their ground as looting reports flood X. This dire situation highlights the harsh reality that when disaster strikes and the government is nowhere to be found, being prepared and armed will save your life.
Eight illegal aliens were arrested in the eastern part of Tennessee for looting following the tropical system that unleashed flash floods in Washington County. Maybe these migrants were searching 'for bread' to feed their families... We suspect not.
The other five men — Albin Nahun Vega-Rapalo, 24, David Bairon Rapalo-Rapalo, 37, Kevin Noe Martinez-Lopez, 25, Marvin Hernandez-Martinez, 43, and Dayln Gabriel Guillen Guillen, 37 — were charged with aggravated burglary for breaking into occupied structures, the sheriff's office said. -NYPost.
Just north of Greenville in western North Carolina, a video uploaded on TikTok, then X, of realtor Leigh Brown, who warned, "The looting has picked up major steam," adding, "I was advised by a county sheriff to make sure that anybody out and about is 'carrying' and in his words 'carrying with the safety off.'"
Brown said the people out in the storm-ravaged area might not be "awful people, they're desperate" as their homes and towns were wiped off the face of the map by 'biblical floods.'