Many Anti Vaxxers are celebrating the limited coverage of Covid Vaccine Injuries. They believe it’s a start that will soon lead to the full story being released and a massive revolution as the herd of morons are told that they were lied to. Anti Vaxxers are fantasizing about Nuremburg 2.0 and Fauci dangling from a rope.
None of this is going to happen.
It's extremely frustrating trying to beat the PR Team. If they have it in for you there is no way you can win.
This has been demonstrated dozens of times on the geopolitical stage. Saddam was our friend - then he was our mortal enemy. There was nothing he could do, no recourse in the press or in international courts. We hung him and the herd of morons celebrated. The wicked witch is dead! USA! USA!
Likewise Bin Laden. He had nothing to do with 911 which was a false flag operation launched by the US government for the purpose of justifying multiple wars in MENA for the purpose of resource theft.
And poor old Gaddafi. He took a knife up the arse before being killed. Not long after that I was picking up a rental car in the Milan airport and a man approached offering to carry my bags. I recall he had mismatching shoes. He told me that he was a refugee from Libya. I asked him what he thought of Gaddafi - he had nothing but nice things to say. I gave him 50 Euros as a token gesture to compensate for our theft of his country’s oil wealth.
Now this same PR machine has been turned on those who oppose the Ultimate Extinction Plan.
Make no mistake -- acknowledging 'rare' vax injuries is no win. In fact when taken in the context of the many billions of shots that were administered, a 'few injuries' is to be expected, and a small price to pay. After all, they had to rush this product into the market to save the world.
Without the injections hundreds of millions would have died - civilization itself was at risk of collapsing. Think of all the lives saved!
I guarantee you that most of the Vaxxers would shoot the Rat Juice all over again if the PR Team launched another campaign involving a new (and improved!) brand of deadly virus.
I know of one Vaxxer who acknowledges a blood clot in her lungs was caused by the Covid Vaccine. Two years later she still can barely leave her house because she struggles to get enough oxygen to be able to walk. Last I heard she was considering taking more boosters because she feared Covid more than more vaccine injuries.
There is no cure for stupidity. Fool them once fool them a thousand times.
Let’s watch the PR Team in Action!
As the saying goes, the second sentence ".... you can fool some of the people ALLof the time."
As Aaron Russo so chillingly said in 2016 on an interview with Alex Jones, he was tipped off about 911, or a similar false flag by a Rockafeller family member.
As far as the "jabcebo" is concerned, the cone of silence descended on the hospitals and medical centre's. People were afraid to speak up for fear of the smear campaign they would endure.
I just caught Civid for the first time. What an anti-climax. I can't believe we stopped the world for this. I pulled out my stash of Ivermectin and my energy levels and head clarity surged within the hour. Even went for a run today and I'm 4-5 days into the infection.