The next fakeout will be the Bird Flu psyop you know because bird flu can easily kill humans. 🙃

Bill Gates supposedly met with Trump for 3 hours a couple of days ago selling him on another quickly tested vaccine this time for bird flu. Warp Speed 2.0 is in the works and dumbasses like Norm will be calling their local pharmacy everyday to see if the bird flu vaccine arrived so they can get protected.

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In Cambodia a man just died within 24 hours after eating bad chicken with bird flu.

Chicken soup for the soul...

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That's 1 out of 8 billion barnyard animals. I'm shaking with fear. You know the last fakeout was called a pandemic when under 5,000 were dead out of 8 billion and we got the Covid psyop. We then came to find out that many of those were on a McDonald's Big Mac diet. 🥳

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Where'd you hear that, on the news? 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Jan 23Edited

do you think the bidenistas are going to take the trump cancer vax? or bird flu vax? i doubt it. they are going to have to come out with a bird flu that is 1000x worse than cv for them to even think about it. what will it take for them to take a trump shot? will be entertaining if nothing else.

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Science is such a disgusting, bankrupt belief system. Imagine torturing, mice, rats beagles and monkeys and NOT being a fucked up sadist with a superiority complex.

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That was the precursor to the Covid 19 and vaxxes. Fool em.once, do it again and again

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No doubt this was a test to see just how gullible and stupid the barnyard animals are.

If they believe this they'll believe a vaccine made and tested in well under a year... is safe and effective... even with respect to long term side effects ...

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I wonder how high the correlation is between those who understand the moon landings were faked... and rejection of the Death Shots

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How to reject the…science? 🤣

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Fast, I just found your followup article. Have fun! 🥳

"Trump vows to send Americans to Mars"


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I bet you this person could sell a good fake moon landing!


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Bill Gates is working on the next Psyop for the Normies.

"Bad News that Trump Is Teaming Up with Bill Gates"


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Right now, Im following other problems in space. Cold welding is a huge problem for most mechanical items operating in a vacuum. Think about how Hasselblad cameras worked. Out gassing will occur in almost any chemical when it changes to -5 Torr or less. Cold welding is instant when this happens. Its important to select combinations of chemicals which will not weld to each other.

But, it gets really interesting when you consider that liquids do not exist in space.... because of out gassing. So, that takes care of things like photographic film (gelatin) and duct tape... which would not work to put back fenders on rovers etc.

For more fun, check out Apollo Detectives on YouTube.

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As someone who likes to think they know everything, I feel deeply indebted to you for exposing me to the wonders of vacuum cold welding. Thank very much for posting.

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I am watching a video of them where they make some good points but then they suddenly applaud SpaceX for being innovative. It seems they don't understand SpaceX is more fake than the moon landings?

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There is a lot to talk about, and a lot to figure out for what is true and what isn't. That is why I love this subject. It's also space exploration, which is what we very much want to do.

Learning about how propaganda ties in with achievement, helps us to talk about new issues as they arise in a beneficial manner.

At this point, we absolutely know there were at least some fibs with the Apollo missions. It hurts no one to debate the Apollo missions. For that reason, I think this is the perfect topic for learning how to determine truth.

There are so many problems with the Apollo missions, that if we cannot understand this, then we may not be able to progress.

Here is an eye opening video:

I Was SCARED To Say This To NASA... (But I said it anyway) - Smarter Every Day 293


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Why don't you just read the actual explanations of how all these things worked, rather than watch some moron's youtube channel.

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Why don't you just look at the link I provided - or the photo below it... you seriously think THAT landed on the moon

hahahaha fuck me

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Here we go again. This doesn't look like the spaceships I saw in Star Wars and Star Trek so it can't be real.

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It looks like something someone made in their garage...

It looks like what someone would build ... as a joke

The only funny thing is that billions of MORONS aren't laughing...

of course 6+B injected a Death Shot ... so I am not surprised they believe man has been on the moon

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That's right. Who could believe it could go to the moon when it doesn't look like the Millenium Falcon or the Nostromo.

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Did you watch the clip with the NASA engineer stating they were working on a space craft that could survive 'the deadly Van Allen Belts journey'

Jeez why don't they just get some sheet metal and duct tape and replicate the thing we see the photo above.

Basically you have NASA admitting humans cannot fly through the belts... and STILL idiots will insist we have been to the moon.


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TrUsT ThE sCiEnCe, hmmmkai! Thanks, @javakinetic, I am checking it out.

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At least try reading the actual science. Don't be another victim of Fast Eddy.

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Choose delusion ... and stupidity ... or choose Fast Eddy

It is 100% binary

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Yes sir, I will try. So where are the links to the actual science? Edumacate this ignorant fool, please.

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Why not try searching google for your 'questions' then picking the answers that come from NASA? Here's what they say about the cameras and film used on the moon.


Here's why the film didnt melt:


8.6 Wouldn’t the camera films have melted or frozen on the Moon?

IN A NUTSHELL: No. Temperature extremes refer to the lunar surface, from which the films were insulated by vacuum. In any case they were not reached during the Apollo missions, which landed on the Moon shortly after the beginning of the two-week-long lunar day at the landing sites, when ground temperatures were far lower. The films were also a heat-resistant type used for high-altitude reconnaissance and the cameras were treated to reflect the heat from direct exposure to the Sun, which is comparable with the heat from sunlight on a mountaintop on Earth.

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Yeah sure buddy, I was being sarcastic.

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What about the NASA engineer? https://youtu.be/4O5dPsu66Kw?t=174

Any idea why he said that?

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Although it would be very nice to see humanity get to the planets while there is still the will to do it, we are very far away from reaching this goal. Keeping liquid fuels from gassing off will require technologies which simply do not exist.

Pressurized liquids will get warm quickly. In order to prevent heating, state change through gassing off a liquid, must be used to keep the remaining pressurized fuels as liquid. In the vacuum of space, there is no way to dissipate heat other than state change, throwing off expensive material, or infrared. Infrared radiation is inefficient.

Insulation is important, and aerogel and similar substances might benefit a solution, but the expense of it will be astronomical. Delicate substances will fail in the violence of >205 db lift off, and in the vacuum of space.

Because of vacuum and radiation concerns for propellant stored in deep space, propellant is gradually lost as it waits. In the vacuum of space anything operating without an atmosphere will cold weld. Problems are numerous. For example, rubber gaskets quickly breakdown. Machines with interlocking parts are needed to open and close valves. Compressors and cooling systems have many moving parts. Liquid lubricants will out gas quickly, and ball bearings will soon become warm. Non metal materials are as much of a challenge to work with as are metal materials.

This is why we are looking at a show stopper. If you listen to the Keynote address to NASA which was provided by the owner of the excellent Smarter Every Day channel:


... it will be clear that we need to send up an incredible number of fuel tankers, which by the time they get to a useful orbit, each will have only just a small fraction (~1/100th) left. For reasons explained within the video, fuel tanks must be distributed between the earth and moon (or Mars). Each second stage tanker will need to use most of its fuel to get to a higher parking orbit or precisely between the Earth and Moon. It becomes a complex supply line where fuel from several second stages will need to be transferred to just one stage in order to provide the propulsion to lift a tank of fuel to somewhere outsides Earth's gravity well.

The problem with parking is that, you need to be going the same speed as the primary spacecraft in order to catch and transfer fuel, using compressors. It either means more fuel to align speeds, of have an incredible and perfect ballet of impossibly complex systems all coalescing precisely as needed. Just a single badly timed solar flare would be like a bowling ball meeting pins.

The problem with bulky liquid fuel is that you can't do this months in advance because of the out gassing and gassing off requirements. Essentially, all rockets required for the mission would need to be launched within hours or days of each other. Where are all the launch pads to be able to do this? This fuel issue spoils all dreams of returning to the moon, let alone getting anything human bearing to Mars. The fuel would be long gone through out gassing.

There is no way, using any current technology, to maintain liquid atmosphere vessels, at a cool temperature in space and ferried to where it all needs to be. Hypergolic fuels might be necessary, but they are just as heavy, corrosive, toxic, and generally concerning. To date, even though this is currently the only means to get modern human supporting rockets to the moon, there have been no fuel transfers yet achieved in space. Cold welding, and other extreme vacuum effects nearly all materials.

We might as well be in the stone age attempting to imagine a telephone network. We just cannot get any of us from here to Mars.... yet... at least not in any realistic way.

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Trying to watch the clip, but it’s kind of buried in Telegram.

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Hahahaha... and STILL... and still... the fucking barnyard animals believe we've been on the moon...

Even though the NASA engineer says we cannot survive the Van Allen Belt radiation -- and NASA is working on building a space craft (no doubt made of lead hahaha and weighing 50 tonnes)... that can shield astronauts from the deadly radiation

Fuck humans... dumbest morons ever

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Several countries have been to the moon by now, its very well documented. India did it last year for the first time. If your argument is just the ones in the 60s were fake, I could maybe see it, but definitely not all of them.

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Of course!!! We have even been to Mars --- like this https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/how-did-they-charge-the-mars-ingenuity

BTW - with modern filming techniques... such as CGI ... it is even easier to fake this rubbish now.... check it out https://youtu.be/ej3ioOneTy8

NASA engineer admits they can’t get passed the Van Allen Belts


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None of what is 'documented' needs to be true, they can lie and misrepresent reality as much as they want because there is no legal obligation for any news outlet to tell the truth. It is even worse; they admit they push (government or science) propaganda and misinformation on the unsuspecting masses (like poor Andy here).

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I doubt that someone was on the moon. China managed to send some “machinery” successfully, but they still need time and technology development to send a human. Now, where on the moon those Indians marched? Maybe they also left a flag there?

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All you need to open the link Watch above... and if you are still in doubt... you qualify as mentally retarded

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Try telling that to Eddy and his more challenged acolytes.

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When are you going to explain why the NASA engineer states that we cannot survive a flight through the Van Allen Belts and they are spending billions on trying to build a space craft that can allow humans to fly through the belts?

Maybe you can ask Norm... cuz this is Norm-like behaviour from you

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When are you going to explain why the NASA engineer states that we cannot survive a flight through the Van Allen Belts

I watched that video and he did not say that. Why do you feel the need to lie like a 6 year old?

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Ok norm

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You're aware that it's very easy to get a complete transcript of any video online, right? He's talking about the modern, much more sensitive electronics on board Orion. Notice that the mong who posted this video can't even spell 'past'. I'm supposed to learn from this retard?

# tactiq.io free youtube transcript

# NASA engineer admits they can’t get passed the Van Allen Belts

# https://www.youtube.com/watch/4O5dPsu66Kw

00:00:08.280 Orion is getting ready to

00:00:22.640 launch my name is Kelly Smith and I work

00:00:25.240 on navigation and guidance for Orion

00:00:27.640 Orion is NASA's Next Generation

00:00:29.320 spacecraft built with versatility in

00:00:31.480 mind it can take astronauts deeper into

00:00:33.480 space than we've ever gone before to an

00:00:35.640 asteroid or even onto Mars for these

00:00:38.559 missions our rine has to be one tough

00:00:40.360 spacecraft with standing high speeds

00:00:42.600 searing temperatures and extreme

00:00:45.120 radiation before we can send astronauts

00:00:47.600 into space on Orion we have to test all

00:00:50.000 of its systems and there's only one way

00:00:51.960 to know if we got it right fly it in

00:00:54.879 space for Orion's First Flight no

00:00:57.920 astronauts will be aboard the spacecraft

00:01:00.440 is loaded with sensors to record and

00:01:02.519 measure all aspects of the flight in

00:01:04.680 every detail it all begins with launch

00:01:08.159 aboard a Delta 4 heavy

00:01:28.920 rocket

00:01:34.520 as it punches into Earth orbit Orion

00:01:36.960 will jettison its launch abort system

00:01:39.840 the abort system is a safety feature

00:01:42.040 designed to pull Orion and its crew out

00:01:44.200 of danger if there were a problem with

00:01:45.799 the rocket during asent Orion's journey

00:01:49.200 is just

00:01:52.640 beginning as the spacecraft and the

00:01:54.759 upper stage begin their first lap around

00:01:56.719 Earth Mission Control in Houston is

00:01:58.759 monitoring the progress of the

00:02:00.640 flight Orion's over 100 m up and going

00:02:04.000 about 17,000

00:02:06.039 mph just as it passes over the Indian

00:02:08.919 Ocean we lose

00:02:16.480 communication this is expected the

00:02:19.040 communications link we have through

00:02:20.519 satellites to Orion is momentarily lost

00:02:23.440 but Orion continues to receive and

00:02:25.239 process data its computers can handle

00:02:28.080 480 million instructions per

00:02:31.560 second imagine you are traveling with

00:02:33.920 Orion as the flight test continues one

00:02:36.480 orbit completed time to go the upper

00:02:39.760 stage of the rocket fires again like the

00:02:42.080 setup for a roller coaster ride this is

00:02:44.080 the big climb we've been waiting

00:02:49.519 for we are headed 3600 miles above

00:02:53.800 Earth 15 times higher from the planet

00:02:56.800 than the International Space

00:02:58.840 Station

00:03:02.760 as we get further away from Earth we'll

00:03:04.720 pass through the Van Allen belts an area

00:03:07.200 of dangerous

00:03:11.799 radiation radiation like this could harm

00:03:14.080 the guidance systems onboard computers

00:03:16.120 or other electronics on Orion naturally

00:03:19.040 we have to pass through this danger zone

00:03:20.680 twice once up and once

00:03:26.080 back but Orion has protection shielding

00:03:29.439 will be put to the test as the vehicle

00:03:31.120 cuts through the waves of radiation

00:03:33.280 sensors aboard will record radiation

00:03:35.360 levels for scientists to study we must

00:03:37.879 solve these challenges before we send

00:03:39.480 people through this region of space for

00:03:42.080 this flight it's time to head

00:03:44.560 home the upper stage of the rocket

00:03:46.879 triggers separation Orion's Jets fire to

00:03:50.120 turn it into the proper position to

00:03:51.720 reenter Earth's atmosphere no matter

00:03:54.000 what happens now we're coming in 75 m

00:03:58.079 above Earth the spacecraft ENT the

00:04:00.120 atmosphere things happen quickly we're

00:04:02.519 now traveling more than 20,000 mph air

00:04:05.680 particles pushed out of the way heat up

00:04:07.760 an envelope of hot plasma surrounds the

00:04:09.879 vehicle as it plummets towards Earth the

00:04:12.560 plasma reaches temperatures of 4000° f

00:04:16.000 almost twice as hot as Bolton lava this

00:04:18.918 may be the most dangerous part of the

00:04:20.519 flight mission control is monitoring all

00:04:22.919 the data from the spacecraft and then we

00:04:25.800 lose communication again no data can

00:04:28.400 penetrate the plasma Orion is on its

00:04:32.560 own Orion is inside a fireball onboard

00:04:36.600 systems ignite Jets to keep the ship

00:04:38.479 pointed correctly so the specially

00:04:40.320 constructed heat shield takes the full

00:04:41.800 brunt of The Inferno this is the largest

00:04:44.400 heat shield of its kind ever made

00:04:46.639 Orion's computers command the spacecraft

00:04:48.600 to bank like an airplane keeping a

00:04:50.479 precise path to the landing site even

00:04:52.800 though we've slowed from 20,000 mph to

00:04:55.400 about 300 mph we're still traveling

00:04:58.280 amazingly fast we must slow down to

00:05:00.720 safely land in the ocean luckily we have

00:05:06.479 parachutes especially designed for Orion

00:05:09.320 the parachutes help us hit the brakes

00:05:11.280 but not too quickly one day people will

00:05:13.440 be aboard so deceleration must happen in

00:05:15.800 stages to keep things comfortable for

00:05:17.360 the

00:05:18.680 crew the forward Bay cover

00:05:25.400 jettison two drug shoots deploy and slow

00:05:28.280 the returning spacecraft down to 175

00:05:31.080 miles

00:05:38.039 hour then the three main parachutes

00:05:45.000 open once fully engaged this canopy

00:05:47.840 would cover an American football

00:05:51.800 field it takes parachutes this size and

00:05:54.600 strength to slow our descent to 20 mph

00:05:57.919 and

00:05:58.639 then splash

00:06:02.560 down for this first flight we won't have

00:06:05.240 astronauts inside but we still have some

00:06:07.319 very precious cargo the flight data from

00:06:09.880 this mission is stored inside the Orion

00:06:12.120 spacecraft while our flight might be

00:06:14.039 over there is still a lot of work to do

00:06:16.000 onboard sensors recorded every detail

00:06:18.360 from launch to flying in space to

00:06:20.560 re-entry to

00:06:23.990 [Music]

00:06:28.560 Landing flight tests are difficult and

00:06:31.120 complex but they give us confidence that

00:06:33.240 the systems we have designed work under

00:06:35.160 real flight conditions it's great to be

00:06:37.840 a part of this first space flight for

00:06:39.319 Orion and we're looking forward to

00:06:41.160 beginning a new chapter in human space

00:06:58.520 exploration

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did you miss the part about the deadly radiation of the van allen belts on purpose?

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Fast Eddy, it didn't take me long to see you (0-0)

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I’m absolutely going to get flak for this but here’s my thoughts after reading into it and getting some research down.

. The makeshift look is questionable and more of a practicality thing than anything, though the vacuum of space makes it relatively secure, and the foil more crumbled absorbs the sunlight more. Heat is entirely focused on absorbance on the moon.

. For the Van Allen Belts thing with the Orion, the Orion spends more time in the Van Allen Belts than the Apollo missions, and the issues before sending people in it are specifically referring to the navigations and internals which are more sensitive than that of the Apollo missions. The Van Allen Belts might still cause problems for astronauts decades later in the cardiovascular side of things.


That and the wording should have been more specific and mentioning the Apollo missions.

Feel free to disagree, but if my response (Unless you want me to clarify) warrants a ticket to Delusistan, let this be my send off must I be sentenced to go back to the Barnyard.


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Did you get a chance to watch American Moon?

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Do us and yourself a favour -- watch this then come back and discuss


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So, it was the American Moon documentary that basically did it for me.

Just out of morbid curiosity, being that we are roughly the same age.... what was your "ah ha" moment?

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For quite a few years I had heard the murmurings about the fakery --- and had never given it much of a thought... at some point my mild Asperger's was triggered by something I read that caused me to dig in on this issue.

When I dig in I dig in ... it becomes an obsession... which lead me to this very fine series of documents https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/

American Moon is for the most part a video version of that ....

I was then 10000% certain man had never landed on the moon ...

That would have been close to 20 years ago now....

Anyone who is willing to watch American Moon -- and still believes the cnnbbc narrative of the moon landings.... is a TFI - a Total... Fucking... Retard.... I highly recommend the 'Safe and Effective' covid boosters to these idiots - as a way to cure their stupidity.

But of course the MORONS will not watch American Moon -- the second they realize it's 'a conspiracy theory involving the moon' they stop watching...

This is a product of a) the expertise level at the Ministry of Truth + b) the absolutely gullibility and stupidity of the barnyard animals

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Will do.

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I am keen to read your thought once you finish...

It is actually a life altering documentary

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Hmm, posted this a while ago....has it been eaten?

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Shameless, unconscionable & without morality. Deeply flawed individuals & dogma.

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Americans did in fact land on the moon, several times, no matter what Eddy might think. And a helicopter flew on Mars, too.

These events were pointless expensive stunts that will likely never be repeated, but they happened.

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That's how we know it's made of cheese!

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Withnail, discovering that you are wrong about something really important to you, in my experience, can completely change everything you thought you knew about the world and how it works.

Seek counselling.

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Dude, really. Literally every one of the 'points' your Fuhrer Eddy comes up with is easily refuted.

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You cannot even refute the deadly Van Allen Belts... but feel free to refute all the other issues addressed in American Moon.

You are a retarded moron so I don't expect much

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Here we have Nixon making a telephone call... to the moon hahaha

I can recall making long distance calls in the 1970's and there being lags and all sorts of issues with calls .. even across a few hundred kms....

But no lag... no problemo ... calling the moon ...

hahahaha they are mocking you ... cuz they know you are so fucking stupid ... you will believe Nixon called the moon


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"Here we have Nixon making a telephone call... to the moon hahaha"

You've heard of an invention called radio, right? You don't think they were claiming to have laid a 250,000 km telephone wire to the moon, do you?

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He's using a telephone.... and why is there no lag....

I won't have fucking morons on this SS... I started this to get rid of fucking idiots like you

Enough stupidity

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Go for it then, pull the trigger. Like I give a fuck.

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Still waiting on your explanation of why the NASA engineer stated that humans cannot survive the flight through the Van Allen Belts -- and that NASA is spending big money on the Orien Project --- trying to build a vehicle that can shield humans from the belts....

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I don't need to even think about that. It clearly wasn't a problem because Americans did in fact walk on the moon. I hate America as much as the next person but I do admit they did it.

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You may as well just state that you are a fucking idiot. Cuz you are

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And these freemasons cant even get their stories straight as to whether you can or cant see stars lol


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You believe this dork then too?


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Your problem is that you're a halfwit. I can explain what he said, but with a low IQ creature like you it's not worth the effort.

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Withnail at the beginning of this thread is a contribution from JavaScipt which is an invitation to enter the world of very high vacuum Physics. A world I had never given any thought to until today. A world where normal stuff, like duct tape, ceases to work. A world, the good folks in the Entertainment industry, who put on stunts such as the moon landings, are completely unaware of. And so can be caught out by, as if they care a jot.

Just think if you could only develop a sense of curiosity how your interior world would be transformed.

Personally I'm rather embarrassed that I could have been fooled due to my ignorance in this field.

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Withnail is a dunce... that's his excuse

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Duct tape does indeed work in space. That's what NASA says and I accept it. What scientists claim otherwise and have they proved it?

The duct tape used in space is Kapton, which is rated for use between -269 and 400 degrees Celsius, conforming to the ASTM D-5213 standard, which replaced military specification MIL-P-46112B.

Kapton Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapton

Kapton properties sheet, by DuPont: http://www.cirlex.com/pdf/Kapton_General_Properties.pdf

MIL-P-46112B: http://www.everyspec.com/MIL-SPECS/MIL+SPECS+(MIL-P)download.php?spec=MIL-P-46112B.022842.pdf

You were saying something about my lack of curiosity and laziness?

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And we can duct tape a submarine if it springs a leak at 300 ft below the surface!

Duct tape is so awesome!!!

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You know where you can put your 'advice'.

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Just watching the US inauguration on the TV here in the UK. And as someone who has always wondered just what the wages of arse-licking were I suddenly realised, you get invited to inaugurations.

Really very simple.

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Withnail, now Fast Eddy can be a little one dimensional at times with all this "fuckiing idiot" stuff but it looks to me that you are just very, very lazy which leads an extraordinary lack of curiosity and so you inevitably come across as a fucking idiot. But that is just how you come across to people.

Trust me help is available. Seek help.

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Withnail is just another https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

This is why this SS will take decades to get to 1000 followers.... one reason I hurl insults at the MORONS is to drive them away....

The DelusiSTANIS are constantly attacking this SS because they despise reality....

Fast Eddy's job is to keep the hordes of idiots and retards from busting through the gate and imposing their demented view of the world on those who seek truths

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You're totally brainwashed.

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You're welcome to your opinion and you know where you can put it.

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