"Behavioral sink" is a term invented by ethologist John B. Calhoun to describe a collapse in behavior that can result from overpopulation. The term and concept derive from a series of over-population experiments Calhoun conducted on Norway rats between 1958 and 1962. In the experiments, Calhoun and his researchers created a series of "rat utopias" – enclosed spaces where rats were given unlimited access to food and water, enabling unfettered population growth. Calhoun coined the term "behavioral sink" in a February 1, 1962, Scientific American article titled "Population Density and Social Pathology" on the rat experiment. He would later perform similar experiments on mice, from 1968 to 1972.
Calhoun's work became used as an animal model of societal collapse, and his study has become a touchstone of urban sociology and psychology in general.
Following his earlier experiments with rats, Calhoun later created his "Mortality-Inhibiting Environment for Mice" in 1968: a 101-by-101-inch (260 cm × 260 cm) cage for mice with food and water replenished to support any increase in population, which took his experimental approach to its limits. In his most famous experiment in the series, "Universe 25", population peaked at 2,200 mice even though the habitat was built to tolerate a total population of 4000. Having reached a level of high population density, the mice began exhibiting a variety of abnormal, often destructive, behaviors including refusal to engage in courtship, and females abandoning their young.
By the 600th day, the population was on its way to extinction. Though physically able to reproduce, the mice had lost the social skills required to mate.
Would you not agree that the behaviours depicted in this clip are becoming more mainstream by the day. Cosmetic surgery is reaching epidemic proportions. And it seems as if everyone aspires to be an influencer or Facebook Famous and willing to make a fool of themselves in the process. Then of course, for the truly degenerate deviants desiring clicks and money, there is Onlyfans….
Is this a product of overpopulation or is it profound mental illness caused by the realization that we are headed over the cliff as a species? Is lying flat another symptom?
All I know is that extinction cannot come soon enough.
And here we have what is known in my world as a Fucking Retarded MORON.
Now all she needs is a face boob and ass job... put on Taylor Swift's greatest hits and what more does one need to be awesome????
Last spring, Chloe, a 15-year-old who lives in the US state of Georgia, was stuck. She had tried dieting with a nutritionist and exercising with a personal trainer, but her weight was not budging. She felt self-conscious and depressed, and struggled to carry her heavy school bag. When her mother suggested she try a weight-loss drug, Chloe saw it as a “miracle”, she recalls. “I was like, ‘Oh my goodness, thank God there’s a solution.’”
The teenager suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, which predisposes women to obesity. Doctors had offered the contraceptive pill to try to ease some symptoms, but nothing to address the obesity, and her mother was worried about the long-term effects on her health.
After taking semaglutide, the active ingredient in Wegovy, for nine months, Chloe has lost 25 pounds (11kg). She wakes up nauseous in the morning — a common side effect — but sees this as a price worth paying; she often felt unwell already. She accepts she is likely to need to take the injection for life, but she hopes it will protect her from diseases like diabetes.
“I’d rather be skinny and happy with myself, than be fat, overweight, not feeling great about myself,” she says. “It’s awesome sauce.”
I couldn't stand to read the entire article... Idiocracy... yet it's normal...
I badly want the extinction to arrive.... otherwise I am going to have to go live in a shack in the bush without internet....
A team of executives from one of China’s biggest public transport operators has a new mission: propping up the latest vulnerable developer in the country’s long-running property crisis.
The builder, Vanke, made six appointments this month from state-run Shenzhen Metro, while executives were also parachuted in from a government-run asset management arm and a credit guarantee firm in the southern Chinese city, according to an internal memo circulated online.
The move indicates a more active role for local authorities in the fate of a company that has become the latest bellwether of China’s property downturn.
Across the country, it has also raised hopes of greater state intervention in an industry slowdown well into its fourth year.
“Policymakers don’t want Vanke to fall because that’s going to really damage sentiment,” said Larry Hu, chief China economist at Macquarie, adding that the new phrase in housing policy circles was “stop the decline”. “If Vanke goes bankrupt, the housing market will not ‘stop the decline’.”
After letting dozens of private developers default since Evergrande’s collapse in 2021, authorities in Beijing are now under greater pressure to restore faith in a sector that for decades underpinned economic growth.
Shenzhen-based Vanke, one of the first private companies to win a land auction in the late 1980s, was initially thought to be insulated from the sector’s cash crunch. The city’s subway operator has owned an approximately 30 per cent stake in the company since 2017, and in 2022, Vanke was listed as a “high-quality developer” eligible for official funding support.
But its plummeting home sales show the downturn is persisting and appears resistant to Beijing’s policy responses. Last month, Shenzhen Metro parachuted in a new chair and chief executive after swirling rumours over the whereabouts of its former leader Zhu Jiusheng and a warning of a $6.2bn loss for 2024.
Any default in a company so closely linked to a local government would be another blow to economic confidence within and outside China. According to data provider Debtwire, 41 Chinese developers are still in active restructuring or liquidation proceedings in Hong Kong, where many of them listed during a multi-decade boom in housing.
In addition to the leadership appointments, the developer received a Rmb2.8bn ($380mn) loan from Shenzhen Metro. But the amount is dwarfed by more than Rmb50bn in debt due this year, according to financial data provider Wind, with payments on a closely watched offshore bond due in May.
Leonard Law, a credit analyst at Lucror Analytics, pointed to a “heightened likelihood that the Shenzhen government would help the company garner sufficient financial resources to avoid a default”.
The metro group is “unlikely to provide blank cheques to support Vanke”, he added, but it could “purchase assets or provide loans to boost Vanke’s liquidity”.
Rating agency Fitch estimated last month the value of new home sales would drop by 15 per cent this year.
Two people involved in restructurings in Hong Kong painted a pessimistic picture of the mainland market. “The reality, I think, is that these companies . . . need significant breathing space,” said one of the people. “The onshore business model is broken.”
China is fucked... the property market will not recover... bailing this pc of shit out only delays the inevitable collapse.... allowing me to get a little more bucket listing in
The management overhaul appears to have helped allay concerns for now. Since mid-January, Vanke’s international bonds have recovered from distressed levels and now trade close to their par value.