And here we have what is known in my world as a Fucking Retarded MORON.
Now all she needs is a face boob and ass job... put on Taylor Swift's greatest hits and what more does one need to be awesome????
Last spring, Chloe, a 15-year-old who lives in the US state of Georgia, was stuck. She had tried dieting with a nutritionist and exercising with a personal trainer, but her weight was not budging. She felt self-conscious and depressed, and struggled to carry her heavy school bag. When her mother suggested she try a weight-loss drug, Chloe saw it as a “miracle”, she recalls. “I was like, ‘Oh my goodness, thank God there’s a solution.’”
The teenager suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, which predisposes women to obesity. Doctors had offered the contraceptive pill to try to ease some symptoms, but nothing to address the obesity, and her mother was worried about the long-term effects on her health.
After taking semaglutide, the active ingredient in Wegovy, for nine months, Chloe has lost 25 pounds (11kg). She wakes up nauseous in the morning — a common side effect — but sees this as a price worth paying; she often felt unwell already. She accepts she is likely to need to take the injection for life, but she hopes it will protect her from diseases like diabetes.
“I’d rather be skinny and happy with myself, than be fat, overweight, not feeling great about myself,” she says. “It’s awesome sauce.”
A team of executives from one of China’s biggest public transport operators has a new mission: propping up the latest vulnerable developer in the country’s long-running property crisis.
The builder, Vanke, made six appointments this month from state-run Shenzhen Metro, while executives were also parachuted in from a government-run asset management arm and a credit guarantee firm in the southern Chinese city, according to an internal memo circulated online.
The move indicates a more active role for local authorities in the fate of a company that has become the latest bellwether of China’s property downturn.
Across the country, it has also raised hopes of greater state intervention in an industry slowdown well into its fourth year.
“Policymakers don’t want Vanke to fall because that’s going to really damage sentiment,” said Larry Hu, chief China economist at Macquarie, adding that the new phrase in housing policy circles was “stop the decline”. “If Vanke goes bankrupt, the housing market will not ‘stop the decline’.”
After letting dozens of private developers default since Evergrande’s collapse in 2021, authorities in Beijing are now under greater pressure to restore faith in a sector that for decades underpinned economic growth.
Shenzhen-based Vanke, one of the first private companies to win a land auction in the late 1980s, was initially thought to be insulated from the sector’s cash crunch. The city’s subway operator has owned an approximately 30 per cent stake in the company since 2017, and in 2022, Vanke was listed as a “high-quality developer” eligible for official funding support.
But its plummeting home sales show the downturn is persisting and appears resistant to Beijing’s policy responses. Last month, Shenzhen Metro parachuted in a new chair and chief executive after swirling rumours over the whereabouts of its former leader Zhu Jiusheng and a warning of a $6.2bn loss for 2024.
Any default in a company so closely linked to a local government would be another blow to economic confidence within and outside China. According to data provider Debtwire, 41 Chinese developers are still in active restructuring or liquidation proceedings in Hong Kong, where many of them listed during a multi-decade boom in housing.
In addition to the leadership appointments, the developer received a Rmb2.8bn ($380mn) loan from Shenzhen Metro. But the amount is dwarfed by more than Rmb50bn in debt due this year, according to financial data provider Wind, with payments on a closely watched offshore bond due in May.
Leonard Law, a credit analyst at Lucror Analytics, pointed to a “heightened likelihood that the Shenzhen government would help the company garner sufficient financial resources to avoid a default”.
The metro group is “unlikely to provide blank cheques to support Vanke”, he added, but it could “purchase assets or provide loans to boost Vanke’s liquidity”.
Rating agency Fitch estimated last month the value of new home sales would drop by 15 per cent this year.
Two people involved in restructurings in Hong Kong painted a pessimistic picture of the mainland market. “The reality, I think, is that these companies . . . need significant breathing space,” said one of the people. “The onshore business model is broken.”
China is fucked... the property market will not recover... bailing this pc of shit out only delays the inevitable collapse.... allowing me to get a little more bucket listing in
The management overhaul appears to have helped allay concerns for now. Since mid-January, Vanke’s international bonds have recovered from distressed levels and now trade close to their par value.
Just when I started to get my hopes up for a Global Thermal Nuclear exchange to rid the human cockroach infestation, two superpowers are now talking peace. Damn, I was trying to plan my beach chair location awaiting the moment when that glorious white flash came down from the skies all over the world.
Damn, what a sad day. Bring back Joe Bidet and his team of Neocons. 🥳
I never got my hopes up that high... end of the day there is nothing left to fight over .... we have burned up too much of the cheap stuff... why fight?
I was reading that Aussie power prices have surged .. and that most of the gas produced here is exported.... some are demanding the exports be throttled back (mainly to Asia).
The fact that we do not is evidence that nations are cooperating with respect to energy - rather than fighting over it.... the world is interconnected so if any key part fails we all fail...
I should add to this, that with human populations, the numbers and dynamics are completely different for various reasons.
The optimum number for a social group of primates is around one hundred and thirty.
I have written about this before, to a deafening crescendo of silence, and since we know who controls our media, well, 'The proof is always in the pudding'.
A confounding factor in primates, and particularly humans, is 'Intent'.
And intent, is a double edged sword in the hands of 'balanced' social beings, but in the case of those who have no biological basis for processing our whole spectrums of emotions, as in a compromised amygdala, "Intent', is usually the vehicle of what we term, the Psychopath or Sociopath'.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was proposed that Psychopaths numbered only, one in a hundred.
Therefore, in an optimally numbered group, you may expect around two per generation.
And therefore, after three generations, you would have enough, psychopathy for an influential Cabal.
The Elders, knew implicitly that these dynamics were a threat to the stability of the social order, yet tolerated their prescence and their inter-breeding because in times of strife and war, a warrior, devoid of fear, saved a lot of effort from those less dynamic Elders.
Hence, we tolerated the prospective seeds of our own destruction.
And, fast forward, five millenia, under the prompting of a 'god of Wrath', we seem to be in the grip of a plague of earnest pedophilic Psychopaths, intent on recreating their own little 'Paradise Islans', in our formerly ''balanced' cultures and societies.
And we are all now realising that, as you give those children, who revel in dismembering insects and small animals as children, their own chemistry set .......
Clearing up, after the mess is a salutory lesson for us Elders
Once we stepped onto the treadmill to hell - known as 'progress' - and particularly when we crossed the Rubicon and started to use petro chemicals to grow food... we enabled extraordinary population numbers... and at the same time we destroyed the soil so that there was no going back
I've said it many times... the first person to stick a seed in the ground should have had their head caved in ....
How about a sci fi novel... post collapse a small group of people survive... and if one of the tribe is caught innovating they get stoned to death... max two kids per family ... when grand kids arrive the grand parents are executed...
I have wondered if the movie Idiocracy was not what it seems... was it intended as a mockery of our species? Watering plants goes hand in hand with petro chemical fertilizers... both are very bad ideas in the long run
"How about a sci fi novel... post collapse a small group of people survive... and if one of the tribe is caught innovating they get stoned to death... max two kids per family ... when grand kids arrive the grand parents are executed..."
It doesn't work. It will never work. The tribe next door that did not restrict their population or forbid technology comes and kills you, never mind that they are sick and malnourished due to resource overshoot. There's just a lot more of them with better weapons.
Yes, Farming and cropping entails Fencing, (Patriarchal, Inheritable Property Acquisitation and Policing of freedom), and subsistence living, (Indenture, Feudalism, Virtual slavery), respectively.
However, the consequences of grinding cereals between our teeth is the real reason underlying our descent into our personal and collective hells.
It grinds down our dentine, allowing our immune sytems to be opened to constant bacterial assault from whatever we ingest and masticate.
Archaeologicakly, in my research, many of our greatest and most sadistic Warriors are subsequently found to have drainning abscesses in their jaws.
This exyreme and chronic pain eould be enough to send any man, " Berserk".
And to recognise that almost ALL human disease, is caused by the Dental Professions, endlessly promoting Crowns and other invasive procedures, which ensure open access to a whole spectrum of infectious bacteria.
See the astounding work of Dr Gerry Tennant, which evidences this monstrous regime, and tealise why the FDA, typically threatened to suspend his license as a valued MD
I was told by dentist after he x-rayed my mouth yet again that I had to have a couple of teeth out or to cap them or whatever or they would cause problems. This was about 3 years ago. No problems as yet.
No, they are more socially savvy because of a deficit in cognitive-information processing capabilities. Everything is downgraded to US/I vs THEM and hence everything the elite class says is translated to 'BS'. Hence the outputs are non-stupid in terms of non-obedience to orders that would harm oneself. But when it comes to alcoholism, sex, sports and whatnot -- they have lower impulse control. Hence, why they are working class. All the ''hard'' and ''undesirable jobs''.
Middle/Professional class are gullible drone conformists.
When it's discovered that the British economy is a ponzi scheme, and has been for decades, the pound will become worthless. We will no longer be able to import food, oil, or electricity down the interconnectors. As we import 60% of our food calories things could become very nasty, very quickly.
The question for me is would it have been better to have offed myself with the clot shot, ie a very quick heart attack, or have I only kept myself alive to become a meal for a stranger, sometime in the not too distant future?
I wonder if when the tipping point arrives and there are no takers for UK bonds.... will/can the Fed be a buyer of last resort (in secret of course). No solution but it could extend the game a little
Yes, I read that too. During the Tutsi genocide there was a surge of wild dogs because there was so much meat around. So much it took time to clear it out.
Before order goes down, ask if you can get some cyanide pills or schedule a euthanasia appointment. I would do that if I sensed things were picking up pace.
“Why do they feel the need to rush papers through? Well, it’s because that’s how they get or keep their jobs, that’s how they get grants, everything is based on that,” he said.
“When you know that your whole career depends on publishing papers in particular journals, you’re going to do what you have to do to publish those papers.
I heartily concur. This, my friends, is the result of the “positive parenting; let the children lead!” BS. It’s what happens when organisms are subjected to a total lack of real stress and any need to pay attention to their environment because there are never any negative consequences for their behavior. Just like financial investors go insane and distort the markets beyond functionality when there’s lots of free money around coupled with Fed “puts” to artificially keep them safe from loss, average adults go insane when everything in life becomes a series of big freebies and somebody in the system always swoops in to shield them from life’s lessons.
Fear not, though. The oncoming global economic collapse will take care of this the hard way. Nature can be a bitch, but she always gets the job done. OUR mission at this point is to take care of ourselves and our family/community, become our own life rafts to ride the storm, and let Darwin work his magic around us. Then we start the cycle afresh.
Yes, we’ve certainly done enough damage already! And I wish the idiots pushing nuclear power and spreading the nonsense that it’s “green and carbon free!” (Insert vapid smiley face here to assuage the concerns of doubters), would consider your points about spent waste and the radioactive cooling ponds!
The point is, though, that nobody really knows what the end of this trial of civilization will look like. There are still a few elderly people with nowhere else to live eking out a life in the forests around Chernobyl, and communities like the Amish who know how to defend themselves and can get along just fine without the rest of us. There is some evidence that human civilizations may have come and then gone before us in the wake of global cataclysms, and somehow a few always survive to plant the seeds with the relatively unaffected tribes living in distant areas.
I’m under no illusion that things will be less than dire, and the behavior of spent nuclear fuel will only add to the challenges. I think that’s a great reason to divide one’s efforts between enjoying today and putting aside some effort to cope with the vagaries of tomorrow. While I can’t say that I, personally, and my family will definitely survive to rebuild (although my “inner knowing” tells me that that’s precisely what I’m here to do, so I have hope), I CAN say for sure that the pampered mice are doomed.
The universe is a vast place with powers we barely have an inkling of. It can ‘make things happen’ in the most undreamed of ways. I’m learning that often the best thing to do is let go and trust. If it is meant to be, it will happen, and if not, it won’t. My inner sense told me what I was a young child that I would be among the last human generations to walk the face of the earth and that seemed completely preposterous. Yet here we are. My inner sense now tells me I’m here to help pick up the pieces of a devastated world and help get the cycle going again. Am I right? Only time will tell, but I’m not willing to betray myself by not at least trying. If there is to be survival at all, it will go to the bigfoots and the honey badgers, not to the resigned. But I do agree with you about the Tee Vee. It’s one of the instruments that will do (and, on some levels, already has done) more to make average people go extinct than bullets, looters or even cooling ponds.
"My inner sense now tells me I’m here to help pick up the pieces of a devastated world and help get the cycle going again. Am I right?"
No because the cycle cannot get going again. There are no more resources that could be used by any future civilisation. The four horsemen are close now and there will be only ruins and corpses left.
I won’t make that call. Dire, yes. But the world is much more complex than we know, so a hard, blanket “no” is too assumptive of a judgment for me to make.
Never that simple. But, hey, if being a committed doomer is your thing, go for it. CBD has a great program called MAID if you’d prefer to not stick around to suffer the horrifying end. I’m sure they can fit you in tomorrow, or will that be too late?
If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.
One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.
It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl. Source
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo. Source
Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident Source (Note: The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.)
“However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.” Source
It does not matter how remote you are, the jet stream and ocean currents will circulate these toxic cancer-causing substances around the globe. They will be picked up by convection and pour deadly rain on your crop and water supply.
Nobody survives the collapse of civilization. This will be an extinction event.
"The point is, though, that nobody really knows what the end of this trial of civilization will look like. There are still a few elderly people with nowhere else to live eking out a life in the forests around Chernobyl, and communities like the Amish who know how to defend themselves and can get along just fine without the rest of us. "
Again, you're not really thinking or you're doing your best and you're just low IQ. All those groups depend entirely on industrial civilisation for things like tools and guns and all kinds of other stuff. It's no use citing them as evidence of anything.
Working since aged ten, I did everything expected of me as a 'Provider'. Had two promising sons who became Professionals and thanked us for their loving and priveleged nurturing, before judging that I was just another 'Colonialist dinosaur', fit only for a Geriatric Ward, whilst divesting me of my life savings.
All...simply because, their abscence of adversity in life, nurtured a warped sense of self-entitlement, because they could never value 'good', in the abscence ofi 'evil', which they had never thankfully, comprehended nor experienced.
As the wise ones say:
A strong man breeds comfortably weakened spirits who elect the like-minded, and pave the way to mediocrity and betrayal of our values.
They were only legally entitled to £13,000 each from my wife’s estate when she passed on.
However, they presumed that they were entitled to half of their mum’s estste , and half of mine, since they reckoned that she had owned half of my estate.
So, I gave them £120,000 to shut them up.
But they then returned and demanded two thirds of the sale of our home, and I was hospitalised with heart-failure, and high on painkillers, so I gave them their expected £60,000 and left myself on my pensions, just for some peace.
They now cannot remember me giving them all of this money, as three months later, I demanded it back, and they pled poverty.
Abd, that….ladies and gentlemen, are the self-entitled monsters that gave up the UK to an alien culture, without even, a Woke whimper.
They were only legally entitled to £13,000 each from my wife’s estate when she passed on.
However, they presumed that they were entitled to half of their mum’s estste , and half of mine, since they reckoned that she had owned half of my estate.
So, I gave them £120,000 to shut them up.
But they then returned and demanded two thirds of the sale of our home, and I was hospitalised with heart-failure, and high on painkillers, so I gave them their expected £60,000 and left myself on my pensions, just for some peace.
They now cannot remember me giving them all of this money, as three months later, I demanded it back, and they pled poverty.
Abd, that….ladies and gentlemen, are the self-entitled monsters that gave up the UK to an alien culture, without even, a Woke whimper.
lower class values : irresponsible and stupid, pizza, dominos, sports and hookers booya, no planning just do whatever to survive
middle class values : irresponsible and entitled, save and expend for luxury $$$ and trinkets, send kids to ''daycare centre'', expect ''results'' when handing off to ''other/foreign'', plan to be an obedient work drone
upper class values : this is our ''wealth'' our ''legacy'' our ''future'' the ''family's''. should be educated properly ''ourselves'' it is our ''responsibility''.. plan to change direction of society, business, entity
If you manage to survive the journey from Class 3C through all yhose ciltural barriers, I think I have eatned the right to propose what a solution to the elutes fencing off of our humanity into useful packages of labour and desetving culture.
It's darts for me, followed a Rosé and a game of Poker, whilst reading ancient texts, insulting monarchy and bishops, and creating my own little heaven, by dispensing my wisdom to a horde of kids.
Yeah.... why not just go Full Retard.... perhaps I will switch into Gimp Mode later this afternoon to the supermarket.... squat in front of the produce department ... pull down my pants... make eye contact with shoppers... and take a dump... have Madame Fast video this ... and upload it to Onlyfans....
I have also been contemplating driving around the city and when I see a Sow... screaming out the window 'you fat Sow... can't you control yourself?' How fun would that be.
Then I'd head to the Liquor Baron and buy a case of their cheapest grog ... and hand out bottles to the aborigine fellas in the CBD and film that mayhem...
Fuck Yeah.... you want chaos... you want insanity ... I can bring it... Big Time
This study proves nothing about actual people. You'd have to shove the world's population into Dallas to equate this study to what's happening in our world. This earth is vast.
Yes, society has become a cesspool in many ways, especially in the online space. Instead of blaming it on overpopulation, look to the intentional destruction of the culture with role models thrown out for narcissistic idols, the replacement of inspiring art and music with vapid 3 word phrases about “git'n what's mine", poppin’ ho's, ridin’ d's, etc., the current attention span of a knat propagated by cellphones and constant entertainment on the fly, social media for seeking approval instead of one's own sense of self-accomplishment, participation trophies for all such that excelling at something no longer matters, the dumbing down of society through chemicals in our air, food, water and “medicines” , school systems which teach you every pointless politically correct piece of drivel instead of critical thinking skills. “Leave that to the experts,” they say. (You know, the ones pumping out the jabs and sending our young men overseas to die in the dessert for other nations.)
This is a society with no purpose, not even to truly care for themselves. We have been divided and conquered, made helpless and hopeless. Look to your leaders and the developers of all this social engineering if you want to find the true cause of this decay.
I had to, unfortunarely take the Government sponsored badjab, cos my wife was stage four.
But, sheeeeeit, I defy all odds, to the amazement of the paramedics, simply because I wholky believe in Epigenetics and I aim to outlive Bill Rear Entry Gates and Sorearse Soros....
I had to, unfortunarely take the Government sponsored badjab, cos my wife was stage four.
But, sheeeeeit, I defy all odds, to the amazement of the paramedics, simply because I wholky believe in Epigenetics and I aim to outlive Bill Rear Entry Gates and Sorearse Soros....
And here we have what is known in my world as a Fucking Retarded MORON.
Now all she needs is a face boob and ass job... put on Taylor Swift's greatest hits and what more does one need to be awesome????
Last spring, Chloe, a 15-year-old who lives in the US state of Georgia, was stuck. She had tried dieting with a nutritionist and exercising with a personal trainer, but her weight was not budging. She felt self-conscious and depressed, and struggled to carry her heavy school bag. When her mother suggested she try a weight-loss drug, Chloe saw it as a “miracle”, she recalls. “I was like, ‘Oh my goodness, thank God there’s a solution.’”
The teenager suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, which predisposes women to obesity. Doctors had offered the contraceptive pill to try to ease some symptoms, but nothing to address the obesity, and her mother was worried about the long-term effects on her health.
After taking semaglutide, the active ingredient in Wegovy, for nine months, Chloe has lost 25 pounds (11kg). She wakes up nauseous in the morning — a common side effect — but sees this as a price worth paying; she often felt unwell already. She accepts she is likely to need to take the injection for life, but she hopes it will protect her from diseases like diabetes.
“I’d rather be skinny and happy with myself, than be fat, overweight, not feeling great about myself,” she says. “It’s awesome sauce.”
I couldn't stand to read the entire article... Idiocracy... yet it's normal...
I badly want the extinction to arrive.... otherwise I am going to have to go live in a shack in the bush without internet....
A team of executives from one of China’s biggest public transport operators has a new mission: propping up the latest vulnerable developer in the country’s long-running property crisis.
The builder, Vanke, made six appointments this month from state-run Shenzhen Metro, while executives were also parachuted in from a government-run asset management arm and a credit guarantee firm in the southern Chinese city, according to an internal memo circulated online.
The move indicates a more active role for local authorities in the fate of a company that has become the latest bellwether of China’s property downturn.
Across the country, it has also raised hopes of greater state intervention in an industry slowdown well into its fourth year.
“Policymakers don’t want Vanke to fall because that’s going to really damage sentiment,” said Larry Hu, chief China economist at Macquarie, adding that the new phrase in housing policy circles was “stop the decline”. “If Vanke goes bankrupt, the housing market will not ‘stop the decline’.”
After letting dozens of private developers default since Evergrande’s collapse in 2021, authorities in Beijing are now under greater pressure to restore faith in a sector that for decades underpinned economic growth.
Shenzhen-based Vanke, one of the first private companies to win a land auction in the late 1980s, was initially thought to be insulated from the sector’s cash crunch. The city’s subway operator has owned an approximately 30 per cent stake in the company since 2017, and in 2022, Vanke was listed as a “high-quality developer” eligible for official funding support.
But its plummeting home sales show the downturn is persisting and appears resistant to Beijing’s policy responses. Last month, Shenzhen Metro parachuted in a new chair and chief executive after swirling rumours over the whereabouts of its former leader Zhu Jiusheng and a warning of a $6.2bn loss for 2024.
Any default in a company so closely linked to a local government would be another blow to economic confidence within and outside China. According to data provider Debtwire, 41 Chinese developers are still in active restructuring or liquidation proceedings in Hong Kong, where many of them listed during a multi-decade boom in housing.
In addition to the leadership appointments, the developer received a Rmb2.8bn ($380mn) loan from Shenzhen Metro. But the amount is dwarfed by more than Rmb50bn in debt due this year, according to financial data provider Wind, with payments on a closely watched offshore bond due in May.
Leonard Law, a credit analyst at Lucror Analytics, pointed to a “heightened likelihood that the Shenzhen government would help the company garner sufficient financial resources to avoid a default”.
The metro group is “unlikely to provide blank cheques to support Vanke”, he added, but it could “purchase assets or provide loans to boost Vanke’s liquidity”.
Rating agency Fitch estimated last month the value of new home sales would drop by 15 per cent this year.
Two people involved in restructurings in Hong Kong painted a pessimistic picture of the mainland market. “The reality, I think, is that these companies . . . need significant breathing space,” said one of the people. “The onshore business model is broken.”
China is fucked... the property market will not recover... bailing this pc of shit out only delays the inevitable collapse.... allowing me to get a little more bucket listing in
The management overhaul appears to have helped allay concerns for now. Since mid-January, Vanke’s international bonds have recovered from distressed levels and now trade close to their par value.
Just when I started to get my hopes up for a Global Thermal Nuclear exchange to rid the human cockroach infestation, two superpowers are now talking peace. Damn, I was trying to plan my beach chair location awaiting the moment when that glorious white flash came down from the skies all over the world.
Damn, what a sad day. Bring back Joe Bidet and his team of Neocons. 🥳
I never got my hopes up that high... end of the day there is nothing left to fight over .... we have burned up too much of the cheap stuff... why fight?
I was reading that Aussie power prices have surged .. and that most of the gas produced here is exported.... some are demanding the exports be throttled back (mainly to Asia).
The fact that we do not is evidence that nations are cooperating with respect to energy - rather than fighting over it.... the world is interconnected so if any key part fails we all fail...
I should add to this, that with human populations, the numbers and dynamics are completely different for various reasons.
The optimum number for a social group of primates is around one hundred and thirty.
I have written about this before, to a deafening crescendo of silence, and since we know who controls our media, well, 'The proof is always in the pudding'.
A confounding factor in primates, and particularly humans, is 'Intent'.
And intent, is a double edged sword in the hands of 'balanced' social beings, but in the case of those who have no biological basis for processing our whole spectrums of emotions, as in a compromised amygdala, "Intent', is usually the vehicle of what we term, the Psychopath or Sociopath'.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was proposed that Psychopaths numbered only, one in a hundred.
Therefore, in an optimally numbered group, you may expect around two per generation.
And therefore, after three generations, you would have enough, psychopathy for an influential Cabal.
The Elders, knew implicitly that these dynamics were a threat to the stability of the social order, yet tolerated their prescence and their inter-breeding because in times of strife and war, a warrior, devoid of fear, saved a lot of effort from those less dynamic Elders.
Hence, we tolerated the prospective seeds of our own destruction.
And, fast forward, five millenia, under the prompting of a 'god of Wrath', we seem to be in the grip of a plague of earnest pedophilic Psychopaths, intent on recreating their own little 'Paradise Islans', in our formerly ''balanced' cultures and societies.
And we are all now realising that, as you give those children, who revel in dismembering insects and small animals as children, their own chemistry set .......
Clearing up, after the mess is a salutory lesson for us Elders
Copywrite Mind Change Why? Limited 2022
The thing is...
Once we stepped onto the treadmill to hell - known as 'progress' - and particularly when we crossed the Rubicon and started to use petro chemicals to grow food... we enabled extraordinary population numbers... and at the same time we destroyed the soil so that there was no going back
We fucked ourselves ... so there has been no alternative buy more 'progress'....
I've said it many times... the first person to stick a seed in the ground should have had their head caved in ....
How about a sci fi novel... post collapse a small group of people survive... and if one of the tribe is caught innovating they get stoned to death... max two kids per family ... when grand kids arrive the grand parents are executed...
I have wondered if the movie Idiocracy was not what it seems... was it intended as a mockery of our species? Watering plants goes hand in hand with petro chemical fertilizers... both are very bad ideas in the long run
"How about a sci fi novel... post collapse a small group of people survive... and if one of the tribe is caught innovating they get stoned to death... max two kids per family ... when grand kids arrive the grand parents are executed..."
It doesn't work. It will never work. The tribe next door that did not restrict their population or forbid technology comes and kills you, never mind that they are sick and malnourished due to resource overshoot. There's just a lot more of them with better weapons.
Of course it won't work ... it's impossible ... this is an extinction event...
It's a sci fi novel... fiction
Yes, Farming and cropping entails Fencing, (Patriarchal, Inheritable Property Acquisitation and Policing of freedom), and subsistence living, (Indenture, Feudalism, Virtual slavery), respectively.
However, the consequences of grinding cereals between our teeth is the real reason underlying our descent into our personal and collective hells.
It grinds down our dentine, allowing our immune sytems to be opened to constant bacterial assault from whatever we ingest and masticate.
Archaeologicakly, in my research, many of our greatest and most sadistic Warriors are subsequently found to have drainning abscesses in their jaws.
This exyreme and chronic pain eould be enough to send any man, " Berserk".
And to recognise that almost ALL human disease, is caused by the Dental Professions, endlessly promoting Crowns and other invasive procedures, which ensure open access to a whole spectrum of infectious bacteria.
See the astounding work of Dr Gerry Tennant, which evidences this monstrous regime, and tealise why the FDA, typically threatened to suspend his license as a valued MD
Copyright: Mind Change Why? Limited 2022
The optimum number for a social group of primates is around one hundred and thirty.
That's correct and traditional villages are usually about this size
It grinds down our dentine
That was certainly the case for most of history due to the use of millstones contaminating the bread with grit, not nowadays though.
No need for cereals to grind the dentine down and expose our immune systems to a spectum of harmful bacteria.
Any invasive dentistry will suffice.
I was told by dentist after he x-rayed my mouth yet again that I had to have a couple of teeth out or to cap them or whatever or they would cause problems. This was about 3 years ago. No problems as yet.
One swallow does not a summer make....
Idiocracy assumes that the working classes are stupid. Whereas in real life that's not the case.
No, they are more socially savvy because of a deficit in cognitive-information processing capabilities. Everything is downgraded to US/I vs THEM and hence everything the elite class says is translated to 'BS'. Hence the outputs are non-stupid in terms of non-obedience to orders that would harm oneself. But when it comes to alcoholism, sex, sports and whatnot -- they have lower impulse control. Hence, why they are working class. All the ''hard'' and ''undesirable jobs''.
Middle/Professional class are gullible drone conformists.
Upper and ruling class decides the politics.
A few stereotypes there. And I've always noted the obsession that the middle class have with working class sex (procreation...)
It's a competitive world out there.
I know.
The son of a fruit seller with four vocational Degrees.
I'm afraid that degrees indicate not much at all.
I have 2 and a half myself.
I said "Vocational Degrees".
And they indicate nothing?
I said "Vocational Degrees".
And they indicate nothing?
I said "Vocational Degrees".
And they indicate nothing?
When it's discovered that the British economy is a ponzi scheme, and has been for decades, the pound will become worthless. We will no longer be able to import food, oil, or electricity down the interconnectors. As we import 60% of our food calories things could become very nasty, very quickly.
The question for me is would it have been better to have offed myself with the clot shot, ie a very quick heart attack, or have I only kept myself alive to become a meal for a stranger, sometime in the not too distant future?
I wonder if when the tipping point arrives and there are no takers for UK bonds.... will/can the Fed be a buyer of last resort (in secret of course). No solution but it could extend the game a little
The four horsemen are riding, heading for the UK. Skulls will be cracked and bones will be roasted for the marrow. The rats will feast.
Street dogs will be eating the humans... as happened in Rwanda... and rats of course
And humans will be fighting with them for the choice bits
Street dogs will be eating the humans..
Cats do it too. Maybe its their former owners even. They don't care.
The Gates of Hell will open ... that is not hyperbole...
Yes, I read that too. During the Tutsi genocide there was a surge of wild dogs because there was so much meat around. So much it took time to clear it out.
I saw a cat eating a human on a video from Ukraine. Pigs did it too. And chickens. Can't blame them really, just getting their own back.
Before order goes down, ask if you can get some cyanide pills or schedule a euthanasia appointment. I would do that if I sensed things were picking up pace.
Will governments make these available? I am banking on it
“Why do they feel the need to rush papers through? Well, it’s because that’s how they get or keep their jobs, that’s how they get grants, everything is based on that,” he said.
“When you know that your whole career depends on publishing papers in particular journals, you’re going to do what you have to do to publish those papers.
But doesn't the Peer Review process ensure against this?
Academia pushest the lowest form of snake-oil. Luckily its full of mud-bloods
I heartily concur. This, my friends, is the result of the “positive parenting; let the children lead!” BS. It’s what happens when organisms are subjected to a total lack of real stress and any need to pay attention to their environment because there are never any negative consequences for their behavior. Just like financial investors go insane and distort the markets beyond functionality when there’s lots of free money around coupled with Fed “puts” to artificially keep them safe from loss, average adults go insane when everything in life becomes a series of big freebies and somebody in the system always swoops in to shield them from life’s lessons.
Fear not, though. The oncoming global economic collapse will take care of this the hard way. Nature can be a bitch, but she always gets the job done. OUR mission at this point is to take care of ourselves and our family/community, become our own life rafts to ride the storm, and let Darwin work his magic around us. Then we start the cycle afresh.
Fortunately ... there will be no second chance... haven't we done enough damage already?
We havent done any damage, we did our job.
Industrial Farm Cruelty
Horrifying Animal Experimentation
I consider all of that damage... that is my definition of EVIL
Yes, we’ve certainly done enough damage already! And I wish the idiots pushing nuclear power and spreading the nonsense that it’s “green and carbon free!” (Insert vapid smiley face here to assuage the concerns of doubters), would consider your points about spent waste and the radioactive cooling ponds!
The point is, though, that nobody really knows what the end of this trial of civilization will look like. There are still a few elderly people with nowhere else to live eking out a life in the forests around Chernobyl, and communities like the Amish who know how to defend themselves and can get along just fine without the rest of us. There is some evidence that human civilizations may have come and then gone before us in the wake of global cataclysms, and somehow a few always survive to plant the seeds with the relatively unaffected tribes living in distant areas.
I’m under no illusion that things will be less than dire, and the behavior of spent nuclear fuel will only add to the challenges. I think that’s a great reason to divide one’s efforts between enjoying today and putting aside some effort to cope with the vagaries of tomorrow. While I can’t say that I, personally, and my family will definitely survive to rebuild (although my “inner knowing” tells me that that’s precisely what I’m here to do, so I have hope), I CAN say for sure that the pampered mice are doomed.
The universe is a vast place with powers we barely have an inkling of. It can ‘make things happen’ in the most undreamed of ways. I’m learning that often the best thing to do is let go and trust. If it is meant to be, it will happen, and if not, it won’t. My inner sense told me what I was a young child that I would be among the last human generations to walk the face of the earth and that seemed completely preposterous. Yet here we are. My inner sense now tells me I’m here to help pick up the pieces of a devastated world and help get the cycle going again. Am I right? Only time will tell, but I’m not willing to betray myself by not at least trying. If there is to be survival at all, it will go to the bigfoots and the honey badgers, not to the resigned. But I do agree with you about the Tee Vee. It’s one of the instruments that will do (and, on some levels, already has done) more to make average people go extinct than bullets, looters or even cooling ponds.
I live in hope that every single human vanishes from the planet
Industrial Farm Cruelty
Horrifying Animal Experimentation
"My inner sense now tells me I’m here to help pick up the pieces of a devastated world and help get the cycle going again. Am I right?"
No because the cycle cannot get going again. There are no more resources that could be used by any future civilisation. The four horsemen are close now and there will be only ruins and corpses left.
I won’t make that call. Dire, yes. But the world is much more complex than we know, so a hard, blanket “no” is too assumptive of a judgment for me to make.
But the world is much more complex than we know
No it isnt. There were some resources, now they are gone. It's that simple.
Never that simple. But, hey, if being a committed doomer is your thing, go for it. CBD has a great program called MAID if you’d prefer to not stick around to suffer the horrifying end. I’m sure they can fit you in tomorrow, or will that be too late?
There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…
If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.
One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.
It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl. Source
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo. Source
Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident Source (Note: The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.)
“However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.” Source
It does not matter how remote you are, the jet stream and ocean currents will circulate these toxic cancer-causing substances around the globe. They will be picked up by convection and pour deadly rain on your crop and water supply.
Nobody survives the collapse of civilization. This will be an extinction event.
"The point is, though, that nobody really knows what the end of this trial of civilization will look like. There are still a few elderly people with nowhere else to live eking out a life in the forests around Chernobyl, and communities like the Amish who know how to defend themselves and can get along just fine without the rest of us. "
Again, you're not really thinking or you're doing your best and you're just low IQ. All those groups depend entirely on industrial civilisation for things like tools and guns and all kinds of other stuff. It's no use citing them as evidence of anything.
I learned the hard way.
Working since aged ten, I did everything expected of me as a 'Provider'. Had two promising sons who became Professionals and thanked us for their loving and priveleged nurturing, before judging that I was just another 'Colonialist dinosaur', fit only for a Geriatric Ward, whilst divesting me of my life savings.
All...simply because, their abscence of adversity in life, nurtured a warped sense of self-entitlement, because they could never value 'good', in the abscence ofi 'evil', which they had never thankfully, comprehended nor experienced.
As the wise ones say:
A strong man breeds comfortably weakened spirits who elect the like-minded, and pave the way to mediocrity and betrayal of our values.
whilst divesting me of my life savings.
They were only legally entitled to £13,000 each from my wife’s estate when she passed on.
However, they presumed that they were entitled to half of their mum’s estste , and half of mine, since they reckoned that she had owned half of my estate.
So, I gave them £120,000 to shut them up.
But they then returned and demanded two thirds of the sale of our home, and I was hospitalised with heart-failure, and high on painkillers, so I gave them their expected £60,000 and left myself on my pensions, just for some peace.
They now cannot remember me giving them all of this money, as three months later, I demanded it back, and they pled poverty.
Abd, that….ladies and gentlemen, are the self-entitled monsters that gave up the UK to an alien culture, without even, a Woke whimper.
Reminds me of why I never had children - and won't
Oh I see. Pretty awful they were hassling you when you were in that state.
They were only legally entitled to £13,000 each from my wife’s estate when she passed on.
However, they presumed that they were entitled to half of their mum’s estste , and half of mine, since they reckoned that she had owned half of my estate.
So, I gave them £120,000 to shut them up.
But they then returned and demanded two thirds of the sale of our home, and I was hospitalised with heart-failure, and high on painkillers, so I gave them their expected £60,000 and left myself on my pensions, just for some peace.
They now cannot remember me giving them all of this money, as three months later, I demanded it back, and they pled poverty.
Abd, that….ladies and gentlemen, are the self-entitled monsters that gave up the UK to an alien culture, without even, a Woke whimper.
lower class values : irresponsible and stupid, pizza, dominos, sports and hookers booya, no planning just do whatever to survive
middle class values : irresponsible and entitled, save and expend for luxury $$$ and trinkets, send kids to ''daycare centre'', expect ''results'' when handing off to ''other/foreign'', plan to be an obedient work drone
upper class values : this is our ''wealth'' our ''legacy'' our ''future'' the ''family's''. should be educated properly ''ourselves'' it is our ''responsibility''.. plan to change direction of society, business, entity
If you manage to survive the journey from Class 3C through all yhose ciltural barriers, I think I have eatned the right to propose what a solution to the elutes fencing off of our humanity into useful packages of labour and desetving culture.
It's darts for me, followed a Rosé and a game of Poker, whilst reading ancient texts, insulting monarchy and bishops, and creating my own little heaven, by dispensing my wisdom to a horde of kids.
There are fifty states of chaos aka as America.
Perhaps they looked around, and thought "whats the point?"
Yeah.... why not just go Full Retard.... perhaps I will switch into Gimp Mode later this afternoon to the supermarket.... squat in front of the produce department ... pull down my pants... make eye contact with shoppers... and take a dump... have Madame Fast video this ... and upload it to Onlyfans....
I have also been contemplating driving around the city and when I see a Sow... screaming out the window 'you fat Sow... can't you control yourself?' How fun would that be.
Then I'd head to the Liquor Baron and buy a case of their cheapest grog ... and hand out bottles to the aborigine fellas in the CBD and film that mayhem...
Fuck Yeah.... you want chaos... you want insanity ... I can bring it... Big Time
I feel like you are missing something. Oh, thats right, where does the kilo of Bolivian blow come in?
He doesn't know how to buy it.
So Cairns then.
This study proves nothing about actual people. You'd have to shove the world's population into Dallas to equate this study to what's happening in our world. This earth is vast.
Yes, society has become a cesspool in many ways, especially in the online space. Instead of blaming it on overpopulation, look to the intentional destruction of the culture with role models thrown out for narcissistic idols, the replacement of inspiring art and music with vapid 3 word phrases about “git'n what's mine", poppin’ ho's, ridin’ d's, etc., the current attention span of a knat propagated by cellphones and constant entertainment on the fly, social media for seeking approval instead of one's own sense of self-accomplishment, participation trophies for all such that excelling at something no longer matters, the dumbing down of society through chemicals in our air, food, water and “medicines” , school systems which teach you every pointless politically correct piece of drivel instead of critical thinking skills. “Leave that to the experts,” they say. (You know, the ones pumping out the jabs and sending our young men overseas to die in the dessert for other nations.)
This is a society with no purpose, not even to truly care for themselves. We have been divided and conquered, made helpless and hopeless. Look to your leaders and the developers of all this social engineering if you want to find the true cause of this decay.
yes without a doubt there are other contributing factors at play here...
I had to, unfortunarely take the Government sponsored badjab, cos my wife was stage four.
But, sheeeeeit, I defy all odds, to the amazement of the paramedics, simply because I wholky believe in Epigenetics and I aim to outlive Bill Rear Entry Gates and Sorearse Soros....
I had to, unfortunarely take the Government sponsored badjab, cos my wife was stage four.
But, sheeeeeit, I defy all odds, to the amazement of the paramedics, simply because I wholky believe in Epigenetics and I aim to outlive Bill Rear Entry Gates and Sorearse Soros....