A friend in a small town close by has chlorinated water on the tap. No matter how little, it smells and tastes awful. I recently read how tiny an amount it needs to be to disinfect, and forwarded to a page with camping gear, and the tablets to disinfect water 'in the wild'. The water in the swimming pool where I used to go in my former country was desinfected with some salt solution. The only pool around at the time using chlorine was outdated and closed years ago. I think chlorine is unsafe and have not used it for cleaning in many years, I use vinegar and peroxide.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Fast Eddy

Over here in New Zealand they've recently just rammed chlorinated water down our throats. My family bought a filter to remove it, thank God. The local authorities call it residual disinfection because 99% of all nasties are eliminated with UV sterilization. I have sister who lives rural and she relies entirely on UV to sterilize her water. No chlorine, but then again, it's tank water, rather than bore water.

The chlorine is dosed by using sodium hyochlorite bleach. Yummy.The bottle says it's NOT RO BE TAKEN.

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Last month MSM in Australia ran this set of facts out to an already petrified moronic population.-


Interestingly the expert is an advisor to the UN and other shitshows, but she is speaking honest word!. But with no solutions other than " filter" your tapwater... And we know that only nano- filters might be able to filter nanoparticles and I don't believe any filter isn't poisoning us while it degrades, besides maybe a porcelain or home made charcoal filter.

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I am sure Flint water was declared safe at one point ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint_water_crisis

I understand that filters cannot remove all the nasty stuff....

We purchase spring water ... in plastic bottles... not perfect but no doubt a huge step from the stuff coming out of the tap

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I have been drinking distilled water for a few years. Tap water is undrinkable to me now.

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