Control of the masses became more urgent, and more sophisticated after WW1. Pay attention to what Freud says in the first ten minutes:
The Men Who Run the World, aka The Elders, are essentially farming 8 billion humans. You have no value to them other than as a means of production to ensure they live extremely large and are able to maintain their empire.
You are divided into two classifications:
Barnyard Animals: these are the Joe and Jane six packs of the world who perform menial tasks. Factory workers, taxi drivers, cleaners - blue collar workers.
Circus Animals: these are the highly trained people such as lawyers, scientists, doctors, engineers - white collar workers.
The Elders see both groups as essentially stupid. They are able to easily control them using a range of strategies including:
Cash Incentives. Just as Pavlov’s dog learned to push a lever to receive a reward so to do the Barnyard and Circus animals push levers to receive their rewards - we refer to that reward as a salary. Those further up the scale who own and invest receive capital gains and dividends.
Education. Schooling is nothing more than training to perform your role on the Elder’s farm. Cash incentives tie into this with those pursuing higher education understanding that they will benefit with fatter salaries once they graduate. It is all about the money at the end of the day. Notice how doctors, despite seeing the legions of vax injured, continue to toe the line and support the Rat Juice injections - money trumps all.
Mass Media. The Elder’s have something for everyone. You’ve got your Fox, your CNN, your New York Times, BBC - all feeding propaganda to their enthralled audiences, telling them what to think.
Quite often it’s the circus animals who are the easiest to control because they trust the system that pays them handsomely. Rocking the boat does not generally result in higher marks in school, or a promotion or a raise at work, so they quickly learn to do what they are told.
The Elders have assembled an all-star cast to help them control the Barnyard and Circus Animals. We refer to their aides as The Deep State. This is a relatively small group who take direction from The Ministry of Truth backed by the DOD (who will take care of any dissenters if necessary).
“The masses are so easily controlled, that they MUST be controlled,” Fast Eddy.
Take a look around you. See the idiots glued to their phones, addicted to Tee Vee, social media, Taylor Swift, stuffing their faces with KFC and Big Gulps, unable to control themselves, then injecting Ozempic.
Watch as they try to one-up each other by purchasing luxury/branded goods because they are told that makes them superior.
Look at how easily they are duped into buying EVs and solar panels.
Nearly 6 billion of them injected an experimental substance into their bodies because the Tee Vee told them it was safe. No questions asked. Rewarded with a free donut.
Even those that did not inject have been run around by their noses and believe the motive is money, or reducing the population to 500 million, or 5G or whatever they are told on Substack. Anything to lead them away from the nesting baby birds. And when shown The Truth, they squeal ‘but it’s abiotic'!’
Remember Black Fridays? The silly beasts trampled and beat each other so they could be first in the queue to buy a half price popcorn maker.
Look at them glued to CNN watching the political pundits scream over each other, as they try to decide which clown to vote for in the election continuing to believe that THIS TIME it will be different. And yet, it never is. I have trouble deciding if they are dumb or stupid.
Freud was right. Humans are dangerous animals and they must be controlled. To leave humans to their own devices would result in catastrophe.
The "Wolf" doesn't perform in the circus.
reading a 1970 booklet (no one dare call it conspiracy) where the elite is called the Insiders. The politics are old of course, but the text is still very useful, because the handlers don't change.