Jun 16Liked by Fast Eddy

The "Wolf" doesn't perform in the circus.

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And the Great White Shark cannot live in an aquarium :)

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And then there are the feral animals that hiss and scratch until they are put in a cage with other feral animals that rape and murder. This sort of cage is going to get a lot bigger directly.. I read somewhere that it takes 9 days for a population without essentials to go from " civilization" to barbarianism.

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That is discussed...

Milner and Carvel meet | Utopia S2-Ep1


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I have to admit it’s very scary. Especially when nobody around you, is listening to you. There was only a certain amount you can really prepare by yourself. You can hoard food and buy a gun but if you are alone, you are still not gonna keep what you have when gangs of men roaming.

Imagine how sick many men are of feminism, which can’t be blamed on them at all. They will get women back. Even those of us who just wanted to be mothers.

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I would not want to be around when collapse arrives... there will be a lot of very nasty people -- and no police or prisons to deter them...

Think of the worst people you have ever encountered... or heard of... even reasonable people will go feral... because that will be the only way to survive.

Murder and rape will be off the charts... cannibalism will be a big thing.

Does anyone want to watch their child be gang raped then have their throat slit and thrown into a pot? Make no mistake - that is what will happen.

None of this is temporary - there will be no return to a civilized society ...

Then there are the spent fuel ponds... that will spew cancer for centuries...


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Sep 22Liked by Fast Eddy

Do the elites have a plan to deal with the fuel rods? Or do they intend to go down with the ship?

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Nothing can be done ... to a certain extent this is an act of selfishness... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

They know that if they fail to act and 8B hit the streets... they will be looking for the folks who they believe caused the starvation ... and they will skin the elites alive...

The right decision is to exterminate all humans... very kind of them to bother because when the central banks lose control they could do a Mithridates and offed themselves with poison ... and left us to rip each other to shreds...

We need to thank them for their one act of kindness

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reading a 1970 booklet (no one dare call it conspiracy) where the elite is called the Insiders. The politics are old of course, but the text is still very useful, because the handlers don't change.

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John Birch Society publication. Written by Robert Welch. They were exactly right, but were laughed to scorn and mocked mercilessly by the leftists that were already infiltrating American "culture".

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There’s no need for a conspiracy when partisans have common interests and goals.

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Billions who lived in Christian societies owe that religion big-time. It provided the best framework I know of for a decent society. Sure, the power structure of the church, and many, probably most, of the pastors, priests, bishops, etc. milked it for personal gain. But so long as the masses bought in, it worked very well to make for a much more decent and moral world. Without a Christian revival, we're toast. 97% of people aren't worth a shit without an external guidance mechanism. I don't see a way forward that isn't hellish. John Glubb explained it pretty well in "The Fate of Empires".

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That said.... religion - including the Christian religions... has been a key rallying point in controlling the beasts when it is necessary to slaughter and pillage resources.

I have my doubts about Christianity creating more moral societies... I'd need see stats for rape, murder, theft etc... pre and post Christianity.

If it's all about deterrence then Islam might take the crown... chopping off hands and stoning sinners to death.

But then Christianity did some nasty things to violators of the commandments throughout history.

Conrad nailed it with Heart of Darkness... humans are essentially nasty vicious beasts... and civilization to a certain extent keeps us in check.

The only thing that has changed since he wrote that is that we are now experiencing far more sophisticated methods of keeping us in check...

Of course civilization is only possible so long as we have cheap resources to maintain it...

We are now running into serious problems in that respect

“Truth is like poetry.

And most people fucking hate poetry.”

Adam McKay, The Big Short

 — We will never run out of minerals, or petroleum for that matter. There is an ample amount of these resources in Earth’s crust, actually more than we could ever extract.

 — Phew! Are we saved then?

 — Well, this was the truth part. Now it’s time for some poetry.

At some point the veneer will completely wear off... and all hell will break loose.


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seems like the matriarchal societies live in a way more peaceful way

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I’m not aware of any matriarchal societies other than sororities.?

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So, Ingrid , Is Tyler still hitting you?

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Vlad the Impaler !

Four more years!

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The unabridged latest edition of ANIMAL FARM. Orwell is smiling

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