The techno-utopian myth
It just kind of amazes me, how people can’t figure out that technology is subject to diminishing returns. That is, eventually you just bump your head into limits, beyond which further investment becomes pointless. And oftentimes, as you approach those limits, you start fooling yourself, by hiding the costs from yourself.
Consider nuclear fusion. The first controlled fusion reaction was produced in 1958 in the United States. Since then people have continued to perform new experiments, hoping to achieve the holy grail of effectively endless free energy, by replicating a tiny version of the sun on Earth.
A few days ago the Chinese reached a record long fusion reaction apparently. But what amazes me is that after many decades of these experiments, time, effort and money is still being spent on this.
The problems remain the same as ever. Fusion reactions use a mixture of deuterium and tritium. Deuterium is stable, a minor form of hydrogen. Tritium however is unstable and as a result very rare in nature. It’s a product of our nuclear reactors.
The lasers used to bring about fusion alone already consume about as much energy as the reaction itself produces. That’s not counting the cost of the fuel (tritium costs 30,000 per gram) and the cost of constructing the reactors.
But then you’re not there yet, because you still have no effective way to capture the energy that your reaction produces. About 80% of that energy is released in the form of neutrons. Those neutrons bump into your reactor’s shield and as neutrons tend to do, transform the elements into different elements that are radioactive in their own right.
That’s the next problem you run into. If you want to keep these reactions going for more than a few minutes, you’ll have to figure out what you’re going to do about the radioactive transformation of the shield.
Any sort of commercially active fusion reactor would need a source of tritium. Because tritium is so rare in nature and because available tritium is being consumed faster than new tritium is being produced, as the reactors that produce it are now shutting down, we would first need to construct new special breeder reactors, that produce the tritium that can then be used by the fusion reactors.
And yet, after seventy years of experimentation that led us nowhere, people don’t want to give up on this dream of cheap infinite energy. Read More
Why do they continue to lie about fusion? Because they must be seen to be transitioning off of substances that are depleting. They must gaslight the barnyard animals.
The bullshit is being piled higher and higher as we approach the End of Days. They pivot from turning Gaza into another Vegas to one day stopping Temu shipments then the next all is forgotten.
And with Covid how many times have you read on the Ministry of Truth Production known as Substack over the past few years that legal action is being initiated against various perpetrators of Operation Warp Speed? High fives all around … but then nothing happens.
How many times has Trump been charged with crimes … but then nothing happens.
How many times have we read that Biden ‘the big guy’ and is son are involved in corruption and that they are going down… but then nothing happens.
They insisted that solar and wind and EVs were going to transition us off of fossil fuels. In fact they passed laws that would ban ICE vehicles but now they are backtracking.
Bush told us we’d be walking on the moon again by 2020.
It’s like watching pro wrestling or a movie and believing it is reality.
Case Study 1.0 Case Study 2.0 Case Study 3.0 Case Study 4.0
How many times do you have to be lied to before you understand that they are playing with you? Next to none of what you read is real.
It’s easy to fall into the trap and selectively believe the MSM on some issues.
We need to recall that Jean Claude Juncker admitted some years ago that, ‘When it’s really bad, you have to lie.’ I would suggest that when it is really, really bad you also must completely censor (recall how any naysaying doctors and scientists were shut down when the suggested the Death Shots were neither safe or effective).
Clearly when we read that ‘they have it all under control’ or that ‘fusion energy is ready for prime time’ this should immediately raise red flags and rather than accepting the comforting words, it should instead alert us to look more deeply into the issue.
It's pretty much the same with Thorium. This is from a current Nuclear engineer.
We are always so close because a test or experiment yielded a small burst of energy under the most extreme and perfect conditions. Face it! It is fossil fuels or bust, i.e. collapse. And those that think they have it made by living in a country that doesn't need much energy, look out because the food zombies will find you and every desperate nation will take and pillage what you have.
"The living being wants above all to vent its strength—life itself is will to power."
-Friedrich Nietzsche