It's astonishing how some of the Barnyard Animals will still take animal Wranglers such as disbarred barrister Alexander Mercouris and bloviating ex-US military or CIA types such as Colonel MacGregor, Scott Ritter or Larry Johnson as credible analysts of the phony war all the while congratulating themselves on their keen discernment and independent spirit for having done so under the overarching delusion that they are something more than Barnyard Animals being fed a different brand of the same slop. It's the setup you see at work in the case of the phony pandemic, whereby the "critical" Barnyarders will allow themselves to be controlled by the "dissident" wranglers such as RFK Jr, Robert Malone, Jordan ("take the damn jab") Peterson, Trump and the Weinstein Bros in preference to the bad "establishment" Wranglers such as Fauchi, Collins, Jeremy Farrar, Jacinda Ardern, Trudeau and the rest of the galaxy of experts and politicians from the Five Eyes countries, take your pick. As that late truly critical Barnyard Philosopher famously put it, "It's a big club and you ain't in it."

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Indeed... the vast majority of the Anti Vax crowd believes that what bbccnn tells them about Ukraine is absolutely true --- as do a huge number of them believe someone shot Trump.


Oceans of fools

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Nov 2Edited

What needs to be remembered is that the alleged Ukraine War started at a time when the Freedom Convoy was being mimicked worldwide because too many people from the 50% that are liable to go either way - 30% are hardcore fuckheads who not only swallow but vehemently propagate any horseshit their masters shove down their throats, 20% are dissenters - were becoming fed up and were leaning toward the aforementioned 20%.

Fucking CONVID disappeared virtually overnight. The next day, they rolled out Ukrainian flags, "Glory to Ukraine" banners, and all the other stuff, and started feeding the populace the war horseshit.

Is the war real, like is there any shooting taking place? Who the fuck knows. It doesn't matter. Whether or not a war is taking place, it's how it's spun, used to fuck up people in the head, and manipulate the goings-on.

With the propagandemic, they scared the shit out of people with an alleged deadly virus; with the war propaganda, they're scaring the shit out of people with the bullshit that Russia will march westward and conquer Europe, which hasn't quite worked, so they're now invoking nuclear war, which is bullshit of the same caliber because nuclear is in nobody's interest.

The right strategy is not to believe anything of what any of the motherfuckers say. Squeeze through the cracks, don't go where the crowd does, have a hill ready to run to. Eff them all.

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Earlier today, Russia cut the gas supply off unless Europe paid in Rubles. Several hours later, Poland agreed to the demand, and then a few hours later, so did the rest of Europe.

Russia just pointed out that Europe is no longer independent.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree Thursday demanding payment for natural gas in rubles but appeared to temper the order by allowing dollar and euro payments through a designated bank, the latest twist over energy supplies that Europe relies on to heat homes and generate electricity. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/russia-demands-natural-gas-payments-in-rubles-leaves-a-loophole

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What he needs to do is throttle back... not demand rubles (but not really demand).... he needs to squeeze the EU till their eyeballs pop when the barnyard animals get their next heating bill

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Maybe but you can't really believe anything from the likes of PBS without your own investigation.

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The EU is not NATO.

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North Macedonia










United Kingdom

United States

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I know what countries are in and not in NATO. Canada, the USA, and Turkey, to mention a few, are not part of the EU.

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EU agrees $50B funding deal for Ukraine at pivotal time in the war


The European Parliament approved an EU loan of up to €35 billion to Ukraine


EU joint procurement of ammunition and missiles for Ukraine: Council agrees €1 billion support https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2023/05/05/eu-joint-procurement-of-ammunition-and-missiles-for-ukraine-council-agrees-1-billion-support-under-the-european-peace-facility/

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What's your point?

The fact of the matter is that he continues to send immense amount of energy ... to his enemy.

Why would he do that?

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He doesn't view Europe as his enemy but as a puppet controlled by his increasingly weak enemy, the United States. Which is what it is. The gas contract ends at the end of 2024 anyway I believe. Not sure what happens then.

Then again I think Russia is even still exporting some stuff to the USA as well, isn't it? It's pretty weird.

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The puppet is apparently sending nearly 100 billion Euros to Ukraine that is being used to fight Russia... so we are supposed to believe... so why would he not want to stop that?

There is no war... there are photo ops and fakery to make people believe there is a war...

RedPill Reader

Sep 16, 2024 9:32 AM

Reply to Fast Eddy

Mate, your article is effing brilliant. I’ve been trying to get people to see this since 2022. I used to post on here asking for people to provide footage of a real war happening in Ukraine, never got anything back but links to those fucking creepy vids that look like computer game footage with dramatic movie music added to make it ‘exciting’, or vids of unfit guys driving Soviet era hardware through fields or deserted housing estates, shooting at empty space or the dilapidated buildings.

Then there was the fake bodies which were silicone and could be seen bending in the wrong places and being carried round like they weighed just a couple of pounds. Remember them?

But no one on here wanted to know barring a couple of people. Two years on it’s just getting more and more ridiculous. Now we’re supposed to believe Ukraine has invaded Russia and Russia just sits back and takes it and continues selling them gas! Crazy.

I’m ex-army (Brit) and I studied combat strategy and I knew right from day one the war made no sense from either side’s perspective. Neither side were doing what any competent command would do to maximize their effectiveness.

The minute Russia allegedly got to Kiev in a few days and then turned round and went home I knew this was not a real war in the sense we know it. Listening to the streams of total bullshit put out to ‘explain’ that and all the other ridiculous stuff just does your head in. I’ve learned people will believe anything if they want to or don’t care enough to think about it.

Anyway good for you writing that article. I would hope OG might pick it up but I doubt it. They have never said too much about the subject or picked up on the obvious BS the way they do about most other stuff. They started as a pro-Russia site and I think that blinds them to what’s going on, or NOT going on, in Ukraine.

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Neither is UK

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That is irrelevant. Why would Putin fuel the EU NATO member countries?

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Attract more flies with sugar than shit. He realises citizens are tired of the EU and their authoritarianism…and thinks he has a better flavour of it for them?

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Do you have evidence of this?

We are meant to believe the EU has provided the pecker head piano player nearly 100B Euros... to pay for weapons... to attack Russia.... Surely he'd want to stop that (if it was true)

Also - if the goal is to turn the citizens of the EU against the EU... very simple ... inform them that they have a mutual enemy... then starve the EU of energy ... and tell the citizens to take to the streets and overthrow their oppressors...

And the EU will get a big fat pipeline full of cheap energy ...

I am a fan of logic

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And maybe wants the infrastructure in place for when he and xi take over. He’ll need to fuel his war machine. idk. Just a guess

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I see what you mean now... and second that emotion.

Without the US military powerhouse the EU is toast.

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I need someone to work out why - if the EU has provided Z with nearly 100B of Euros to buy weapons to fight Putin ... why Putin does not try to put stop to this by throttling back on the gas.

Unfortunately it's kinda like asking a Vaxxer why so many people have cancer after the vaccines... I am getting that same blank stare

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The weapons don't exist. You can't buy them at any price.

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The US is no longer a military powerhouse.

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Here's a theory to consider. The Russians sell gas to Europe. Europe buys the gas. Therefore they don't put in place the resources needed to buy and receive gas from the US. This leaves Europe as a hostage to Russia who can turn off the gas whenever it wants to.

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Everyone who does not have their own energy resources... is an energy hostage. Everyone who does not have their own farms... is an energy hostage. Everyone who do not have their own arms ...

Being involved internationally, makes you a hostage... just like everyone else. Its how we are all supposed to get along.

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With regards to the Ukraine 'conflict' all I've seen are Russian military training videos and stock footage of old interactions in the region. Everything else has been third party reporting from the usual MSM bullshitters and the new wave of 'independent' podcasters also known as Barnyard Bloviators whose job it is to string the curious along down the BRICS adjacent rah rah rabbit hole.

Compare this to on the ground combat reporting in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and even WW2. So much footage of soldiers actually fighting and the war reporters were right there in the thick of it alongside them.

Of course some of that may have been staged for propaganda purposes too but you could kind of tell what was real and what wasn't. Reality has a certain quality to it that is undeniable. Much like the footage coming out of Gaza recently.

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There is constant footage of the conflict on Telegram. It's brutal.

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Wealth transfers prior to financial obliteration.

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