One wonders given the 10D chess of the Ministry of Truth ... if the reason they allowed this in the first place... was because they were planning for Operation Messiah ... Trump as Saviour....
With the rationale behind what made no sense at the time ... being ... to have Trump reverse this when they put him in play ... to reinforce the narrative that he will save america and fix everything ...
The things he cannot fix... is energy depletion... and inflation ...
Well yes. All this stuff is no doubt popular but he's completely unable to deal with the real issues that are making everyone poor. In fact he will make them worse.
He cannot refill oil and gas wells... he can shout Drill Baby Drill all he wants... that act in the play is over... we drilled all the good plays some years ago... and sucked up the dregs out of the carpet...
Now we are resorting to searching for stale backwashed beer in plastic cups mixed with cigarette butts and spit ... and greedily gulping that down....
Trump of course knows all this... he understands that he is playing a role ... that he is 'The Messiah'... that it's not real... but it serves a very useful purpose...
As my friend in NZ said ...'if Trump is conning us -- then we are lost'...
He will not respond to any negativity on this issue ... he can't... it's the same as trying to have a logical discussion about religion... true believers cannot handle the truth
If you spend half your life in alien cultures around the planet, as I have - starting off as an impressionable 5-year-old in Occupied Germany in 1946 - you are truly amazed at the devotion and faith that the denizens of GreatestCountryInTheWorld maintain in their governing institutions. [PROTIP: "Occupied Germany" is still what you may call it.] In most countries of the world, and I am thinking specifically of places I have spent time like Italy, Thailand, Colombia and Indonesia, the average working stiff appraises the authorities as an "occasionally necessary evil", best avoided or cheated out of his dough when possible. The Yanks, God Bless them, by and large still trust their gubmint and maintain the faith that it is acting in their best interest. Class assignment: name me a couple of other countries where that is the case. [Puzzled, bewildered, "gee never thought of it like that" looks]. Enjoy the view when all those wrinkled old walruses in their Miami condos either stop getting those faithful monthly checks or those faithful monthly checks start to bounce. Supply lines wither and crumble, and the trusting (entitled) Norteamericano is going to be standing there with his dick in his hand, thoroughly bewildered. "Step over here, sir, for your daily allotment of FEMA-donated mRNA stew." "You're welcome."
When I think of collapse... I think of fellas from substantial old money ... as well as some fellas that I interact with substantial new money.... many of them share a smugness.. they believe they are superior...
I also notice how obsessed they are with $$$... never enough... and if anyone dares to tax them or impose a law that might impede their ability to pile up more gold... they get very serious... very upset...
They do love their bailouts... but if there is any form of bailout for the have nots -- that's welfare...
They will fight and claw and kill to ensure they remain rich.
They are doing absolutely everything possible to fend off collapse... they have even worked out how to steam oil out of sand while losing hundreds of billions of dollars in the process... that's how desperate they are...
Clearly at some point - probably sooner than later -- they will fail. All the greatest minds who are advising the Elders will throw up their hands... I live for that moment -- knowing they know that they are fucked... that the species is fucked...
We actually deserve to suffer and die... to be eaten by our neighbours... we are truly vile... selfish... greedy... and stupid... and without a doubt ... we brought this upon ourselves...
The mRNA stew is there to fill your belly, make you feel satisfied and then finish you off with blood clots ~ cancer ~ [fill in the blank with side effects]
Initially there will be plump children to butcher and roast over a fire fueled by plastic bags... but starvation will quickly reduce the available meat to skin and bone... and then... there will be nothing
What the wicked masterminds seem to have recognized is that the appalling physical condition of most Norteamericanos works to disguise the willful damage inflicted by their mRNA, ventilators and RunDeathIsNear medication. When consumers are already killing themselves with junk food, mood dope, alcohol and inattention to exercise, it doesn't take much more to shove them over the edge - and "doctors are baffled" becomes less of a charade. Try that stunt with Swiss or Norwegians or Alaskans and alarm bells start clanging.
Everyone here guesses that you are inundated with offers from groupies and your denial is just down to the presence in your life of Mrs Fast. Why would anyone be on substack if it wasn't for hot groupies?
As a general rule, one can not rise politically and accumulate "power" unless one can be controlled. I guess the best form of control is via blackmail, using pedophilia. Hence Epstein's rise in power, from a prep school mathematics teacher to a criminal money launderer using his pedophile blackmail ring as a side hustle.
A sovereign wealth fund that "creates value?" Let me get this straight. So the US Treasury has issued trillions in dollars of debt (what we know about on their books but not in off- book accounts like FASB56 ). The FED then prints fiat currency "dollars. Banks can "legally" loan out through a 9:1 fractional reserve system of fraud (counterfeiting) even more money, and then through Clinton's repeal of Glass-Steagal, can enable banks to create rogue "financial instruments," complete with derivatives that multiply the fiat debt anywhere from 10 to 1 to 100 to 1.
Now enter Bitcoin, nothing but an energy sink to maintain its hologram appearance as "value", and then when that is not enough, allow Wall Street to "financialize" BTC into "securities" and then create stablecoins like Tether which are backed by US Treasuries as "collateral." Tether in turn is transformed into a security and used as collateral to borrow against to buy more BTC to pump up BTC's price to over $100,000.
Got that?
So now all of this creates "value" ....for the American people whom the billionaires care so much about. The lying bullshit from these M-Fers never ends. Most billionaires as a general rule accumulate their wealth because they can extract money from the government in private public partnerships. Rarely do they produce anything of real value. The government can't do all the sleaze by itself because then it gets exposed to the voters and Congress. So it partners with private companies-- MIC, big education, big pharma, green energy, and health care, which are unelected rogue agencies, of which the FED is supreme, to do all of this on the sly. You have to be a
sociopath to do this. Gates, Ludnick, Bezos, Zuckerburg, Ellison, Musk, Thiel, ...etc they get their wealth by extracting it from the governement and what productive part of the carcass that is still remaining. In the end, this will be the mother of all thefts, as pointed out by David Rogers Webb's book "The Great Taking."
We are all being played. Nothing can undo what is coming down the line. We are burning the candle at both ends: the depletion of energy and raw materials on one end and the astronomical debt on the other. I give myself 50-50 odds of dying a natural death vs getting killed in the future maelstrom.
what they do is no different than everyone else dude. you are just going in circles.
the american goes and takes a loan. a loan is a claim on nonexistent resources. this pulls demand forward and accelerates extraction rate of mining/getting distribution of resources/manufacturing. this happens at the point of expending the LOAN onto purchases with a time-lag delay of industries modelling their aggregate resource utilization rates. Not when you have $$ in bank account or instruments doing nothing.
the lobbyist ceo tries to inflict pain on people by getting subsidies for their businesses or competitors try to use lawfare to prevent competitors from breaking in. every idiot 120 iq over invests in ghost financial instruments to accumulate digits.
whether you are a billionaire or a normie getting handouts the result is the same. you stole from someone's future to keep yourself alive. especially the pensioners who paid in at a 1:100 EROIE date and now consume more resources whilst contributing nothing.
true mr billionaire dissipates 25x the energy of a westerner and a westerner dissipates 25x more energy than a third worlder. but if you spawn 25x westerners thats the equivalent of the $200m house they live in and jets they fly in. no different dude lol. you are jjust going in circles. people could give two craps if three bajillion chinese clapse their fingers and breathe in formadhyelde whilst getting cheap temu crap that would normally take 5 years fo manual labour without energy supplies. theres always a bigger fish to blame. contracts is name of game. whilst its true you can have 300 billion digits sitting in an account, the reality is the 100000 minion workers working in the office and data centres eat up more resources than 1 person whom has 1 billion digits in the account growing 99% every year. they are both effectively parasites. guy who sits in office typing digits in excel spreadsheet is no different than politician sitting giving speeches for hopium for the masses to delude themselves that something will change. everyones a leech bro. now if you want to argue value i guess the search engine deep state that gathers data gives people enough value to entertain themselves indefinitely through sports, sex, everything enough so people consume less resources trying to get material stuff. gates and whomever can only order minions to dissipate energy to do stuff, like make vaccines to maim third worlders, gates himselves cannot eat 9999x meals or live in 9999x houses contrary to how most people think you can blame everything on the rich. money is an instrument of power to direct social energy/workers to do things, it inself does not make you rich. if you dont extract the gooze and direct people to do something with it, nothing happens. 95% of ecnomy is service economy and only the 5% doing manufacturing and agriculture technically are ''productively real'' so yeah your argument is moot. the government is not a seperate magical entity of god that does anything special. its literally people who seek power to decide decisions for others. 99% of people are fatasses that never want to get power, so ultimately they don't get to dine on fine wine and eat lobster. it's that simple bro. like what are you gonna do?? how many westerners can direct soldiers to go bomb foreign countries and manage populations growth rates/death rates and do all those responsibilities? you too can make delusional speeches for the masses and give infinite promises of indefinite health care or whatever, you can specialize in anything but at end of day people crave safety and feeling that government is protecting them or someone cares about them (lol). all in all theres really only 20-30k power international elites. suppose to slit their throat, and then what? what changed in the end dude?? the 9912992931932 amazon packages will still use up all that coal.
people worship money. period. that is the start and end. the guy that receives 300 bucks stipend and tells all his second family to get OSS security is the same as the guy that tries to divest into 928589 real estate houses to get 2932932 bucks, same as wall street class that moves digits around. sex workers dont really add any value, doctors keep people of no value alive, office workers pretty much just are there to make ''digital'' services and entertainment for humans or act as ''communication layer'' between directing stuff. only real workers are manufacturing people (even then they contribute 0 to energy usage vs machines), miners and food producers/transporters/builders. everyone else is surplus, you can say it as much differently as you want. teaching, arts, etc are just niceties and extras at end of day. services are also mostly niceties.
the el salvador farmers that get 2 pennies to selling fruit for you and african cobalt miners are more ''real'' workers than you. they used more human energy and they blow up their backs than you, compared westerner to those people that dig 12 hours a day in dark ditch, you are a leech, billionaires are just uberleeches.
its a game of musical chairs dude. if there was infinite exergy and materials, yea we could all have 2 hour work days and have 950000sq feet mansions and be super nice each other. why are people mad and sad and angry?? the guy over there gets to stay rich, well... theres 0 diff bro. 10000 bajillion brown ppl were slaughtered to keep your belly full. now relative to you, are you the leech or the brown ppl that keep fornicating endlessly? whom is a bigger leech in this world?? if you kill the biggest leeches, what are you gonna do about the 348294329439 service workers that get 0-day amazon deliveries?? how many scientific people exist can conjure up theories that allow you to exploit resources from extradimensional realities? how many people are '''truely'' valuable dude? lol
When someone says - no I am not like that I says .... if I was able to offer you 100M USD... a free private jet with unlimited annual trips till you die... 10 very nice homes in cities around the world... free .. with all bills paid for...
One way or another, the highly ordered molecules that we dig and drill out of the ground must be turned into chaos. The universe demands it.
The details of the process and the social organisation of the humans carrying it out are of no importance. In the blink of earth's eye, the work will be done, and those humans now surplus to requirements will become fertiliser.
We've served our purpose... we freed all the carbon that got trapped in the ground over billions of years... and now that we've released as much is possible to release... we serve no purpose... so it's time to go...
For those who thought we were here to write books and paint pictures... sorry to inform you ... but all that stuff is meaningless... and useless...
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Leading Election Fraud Investigator Says The Trump Administration Is Preparing To Target Massive Democrat Deep State Election Fraud Nationwide
Legal Counteroffensive to Beat Back Trump’s Government Purges
A raft of new lawsuits contend that President Trump and Elon Musk are breaking the law to ransack the F.B.I. and other federal agencies. The courts will now decide.
Of course Jack Kennedy was the last President to write his own script. Since '63 you have only ever had a series of actors, one was an actual actor, Reagan, and I thought he played the part brilliantly, but either way, all just performances.
It certainly looks to me that the show we have all come to know and love called "America" is coming to an end in the near future, and the whole cast are going to be paid off. Anyway the set is falling apart, for example many of those interstate highways need a small fortune spent on them and although audience figures are still very high I think our old friend exergy will bring the curtain down.
Spot-on. I've long said the reason most wealthy people don't get jailed for their white-collar shenanigans short of the ones so overt there is no choice what with the world looking on, (Madoff for instance, yet look how long that took) is the rich design the model and of course in so doing they make it to benefit mostly the rich. And they know damn well it could be them on the stand one day.
They are all intelligence assets. Roy Cohn was the Jeffrey Epstein of New York sleeve, and the handler of Donald Trump in the 1980’s, and I’m quite sure there are compromising pictures inside intelligence vaults, for all of them. When CIA head of counter intelligence was fired, they found over 30 locked vaults with “material” not entered into official CIA files, which was destroyed. One such group of pictures was on RFK on a mortuary slab with his head cut open. Angleton was keeping it a victory souvenir.
Hoover had pictures of MLK & JFK fucking. When James Angleton was fired from CIA they found 40,000 files and destroyed 40,000 and kept only 200. Anngleton was head of counterintelligence at the CIA during JFK presidency, but he was also head of the CIA Israeli liaison. Which gave him access to foreign intelligence services, who can scratch each others back. After JFK death, there was a theft of 600 pounds nuclear material called The Apollo Affair in Pittsburgh that ended up in Israel for its new Reactor in the Negev desert. Was this a favour for scratching each others back?
One wonders given the 10D chess of the Ministry of Truth ... if the reason they allowed this in the first place... was because they were planning for Operation Messiah ... Trump as Saviour....
With the rationale behind what made no sense at the time ... being ... to have Trump reverse this when they put him in play ... to reinforce the narrative that he will save america and fix everything ...
The things he cannot fix... is energy depletion... and inflation ...
Well yes. All this stuff is no doubt popular but he's completely unable to deal with the real issues that are making everyone poor. In fact he will make them worse.
He cannot refill oil and gas wells... he can shout Drill Baby Drill all he wants... that act in the play is over... we drilled all the good plays some years ago... and sucked up the dregs out of the carpet...
Now we are resorting to searching for stale backwashed beer in plastic cups mixed with cigarette butts and spit ... and greedily gulping that down....
Trump of course knows all this... he understands that he is playing a role ... that he is 'The Messiah'... that it's not real... but it serves a very useful purpose...
As my friend in NZ said ...'if Trump is conning us -- then we are lost'...
He will not respond to any negativity on this issue ... he can't... it's the same as trying to have a logical discussion about religion... true believers cannot handle the truth
He cannot refill oil and gas wells...
That's the problem. Coal mines too.
I like this
If you spend half your life in alien cultures around the planet, as I have - starting off as an impressionable 5-year-old in Occupied Germany in 1946 - you are truly amazed at the devotion and faith that the denizens of GreatestCountryInTheWorld maintain in their governing institutions. [PROTIP: "Occupied Germany" is still what you may call it.] In most countries of the world, and I am thinking specifically of places I have spent time like Italy, Thailand, Colombia and Indonesia, the average working stiff appraises the authorities as an "occasionally necessary evil", best avoided or cheated out of his dough when possible. The Yanks, God Bless them, by and large still trust their gubmint and maintain the faith that it is acting in their best interest. Class assignment: name me a couple of other countries where that is the case. [Puzzled, bewildered, "gee never thought of it like that" looks]. Enjoy the view when all those wrinkled old walruses in their Miami condos either stop getting those faithful monthly checks or those faithful monthly checks start to bounce. Supply lines wither and crumble, and the trusting (entitled) Norteamericano is going to be standing there with his dick in his hand, thoroughly bewildered. "Step over here, sir, for your daily allotment of FEMA-donated mRNA stew." "You're welcome."
When I think of collapse... I think of fellas from substantial old money ... as well as some fellas that I interact with substantial new money.... many of them share a smugness.. they believe they are superior...
I also notice how obsessed they are with $$$... never enough... and if anyone dares to tax them or impose a law that might impede their ability to pile up more gold... they get very serious... very upset...
They do love their bailouts... but if there is any form of bailout for the have nots -- that's welfare...
They will fight and claw and kill to ensure they remain rich.
Now take that to another level and imagine what these fellas would do to maintain their position
They are doing absolutely everything possible to fend off collapse... they have even worked out how to steam oil out of sand while losing hundreds of billions of dollars in the process... that's how desperate they are...
Clearly at some point - probably sooner than later -- they will fail. All the greatest minds who are advising the Elders will throw up their hands... I live for that moment -- knowing they know that they are fucked... that the species is fucked...
I am of two minds with respect to their plan to put us down
We actually deserve to suffer and die... to be eaten by our neighbours... we are truly vile... selfish... greedy... and stupid... and without a doubt ... we brought this upon ourselves...
The monthly cheques will still come, it's just they won't even buy a single egg.
FEMA-donated stew? Where would that come from? There will be nothing.
The mRNA stew is there to fill your belly, make you feel satisfied and then finish you off with blood clots ~ cancer ~ [fill in the blank with side effects]
You think the government is going to feed you?
Initially there will be plump children to butcher and roast over a fire fueled by plastic bags... but starvation will quickly reduce the available meat to skin and bone... and then... there will be nothing
What the wicked masterminds seem to have recognized is that the appalling physical condition of most Norteamericanos works to disguise the willful damage inflicted by their mRNA, ventilators and RunDeathIsNear medication. When consumers are already killing themselves with junk food, mood dope, alcohol and inattention to exercise, it doesn't take much more to shove them over the edge - and "doctors are baffled" becomes less of a charade. Try that stunt with Swiss or Norwegians or Alaskans and alarm bells start clanging.
U da man 👍
I remain hopeful that my efforts will result in a hot female groopies getting in touch... so far nothing
Everyone here guesses that you are inundated with offers from groupies and your denial is just down to the presence in your life of Mrs Fast. Why would anyone be on substack if it wasn't for hot groupies?
Geert has all the hot ones.. he got in early
As a general rule, one can not rise politically and accumulate "power" unless one can be controlled. I guess the best form of control is via blackmail, using pedophilia. Hence Epstein's rise in power, from a prep school mathematics teacher to a criminal money launderer using his pedophile blackmail ring as a side hustle.
A sovereign wealth fund that "creates value?" Let me get this straight. So the US Treasury has issued trillions in dollars of debt (what we know about on their books but not in off- book accounts like FASB56 ). The FED then prints fiat currency "dollars. Banks can "legally" loan out through a 9:1 fractional reserve system of fraud (counterfeiting) even more money, and then through Clinton's repeal of Glass-Steagal, can enable banks to create rogue "financial instruments," complete with derivatives that multiply the fiat debt anywhere from 10 to 1 to 100 to 1.
Now enter Bitcoin, nothing but an energy sink to maintain its hologram appearance as "value", and then when that is not enough, allow Wall Street to "financialize" BTC into "securities" and then create stablecoins like Tether which are backed by US Treasuries as "collateral." Tether in turn is transformed into a security and used as collateral to borrow against to buy more BTC to pump up BTC's price to over $100,000.
Got that?
So now all of this creates "value" ....for the American people whom the billionaires care so much about. The lying bullshit from these M-Fers never ends. Most billionaires as a general rule accumulate their wealth because they can extract money from the government in private public partnerships. Rarely do they produce anything of real value. The government can't do all the sleaze by itself because then it gets exposed to the voters and Congress. So it partners with private companies-- MIC, big education, big pharma, green energy, and health care, which are unelected rogue agencies, of which the FED is supreme, to do all of this on the sly. You have to be a
sociopath to do this. Gates, Ludnick, Bezos, Zuckerburg, Ellison, Musk, Thiel, ...etc they get their wealth by extracting it from the governement and what productive part of the carcass that is still remaining. In the end, this will be the mother of all thefts, as pointed out by David Rogers Webb's book "The Great Taking."
We are all being played. Nothing can undo what is coming down the line. We are burning the candle at both ends: the depletion of energy and raw materials on one end and the astronomical debt on the other. I give myself 50-50 odds of dying a natural death vs getting killed in the future maelstrom.
what they do is no different than everyone else dude. you are just going in circles.
the american goes and takes a loan. a loan is a claim on nonexistent resources. this pulls demand forward and accelerates extraction rate of mining/getting distribution of resources/manufacturing. this happens at the point of expending the LOAN onto purchases with a time-lag delay of industries modelling their aggregate resource utilization rates. Not when you have $$ in bank account or instruments doing nothing.
the lobbyist ceo tries to inflict pain on people by getting subsidies for their businesses or competitors try to use lawfare to prevent competitors from breaking in. every idiot 120 iq over invests in ghost financial instruments to accumulate digits.
whether you are a billionaire or a normie getting handouts the result is the same. you stole from someone's future to keep yourself alive. especially the pensioners who paid in at a 1:100 EROIE date and now consume more resources whilst contributing nothing.
true mr billionaire dissipates 25x the energy of a westerner and a westerner dissipates 25x more energy than a third worlder. but if you spawn 25x westerners thats the equivalent of the $200m house they live in and jets they fly in. no different dude lol. you are jjust going in circles. people could give two craps if three bajillion chinese clapse their fingers and breathe in formadhyelde whilst getting cheap temu crap that would normally take 5 years fo manual labour without energy supplies. theres always a bigger fish to blame. contracts is name of game. whilst its true you can have 300 billion digits sitting in an account, the reality is the 100000 minion workers working in the office and data centres eat up more resources than 1 person whom has 1 billion digits in the account growing 99% every year. they are both effectively parasites. guy who sits in office typing digits in excel spreadsheet is no different than politician sitting giving speeches for hopium for the masses to delude themselves that something will change. everyones a leech bro. now if you want to argue value i guess the search engine deep state that gathers data gives people enough value to entertain themselves indefinitely through sports, sex, everything enough so people consume less resources trying to get material stuff. gates and whomever can only order minions to dissipate energy to do stuff, like make vaccines to maim third worlders, gates himselves cannot eat 9999x meals or live in 9999x houses contrary to how most people think you can blame everything on the rich. money is an instrument of power to direct social energy/workers to do things, it inself does not make you rich. if you dont extract the gooze and direct people to do something with it, nothing happens. 95% of ecnomy is service economy and only the 5% doing manufacturing and agriculture technically are ''productively real'' so yeah your argument is moot. the government is not a seperate magical entity of god that does anything special. its literally people who seek power to decide decisions for others. 99% of people are fatasses that never want to get power, so ultimately they don't get to dine on fine wine and eat lobster. it's that simple bro. like what are you gonna do?? how many westerners can direct soldiers to go bomb foreign countries and manage populations growth rates/death rates and do all those responsibilities? you too can make delusional speeches for the masses and give infinite promises of indefinite health care or whatever, you can specialize in anything but at end of day people crave safety and feeling that government is protecting them or someone cares about them (lol). all in all theres really only 20-30k power international elites. suppose to slit their throat, and then what? what changed in the end dude?? the 9912992931932 amazon packages will still use up all that coal.
people worship money. period. that is the start and end. the guy that receives 300 bucks stipend and tells all his second family to get OSS security is the same as the guy that tries to divest into 928589 real estate houses to get 2932932 bucks, same as wall street class that moves digits around. sex workers dont really add any value, doctors keep people of no value alive, office workers pretty much just are there to make ''digital'' services and entertainment for humans or act as ''communication layer'' between directing stuff. only real workers are manufacturing people (even then they contribute 0 to energy usage vs machines), miners and food producers/transporters/builders. everyone else is surplus, you can say it as much differently as you want. teaching, arts, etc are just niceties and extras at end of day. services are also mostly niceties.
the el salvador farmers that get 2 pennies to selling fruit for you and african cobalt miners are more ''real'' workers than you. they used more human energy and they blow up their backs than you, compared westerner to those people that dig 12 hours a day in dark ditch, you are a leech, billionaires are just uberleeches.
its a game of musical chairs dude. if there was infinite exergy and materials, yea we could all have 2 hour work days and have 950000sq feet mansions and be super nice each other. why are people mad and sad and angry?? the guy over there gets to stay rich, well... theres 0 diff bro. 10000 bajillion brown ppl were slaughtered to keep your belly full. now relative to you, are you the leech or the brown ppl that keep fornicating endlessly? whom is a bigger leech in this world?? if you kill the biggest leeches, what are you gonna do about the 348294329439 service workers that get 0-day amazon deliveries?? how many scientific people exist can conjure up theories that allow you to exploit resources from extradimensional realities? how many people are '''truely'' valuable dude? lol
Yep - everyone wants to be rich...
When someone says - no I am not like that I says .... if I was able to offer you 100M USD... a free private jet with unlimited annual trips till you die... 10 very nice homes in cities around the world... free .. with all bills paid for...
Would you accept.
That ends that conversation.
One way or another, the highly ordered molecules that we dig and drill out of the ground must be turned into chaos. The universe demands it.
The details of the process and the social organisation of the humans carrying it out are of no importance. In the blink of earth's eye, the work will be done, and those humans now surplus to requirements will become fertiliser.
We've served our purpose... we freed all the carbon that got trapped in the ground over billions of years... and now that we've released as much is possible to release... we serve no purpose... so it's time to go...
For those who thought we were here to write books and paint pictures... sorry to inform you ... but all that stuff is meaningless... and useless...
It's all rubbish. As we saw, there is no need for history books because the story is always the same everywhere. History is about wood.
All in the same pot. Fire under the pot and stew them. They might not get soft - they probably stink too. But some animals don't mind that.
Komodo Dragons. No food is too rotten or too foul smelling not to be devoured in one salivacious gulp.
On the other hand:
@RealAlexJones • 3h
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Leading Election Fraud Investigator Says The Trump Administration Is Preparing To Target Massive Democrat Deep State Election Fraud Nationwide
I am sure all these other actors will be put in jail... just like Hunter and Joe....
It will blow over... it always does.
How do I know? So many things ... including these clips
I refuse to be a Mentally Ill Moron
Legal Counteroffensive to Beat Back Trump’s Government Purges
A raft of new lawsuits contend that President Trump and Elon Musk are breaking the law to ransack the F.B.I. and other federal agencies. The courts will now decide.
it's all theatre... fake... bluster...
Of course Jack Kennedy was the last President to write his own script. Since '63 you have only ever had a series of actors, one was an actual actor, Reagan, and I thought he played the part brilliantly, but either way, all just performances.
It certainly looks to me that the show we have all come to know and love called "America" is coming to an end in the near future, and the whole cast are going to be paid off. Anyway the set is falling apart, for example many of those interstate highways need a small fortune spent on them and although audience figures are still very high I think our old friend exergy will bring the curtain down.
Don is a rather bad actor... but seems that doesn't matter...
Spot-on. I've long said the reason most wealthy people don't get jailed for their white-collar shenanigans short of the ones so overt there is no choice what with the world looking on, (Madoff for instance, yet look how long that took) is the rich design the model and of course in so doing they make it to benefit mostly the rich. And they know damn well it could be them on the stand one day.
They are all intelligence assets. Roy Cohn was the Jeffrey Epstein of New York sleeve, and the handler of Donald Trump in the 1980’s, and I’m quite sure there are compromising pictures inside intelligence vaults, for all of them. When CIA head of counter intelligence was fired, they found over 30 locked vaults with “material” not entered into official CIA files, which was destroyed. One such group of pictures was on RFK on a mortuary slab with his head cut open. Angleton was keeping it a victory souvenir.
My sources tell me that they have photos of Merkel being fucked by a very large fat pig.
... named Donald Trump
Hoover had pictures of MLK & JFK fucking. When James Angleton was fired from CIA they found 40,000 files and destroyed 40,000 and kept only 200. Anngleton was head of counterintelligence at the CIA during JFK presidency, but he was also head of the CIA Israeli liaison. Which gave him access to foreign intelligence services, who can scratch each others back. After JFK death, there was a theft of 600 pounds nuclear material called The Apollo Affair in Pittsburgh that ended up in Israel for its new Reactor in the Negev desert. Was this a favour for scratching each others back?
You've got a point here.
The continued pushing of the mRNA death jabs is the proof that Trump works for Pfizer.
It is all about money.
It's about surplus energy. Money is just an energy token.
Just because they're acting doesn't make life a movie