The Ministry of Truth Taunts the Vaxxers
The MSM informs the Vaxxers that the Death Shots were not safe
Facebook is no longer censoring negative stories about Covid Vaccines. A popular fitness trainer in Britain has posted his experience with the Death Shots and there are hundreds of comments from Vaxxers whining about their injuries. The gloves are off.
Meanwhile, The Telegraph in the UK ran the article below.
There can be no doubt that exposing the billions of Vaxxers to these horror stories is going to rattle their cage. Watch for sales of Xanax to explode as the morons wonder if they are next - or better still, their children are next. Squirm motherfuckers…. squirm.
I can only guess that this is being promulgated (nothing gets published by the MSM without it coming directly from the Ministry of Truth) because they want to take the anxiety levels of the barnyard animals to another level.
To what purpose we can only speculate and I do not really give any fucks about that. All I know is that I am extremely pleased with this development. I want the Vaxxers to know that I was right all along and that they fucked up. I want them to understand and acknowledge that they are idiots.
I absolutely do not want this to end with them going to their graves believing the Death Shots were Safe and Effective and thinking that I am the idiot. I want them to know that they destroyed their bodies… that they poisoned their children.
‘I was desperate for the AstraZeneca vaccine to succeed. Then I became alarmed by what I saw’
Haematologist Dr Sue Pavord was one of the jab’s biggest supporters, but she knew something was wrong when she saw the side-effects up close
When Oxford University developed the AstraZeneca vaccine, Dr Sue Pavord, a consultant haematologist, was so eager for it to succeed, she signed up for the medical trial herself. She even persuaded her adult daughter to join her.
“I said to Molly, come on, let’s go and participate. Because we were trying to develop the science and we’re trying to fight this pandemic.
“And Molly said, ‘Yes, I’ll do it’.”
Looking back, Pavord’s feelings about helping to get the AstraZeneca jab onto the market are somewhat mixed. The jab was heralded as “the vaccine for the world” on the basis that unlike the Pfizer jab, which had to be stored at ultra-low temperatures, it could be kept in fridges, making it easier to transport and roll out in developing countries. Boris Johnson described it as “a triumph for British science”.
But nine weeks after the vaccine finally started being administered to the public in January 2021, Pavord became one of the first doctors in the UK to realise that something may be amiss.
A young man came to see her as an outpatient on March 15 2021. He had developed deep vein thrombosis – a type of blood clot – around a week after being vaccinated against Covid. He also had low platelets.
We now know that the AstraZeneca vaccine could lead to a condition now known as vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT), which can kill patients or lead to life-changing injuries.
But at the time, VITT had not even been named as a condition, and Pavord – a consultant at Oxford University Hospitals – knew that the combination of blood clots and low platelets was highly unusual.
“We see thrombosis commonly and we see low platelets commonly, but the two together really only have a select number of causes, quite rare and serious conditions,” she recalls.
The young man had already recovered by the time Pavord saw him, but his case continued to play on her mind.
Two days later, Pavord attended a virtual meeting with the medicines regulator, the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), where – to her alarm – three other consultants in Britain said they had seen patients with the same combination of symptoms.
Those cases were more severe, and the colleagues in question had had various tests carried out which established that the patients had developed an antibody called “anti-platelet factor four antibody”, which is more commonly associated with a very serious immune reaction to a blood thinner called heparin.
“What they were saying, and the patient that I had seen, made me very concerned indeed,” Pavord recalls. ‘We started to think, could this be a Covid vaccination or could it be something else? Could it be Covid infection? ….We were all on guard and alert.”
Pavord contacted four other haematologists, who established a daily open meeting for clinicians up and down the country to compare notes. It soon became clear that Covid jabs were the common thread.
In the beginning, Dr Pavord says, the death rate from VITT was so severe that three in every four patients with the condition lost their lives. But over the following months, Pavord and her colleagues worked together on diagnostic and treatment plans that helped to reduce the fatality rate.
“We brought that down to 22 per cent. But if you think that [means that] one in five people’s such an aggressive disease,” Pavord says.
When she realised the risks that her children had taken by getting vaccinated – and in Molly’s case by participating in the AstraZeneca trial – she felt a combination of “massive relief” that they hadn’t suffered with VITT, and “retrospective anxiety”.
This anxiety led “to the hours that I and my colleagues put in to try and understand and manage this disease and stop it in its tracks”.
It was, unsurprisingly, an exhausting period. Alongside the daily meetings, they spoke regularly with Sir Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, and received phone calls and emails day and night from doctors asking for clinical advice.
“We had not managed to clear our day jobs to give us time to deal with this new phenomenon. We were all working around the clock to try and understand what was going on, how we could save the lives of these individuals, what was causing it, and just how to diagnose it and manage it…I absolutely didn’t sleep for three months.”
It wasn’t just the workload keeping Pavord awake at night, however. She was also shocked by the age of many of the victims, and how severely they were affected. Their organs, she says, were sometimes “peppered” with clots.
“It was scary. I was a mother of three kids in their 20s, and these were the people we were seeing dying.”
We now know that one in 100,000 over 50s who received the AstraZeneca vaccine were at risk of VITT, with the figure dropping to one in 50,000 for the under 50s. Pavord and her colleagues estimate the risk for those in their 20s is one in 10,000.
I am browsing the comments on the trainer's FB site... and so far I have not come across a single post from an injured vaxxers apologizing for telling those who warned them off the Death Shots to get fucked.
They want to create more fear, make the poor cattle more anxious and then they'll start the birdflu hoax. It will make it so much more difficult for the masses to do what they do best; do as they are told. Because the 'experts' will once again be saying that these new vaccines are safe and effective, but in the back of their minds they'll know that the previous vaccines were not very effective and not safe. But this new virus is also very scary and deadly, now what to do, what to do? Maximum fear and uncertainty, just as planned!