I am browsing the comments on the trainer's FB site... and so far I have not come across a single post from an injured vaxxers apologizing for telling those who warned them off the Death Shots to get fucked.
They want to create more fear, make the poor cattle more anxious and then they'll start the birdflu hoax. It will make it so much more difficult for the masses to do what they do best; do as they are told. Because the 'experts' will once again be saying that these new vaccines are safe and effective, but in the back of their minds they'll know that the previous vaccines were not very effective and not safe. But this new virus is also very scary and deadly, now what to do, what to do? Maximum fear and uncertainty, just as planned!
Watching them be confused, fearful and stupid is also not very easy. Having to dumb down your arguments in fear of the inevitable cognitive dissonance rearing its ugly head. Having to jump through hoops to pacify an evil system because almost nobody can see the real problem. Ugh.
I have considered that they purposely seeded a portion of the shots to cause death and serious illness..... essentially terrorizing the barnyard animals.
It’s a start, but it’s still in the realm of “acceptable risk” the vaxxies are all willing to take.
Let’s see how they handle the general case of reverse transcription, the masses all turned into permanent spike protein factories.
I just got over a nasty winter cold, found that NAC helps a lot to thin mucus and ease congestion in the lungs. Some absences at work, I wonder how this bug hit their damaged immune systems.
I’ve only had two colds after I got a dose of Novavax and it took about a day/ day and a half for me to recover from both. One was in December of 2023 where I got something either from my brother (Wasn’t vaccinated then and had COVID four times and it took him days to recover) or mother. Took guafenesin after the fever really started. Second time was at Disney World in May of 2024, where it started with a sore throat at the Magic Kingdom, and the next day when the fever started, I sunbathed while wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. I was covered in sweat, was in 90+ degree weather and felt mostly better. Though a correlation was I did watch South Park Paramount+ specials while symptoms got better in both cases. And part of me thought everything was going to fold over while I was there, and that’s where I started to pay more attention to Geert and the rest was semi-history.
I believe one of the primary objectives of the Covid operation was for people the world over to get angry at their governments for either deliberately or accidentally being involved in this depopulation agenda once the truth got out. If deliberate that proves malevolence and greed. If accidental, that proves incompetence. Either way, people will blame their own governments whose job is to look after their interests, not the WHO who coordinated it. So, qui bono? The UN benefits most because loss of trust in governments serves the interests of those pushing for a centralised technocratic world government. The UN undoubtedly knew all along that this would blow up in every government's face. All participating governments were ultimately outmaneouvred by the UN.
Dave, I have long thought the job of government was to maintain the status quo. Power in the UK has always resided with the folk who owned the land and the priests who kept a lid on things with stories of heaven and hell. With access to very cheap energy that paradigm fell apart and now we are told the power lies with the consumer or some such nonsense.
Peak oil per capita was 55 years ago.
Shortly the people who own the land will be in charge again.
Where on earth this "governments job to look after the interests of the people" narrative came from I can only guess. But when all is said and done, like any of these psyops, if it is repeated often enough it gains traction. Certainly seems to have caught you out.
I am browsing the comments on the trainer's FB site... and so far I have not come across a single post from an injured vaxxers apologizing for telling those who warned them off the Death Shots to get fucked.
You’ll be waiting a long time.
They want to create more fear, make the poor cattle more anxious and then they'll start the birdflu hoax. It will make it so much more difficult for the masses to do what they do best; do as they are told. Because the 'experts' will once again be saying that these new vaccines are safe and effective, but in the back of their minds they'll know that the previous vaccines were not very effective and not safe. But this new virus is also very scary and deadly, now what to do, what to do? Maximum fear and uncertainty, just as planned!
It must suck being a barnyard animal... confused... fearful... stupid....
Watching them be confused, fearful and stupid is also not very easy. Having to dumb down your arguments in fear of the inevitable cognitive dissonance rearing its ugly head. Having to jump through hoops to pacify an evil system because almost nobody can see the real problem. Ugh.
You can't produce an acceptably safe vaccine in a few months except by pure, blind, highly unlikely luck.
Maybe the side effects are a psyop too. Get everyone freaked out and incapable of thought.
I have considered that they purposely seeded a portion of the shots to cause death and serious illness..... essentially terrorizing the barnyard animals.
"More Americans Died Due to Covid 19 Injections Than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined"
It’s a start, but it’s still in the realm of “acceptable risk” the vaxxies are all willing to take.
Let’s see how they handle the general case of reverse transcription, the masses all turned into permanent spike protein factories.
I just got over a nasty winter cold, found that NAC helps a lot to thin mucus and ease congestion in the lungs. Some absences at work, I wonder how this bug hit their damaged immune systems.
I hope their immune systems continue to deteriorate and they experience illness after illness after illness...
However if they would apologize for calling me a moron anti-vaxxer... I'll take that back :)
COVID-19 vaccinated:
Unvaccinated and free? You are not free. Nobody is.
I’ve only had two colds after I got a dose of Novavax and it took about a day/ day and a half for me to recover from both. One was in December of 2023 where I got something either from my brother (Wasn’t vaccinated then and had COVID four times and it took him days to recover) or mother. Took guafenesin after the fever really started. Second time was at Disney World in May of 2024, where it started with a sore throat at the Magic Kingdom, and the next day when the fever started, I sunbathed while wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. I was covered in sweat, was in 90+ degree weather and felt mostly better. Though a correlation was I did watch South Park Paramount+ specials while symptoms got better in both cases. And part of me thought everything was going to fold over while I was there, and that’s where I started to pay more attention to Geert and the rest was semi-history.
I believe one of the primary objectives of the Covid operation was for people the world over to get angry at their governments for either deliberately or accidentally being involved in this depopulation agenda once the truth got out. If deliberate that proves malevolence and greed. If accidental, that proves incompetence. Either way, people will blame their own governments whose job is to look after their interests, not the WHO who coordinated it. So, qui bono? The UN benefits most because loss of trust in governments serves the interests of those pushing for a centralised technocratic world government. The UN undoubtedly knew all along that this would blow up in every government's face. All participating governments were ultimately outmaneouvred by the UN.
I also want to see them squirm.
Nothing can be resolved until Fauci, Collins, Hotez, Bourla, Bancel, Walensky, Birx, etc etc are all rotting in the sun at the end of their nooses.
Dave, I have long thought the job of government was to maintain the status quo. Power in the UK has always resided with the folk who owned the land and the priests who kept a lid on things with stories of heaven and hell. With access to very cheap energy that paradigm fell apart and now we are told the power lies with the consumer or some such nonsense.
Peak oil per capita was 55 years ago.
Shortly the people who own the land will be in charge again.
Where on earth this "governments job to look after the interests of the people" narrative came from I can only guess. But when all is said and done, like any of these psyops, if it is repeated often enough it gains traction. Certainly seems to have caught you out.