Will we get to see bankers throwing themselves out of the windows of skyscrapers. That's the bit I'm really looking forward to.

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And now for Barnyard Animal news! Let's hope we can fix this with a global thermal nuclear war. Just launch all the Nukes and lets rid stupidity from this Planet.

"Prank TikToker" Busted After Filming Himself Spraying Walmart Produce With Poison"


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No need for anyone here to worry. Here is the plan. The Laws of Physics say the economy must collapse so it has been wired for demolition much like Building 7. When they have all their preparations in place they will blow it up and within a month where ever you are living will look like Venezuela and you will have to start keeping your cat indoors, for obvious reasons.

They know exactly what they are doing, the plan involves 90% fatalities within the first couple of months as there will be no food available. But I haven't just said anything you all haven't already contemplated.

All planned as a contingency decades ago for if Plan A, fusion power, didn't work out.

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We probably have a couple of years left of plateau or only slight decline in shale oil production. My guess is 3 years before real declines begin and people start freaking out.

So if we hit a crisis in the next year or two, it will be economic and geopolitical (US deindustrialization and buffoonery-driven, loss of face of the US military, rise of China and Russia), not resource-scarcity based.

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Meanwhile conventional continues to decline ... so if shale is unable to grow (as per that article)... then do we start to run into the same problems as NZ... namely... energy prices spike due to diminished supply ... resulting in severe inflation... resulting in a deflationary death spiral as consumers run out of ammo....

This appears to already be happening in Europe....

It is difficult to predict when the implosion will happen ... but once it gets underway it will be rapid and unstoppable.

New Zealand is trying to fend off total collapse with their Fast Track law.... I cannot see how that can work ... Fast Tracking building projects mean even greater demand on their severely depleted energy resources... and they have no way to import cheap energy...

Will this not result in hyperinflation?

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Right. I guess I'm asking the wrong question, being self-centered: "Collapse is when *my* area collapses - when will that be?" Collapse is underway in Europe, NZ, the Middle East, etc.

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It's very easy to see how America's collapse will begin to take place.

It is already well under way..

Too many idiots went out and over paid for real estate, new cars, and took out hi interest loans. On top of that, the credit card debt is completely off the charts, and many people are not paying theirs bills/debts.

New Electric cars are piling up on manufacturers lots and gas cars are not selling much better.

White collar layoffs are increasing daily and over half of the blue collar people don't even show up for work most of the time.

The drug problem is catastrophic with cheap weed and fentanyl and anything else you want plentiful.

Sluty women of all ages doing only fans is America's only booming industry now.

Everyone has guns, road rage is rampant, homeless camps are popping up everywhere. and you can feel the tension building in the entire population.

It's a massive pressure cooker with the burner all the way up ready to blow..

Welcome to the party...it's just getting started.

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One more thing. I don't understand those numbers. Texas production is 6mbpd, somehow permian is only 10% ~400kbpd, despite being the main production source in Texas? Someone explain it like I'm 5.

EDIT: So here we see that the Permian produces ~6mbpd (which is consistent with my memory), while the EIA figures you're referring to say only 450kbpd. What gives?


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Thank you for your research and reporting. We have to know what we are not being told. This is not about energy depletion, it’s about power and control. If we are told the facts as you present them, then each community can organize itself into net zero groups, than can survive the coming paradigm shift. But carrying on business as usual while running black box operations like Covid, is evil. The normies living in Pleasantville have to wake up, before they are put to sleep!

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But it is about energy depletion ... New Zealand demonstrates that

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It's too late. The masses are overconfident, smug, and cocky. They think the drive through at McDonalds will always be open.

Net Zero groups have no chance either.

Even the elites will die a slow horrific death in their bunkers as the supplies run out, the human waste builds up, and the contamination leaks in.

Eddy has explained this in his posts about the spent fuel ponds and the Nuclear power plants that will meltdown if not maintained.

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I'm not worried about the drive-through at McDonalds ... I shop at Costco, I'll be fine.

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Slams Club is closer in my area. Is it just me, or do those giant lab grown rotisserie chickens taste funny? 😆 Maybe they have some of their extra special Terminator juice infused in them.

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“Some people are so far behind in the race that they actually believe that they’re leading.”

- Junior Soprano

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