13 hrs agoLiked by Fast Eddy

From "das gelbe Forum" (Germany) google translated:

There is something fishy about the Ukraine war

Plancius , Sunday, 06.10.2024, 10:57 301 Views edited by Plancius, Sunday, 06.10.2024, 11:04

Yesterday, Alexander Wallasch announced in a tweet that Hanover Airport is full of Ukrainians heading to Spain and the Canary Islands.


I experienced the same thing in March this year when I flew from Berlin to Lanzarote. There were a lot of Ukrainians at the airport. The plane to Lanzarote was filled with about 25% young Ukrainian couples, with and without children.

On Lanzarote, we saw a few Ukrainian cars. In the restaurants, the Ukrainians were celebrating loudly as usual.

This year I spent my annual vacation in Italy. On the Brenner Pass, it felt like every 15th car had a Ukrainian license plate, mostly upper middle to upper class cars. Lots of Range Rovers, also a few Teslas.

In Italy, in the tourist hotspots like Pisa, Florence, and Lucca, I also met Ukrainians. Even in the more untouched hinterland of Lazio, like Orvieto or Bagnoreggio, Ukrainians are walking around. On the one hand, you see Ukrainian cars in the parking lots, and on the other hand, the Ukrainian women can be recognized from afar by their plumped-up lips with bright red lipstick and their designer bags with gold chains.

The same thing can be heard from Spain, France, Croatia and Greece, with an unusually high number of Ukrainian tourists. Ukrainian cars have now become an integral part of European motorways.

I have to admit that until 2022 I did not see any Ukrainian cars or Ukrainian tourists in Europe. Instead, there were many Russians in the tourist hotspots, but they did not arrive by car, but by plane. The Russians have now all but disappeared and have been replaced by the Ukrainians.

When I was in Turkey in September last year, many Ukrainians were also relaxing on the beach. I counted 7 arrivals of planes from Chisinau in one day at Antalya airport.

In winter, you can see videos of long car convoys pouring into Ukrainian ski resorts in the Carpathian Mountains. At the same time, compatriots in the West are celebrating wild après-ski parties in France, Switzerland and Austria.

At the same time, you read about extensive investments and construction activities in Ukraine. Kiev is said to be one of the largest construction sites in Europe. If you watch videos of visitors to Ukraine, you see well-kept and clean cities such as Kiev, Lviv, Odessa or Kharkov. Young couples stroll through the streets, the restaurants are full, the nightclubs are well attended. Despite the war and many people moving to the West, there doesn't seem to be a shortage of young people locally.

For a country that has been at war for two and a half years, one would have expected something different, right?

First of all, in the event of a defence situation, a country immediately closes its borders and does not allow hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of its men and women in their prime to leave the country. The men are needed for military service, the women for the home front.

Why did Zelensky open this huge loophole in the first place?

They also don't let their citizens vacation on white beaches in the south. They could flee from there.

The question is: Why are all the holidaymakers returning home when there is a war going on at home?

Ukraine was considered one of the poorest countries in Europe. If hundreds of thousands of citizens were to move to the West, I would have expected that most of them would come without a car because they simply cannot afford one. And if they did have a car, the cars would have had to represent a cross-section of all models and all years, and due to the country's low economic potential, they would have been mostly old, rickety cars and only a few new, expensive models.

But just drive to Berlin or look at the European motorways. There are a lot of new, high-end Ukrainian cars driving around, and their numbers don't match the country's economic potential at all. No one can come to me with the argument that these are the oligarchs and the country's rich profiteers. Yes, there are, but not in such large numbers in relation to the country's population.

There are 20 Ukrainian families living in our town. Three of them came without a car, the men didn't even have a driver's license. These are exactly the three men who are now working. The other 17 came with cars. Average across all classes and age groups, from old Skoda Octavias to young Range Rovers. Although none of them work, they have now all exchanged their cars for new or as good as new cars and have German license plates.

Here again the question: Where do all the cars with Ukrainian license plates come from, when Ukrainians, at least here locally, now drive cars with German license plates?

A country that is at war, whose infrastructure is being bombed, whose energy supply is disrupted, whose skilled workers have largely gone to the West, which is cut off from important markets, normally experiences a considerable contraction in the economy, a drop in labor productivity and a collapse in the currency combined with rampant inflation.

Under such conditions, one usually expects a process of impoverishment for large parts of the population and the use of savings. In such a situation, as a human being, you close the hatches, you concentrate on the essentials, you scale down your activities, cut unnecessary expenses, go into a kind of hibernation and switch to survival mode.

The last thing you do here is get on a plane and fly to the Turkish Riviera. And here too, it is not the rich that you meet on the beach in Side, no, it is the Ukrainian middle class.

Where does the money come from for this?

Is the Ukrainian currency still as strong?

Why is there no foreign exchange control, as is usual in countries at war?

And now comes, for me, the fact that needs most explanation of all.

Imagine you are a Ukrainian slob, working for months in the cold, muddy trenches and wet emergency shelters in Bakhmut. They all have cell phones and social media. And everywhere on Telegram and the like they see reports and videos of their fellow countrymen celebrating hurraya in the west and south, buying new cars, enjoying life and indulging in idleness. They see the WhatsApp status of their relatives, friends and classmates, where new pictures are constantly appearing: from Paris, Disneyland, Rome, Florence, from the beach on the Costa del Sol, etc.

This is seriously undermining the morale of the troops. I still cannot imagine how Zelensky can still find troops who are willing to let themselves be burned and slaughtered on the front lines under these conditions.

Actually, the troops, including the officers, should be so demotivated that they should have surrendered to the Russians. But that is not the case. The Ukrainians are still putting up fierce resistance against the Russians.

Zelensky and the other strategists must be aware of all this. All of these demotivating images could be prevented by closing the borders and not allowing any Ukrainian to travel to the West or fly on holiday.

Here again the question: Why are Zelensky and NATO waging war only half-heartedly and deliberately destroying the morale of the troops by obviously installing a two-class system.

There are many questions in this war. In any case, it has never happened before that a section of the citizens of a country in a war has so obviously and provocatively indulged in the pleasures of life and subtly shown the citizens of other countries: Look, we are the new masters of Europe.

Greetings Plancius

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eddy, RIIA/chatnam house (subsidary of british empire) still rules the world.


the royal families put on a psy-op tea party show


you can literally look at every political power state and trace them all back to royal families, every single location in the world. it did not change

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Of course the Elders would like you to believe this ... just as they would like you to believe The Deep State runs the show... see the PBS documentary that they commissioned to make people believe this.

Royal Families do not run the world. The owners of the Federal Reserve run the world

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild

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Aug 20Liked by Fast Eddy

Have you seen that August carstens character...CEO of BIS....straight out of central casting for gluttonous evil man....

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The British monarch is not the Crown, the office of monarch is the head of state and exists in the fiction. The Crown is the bankers and attorneys who are the priestcraft or wizards that administer the will of the Templar Crown which is commanded by the hidden bloodlines, or what we can call the Big Houses of old money. The heads of the Solomon Templars made base in Switzerland in 1291 from which European micro states were born as the system spread.

The Legal system in the United States (the judiciary) is directly controlled by the Templar Crown Temple from within the independent and sovereign City of London.

The Federal Reserve, however, is financially owned and controlled by the Templar Crown of Switzerland which also controls the Bank of England and the global Central Banking network.

The banking system is administered by the House Rothschild, who are the current court financier House on behalf of the Phaoronic Court Royal Houses, before them it was thew House Fugger and previous to Fugger it was the House Medici.

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