imagine, and The Beatles are the product of the Ministry of the Truth but you do not know that. Holywood and music industry is all under their control

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I suspect you are correct

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I must remind myself of the lyrics again, when I was young that song made me utterly depressed, now I know why. Mind you i did not pay attention to the lyrics its not my mother language. Read it...the truth is exactly the opposite! Now do you remember who rewrote the lyrics? a guy on the piano who was mocking lockdowns while he organized all of that.

The world will live as one :) its almost prophetic!

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us, only sky

Imagine all the people

Livin' for today


Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion, too

Imagine all the people

Livin' life in peace


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one

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I need a cigarette after that.

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Aug 3
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Stop it with your junk link.

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With the example of Remirro de Orco, Machiavelli showed how to hand the most cruel and brutal acts off to a patsy, who is discarded later, left in two neat pieces in the town square. But the results of his earlier actions stick.

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Saddam comes to mind....

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It has been decades since I watched this — need to carve out time to do that!

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I watch at least once/yr

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have you ever solved any problem? if yes it did not happen in the darkness of your Mind. hopless people are helpless too!

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The meek... not the weak, shall be the inheritors. The word meek is often interchanged with weak, but it means something very different... or at least it used to. It used to mean; the strong but reticent... essentially having a measured and thoughtful response. I supposed its borders on being stoic.

We all need to be stoic. Its essential in order to gain the trust of others for any plight.

Did you watch the extended version of Apocalypse Now? It's very different than the release version. For example, it covers forced vaccination and the response by the villagers in order to fight back. The extended version is a must watch for this reason alone, but there are also other scenes which makes it the only way to go.

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I was in north India on the border with China .. no internet ... so between listening to Audible books... I had that version of AN on my computer ... so watched it ... which was the catalyst for this post

I don't recall anything different re the vaccination in the village... as I recall the special forces went in and inoculated the kids in the village... then the VC returned and hacked off the arms of the kids... sending the message - there will be no cooperation with the enemy...

What was different in the extended version?

BTW Might is Right. There are no rules.. there are no ethical boundaries... the man who understands that ... who is willing to do whatever it takes no matter how barbaric... will win the war. The men who run the world --- murdered 500k children in Iraq... and as Albright says... it was justified... and it was

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Thinking about it now... I watched it at least forty years ago... and it would have been on TV. It would have been badly cut probably. In the context of recent events, I thought the last scene was brilliantly prophetic.

War... civilians die mostly. Almost none of them want to. Someone who wont loose family members is always able to justify killing others.

Today's about to erupt war is similar to all others in that, someone's ego got the better of them, and others close by were too cowardly to stop it. So it goes.

In the case of Iraq, they didnt want any more of their oil to be siphoned off, asked permission to do something about it... and badly misread who their friends were.

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Lord Palmerston 1784–1865

British statesman; Prime Minister, 1855–8, 1859–65

'We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.'

speech, House of Commons, 1 March 1848

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meek or submissive/patient means to listen to the Truth! to never be arrogant you know it all! and fast onnthe trigger because you do not, and to make a mistake is easier done than not! that is true meaning of meek, you can read in my post on 12 gifts from the Holy Spirit. Submissive to the Truth, and not opressing evil takes patience and self control to the highest degree and both are virtues! what should be done is exposing evil to the sunlight. And that takes courage and love for the Truth, not going around saying everyone is stupid. we all know that....

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The Biblical definition has definitely changed over time. It's kind of interesting as the phrase is now an interpretation though time. Reading further, meek almost used to mean "stoic". Not quite, but suggestive of, and along the same path.

Words changing over time can make good stories. This one is similar to the King stating that St Paul’s Cathedral was Amusing, Awful, and Artificial.

I will read your 12 gifts post this evening.

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what has God told multiple times? Listen to him. Mary said do whatever he says. Listening is the beginning of every conversation. Without listening and then responding nothing happens. A meek heart is the one that listens, as opposed to a stiff heart, that does not listen. Meek is clever like a serpent, mild like a dove. Because a person who listens to God can not be stupid.

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the world would certainly be better off without humans. Everyone with eyes to see, can see that. And nature takes over in months what humans have destroyed.

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