Is Elon Musk A Tech God Sent To Earth To Save Humanity?
Elon Musk is an actor foisted upon the world stage by The Ministry of Truth for the purpose of convincing the barnyard animals that the future is bright. And if it’s not, we’ll all shift to Mars and start over again (despite the fact that there is no water, air, or fossil fuels on that planet and it’s bombarded by deadly radiation just as the moon is).
How many times has Musk lied to investors and gotten away with it? From announcing he had the funding to take Tesla private to, on multiple occasions, stating that Tesla self-driving taxis would launch on specific dates, when he knew full well that was not gonna happen.
Clearly he is protected (and created) by a higher power because if any other CEO spewed falsehoods of this nature, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would apply a Hulk Hogan body slam. This would result in a total loss of confidence by investors in any business associated with Elon Musk, and death warrants for those businesses would be issued.
But nope, Elon just sails along ‘sleeping on the floor at Tesla’ passed out from another Ambien and red wine binge.
Can you imagine if any other CEO appeared on Tee Vee and smoked weed? Nobody in their right mind would invest in a company run by someone like this. But of course Elon is a magic-man - he can live the life of a rockstar and still function well enough to run multi billion dollar companies, subsidized by the tax payer, while spinning lies to drive the share price higher, with immunity from prosecution.
F789 Yeah, he’s so cool and so awesome and so anti-establishment - I’ll overlook all of this and buy some Tesla shares!
And now, in addition to his multiple CEO roles, smoking weed, washing down Ambien with red wine, as well as jetting around meeting world leaders to solve the problems of the planet, he’s to lead the Department of Government Efficiency. He will be tasked with drastically reducing government spending, which is of course impossible because the only thing between the United States and economic collapse, is off the charts government spending.
That alone should alert the barnyard animals to the fact that Elon is an actor, that he is fake.
Why Bother?
We learned from The Three Pillars of Bullshit that the barnyard animals must remain hopeful that the future will involve the opportunity to buy more stuff and pour more plastic and other toxins into the rivers and oceans. If you tell them more is not possible, they get extremely pissed off, become clinically depressed and require anti-depressants that turn them into zombies.
The Men Who Run the World do not want a farm populated by depressed zombies because they are not good for business. Zombies are not diligent workers nor are they robust consumers. The farm would soon collapse if the barnyard animals are not feed a constant drip of hopium from the Ministry of Truth.
As with the biggest con ever, or with a Hollywood Blockbuster, a front man is required to improve the chances of success.
Elon is the new Jesus - the Tech Messiah.
He fronts for a wide range of high tech initiatives from EVs, to space travel to solar energy. He is on the Tee Vee constantly pounding out the message that we can overcome all challenges by applying his ingenuity and entrepreneurial abilities (i.e. ability to obtain tax payer subsidies because he is the Chosen One).
“Our second resort has been to hubris, manifested in the idea that human ingenuity, implemented as technology, can resolve all of our energetic, material and environmental problems. This can, supposedly, offer a seamless, with-growth transition to alternative energy sources, and perhaps even “de-couple” the economy from the use of energy.”
“Modern technology has delivered marvels, and we seem, in any case, to have an instinctive attraction to the new and shiny. Technology has been elevated to the status of a secular deity, capable of resolving our each and every problem.” More
And the barnyard animals lap it up thirsty for hopium in a world where it is becoming impossible to pay one’s bills. Elon will fix everything.
He’s now in a tag team partnership with another anointed Messiah, Donald Trump, and together they will lead 8 billion humans to the promised land (otherwise known as the abattoir)
BTW - did you know that Elon Musk did not found Tesla. Most people don’t.
'USA' Chants Roar As Trump Rings NYSE Bell After Being Named TIME 'Person Of The Year'
Quite the soap opera
Whitney Webb spelled it out. People like Trump, Musk, Gates, Zuck, Thiel, etc don't get rich by making useful things or offering useful skills. They extract money from the citizens, usually by collaborating with the CIA /Zionits who fund them. It is a giant wealth extraction. When the government tries to lie to , spy on , and steal from the people, it gets exposed. To circumvent this, the government creates a public-private partnership, like with the banks, big pharma, and the MIC who are not beholden to voters. They launder money and become part of a massive incestous, fascist crime syndicate.
Yoy can't trust any of these cockroaches.