
Yep ... dumb...

On Camera, Family Of 7 Swept Away In Swollen Waterfall Near #Mumbai.

Only two of them managed to swim back. Rescuers have recovered three bodies so far and the search and rescue op will resume at daybreak tomorrow.

Like hundreds of tourists who throng this hill town during the monsoons, the family went picnicking at the waterfall near the backwaters of the Bhusi Dam this afternoon. Heavy rains in the region since early morning caused the dam to overflow, which increased the flow of water in the waterfall.

Terrifying visuals of the family's last minutes showed them standing on a rock in the middle of the rhapsodic falls, holding on to each other and hoping to move against the tide and onto the land.

In less than a minute, the sheer force of the rushing water overpowered them and swept them away downstream as they screeched and screamed for help.


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May 29Liked by Fast Eddy

What's the difference between humans in a pop-up vaxx tent, and hogs in a cage set up for a hog-shot?

After the first shot and death, all the hogs will try their best to escape.........

Dumber than hogs, rats and dogs.

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This reminds me of the clip of the Covidiots waiting for their Rat Juice shots in a pharmacy in Canada... a woman ahead of them drops dead and is being wheeled out on a stretcher.... and the morons ignore this and continue to queue for their chance to die.

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The very incident I was thinking of, FE.

You will be diverted to hear that vaxx zombies are becoming a thing here in the UK: the supermarket the other day was so creepy and weird I couldn't wait to get out, and bad driving is becoming very obvious now. Ambulances are frequently seen parked outside the university and residential addresses - just one month into shot No 7 (or maybe even 8) here.

I am determined to live as long as possible to see how this plays out.

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Was speaking to a former neighbour (Pro Vaxxer aka idiot) and she was saying there is some sort of cancer pandemic ... 3 people in a single family have terminal cases... I concurred mentioning we have one friend dead already and two terminal ...

I wondered out loud what the cause of this could be -- hoping she might bite and question the Rate Juice... but nope... she suggested it was processed food... to which I responded but the mob has been stuffing themselves with KFC and Big Gulps for decades... this cancer thing is new -- it took off within the past two years... what has changed in that period?

hmmm hawwww... hmmmm... ummmm... I dunno .. not sure...

She'll no doubt be off to the clinic for the next booster when it's offered.

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May 27Liked by Fast Eddy

Hey Eddy,

I'm real sorry to hear that you got lumbered with a retar-dog. Must have been dropped on its head early in life.

Almost any dog (non-lapdog, bigger than a cat, at least) that I know, if asked that question, would surely have barked back loudly, with intense eye contact, full bore enthusiasm and jumping about with wild wagging of tail: "Yes, Yes, YES!!! Teach me, teach me!!!" Not for any greater reason than pure fun and utter excitement. To be able to take a risk, and hopefully, get away with it. To be able to open 'is mouth and catch the wind, squint against the gale even though it makes 'is eyes hurt, makes 'is cheeks bulge out and ears flap about. And to enjoy it, with 'is favourite human. It's not at all the same fun without a human to impress and do fun stuff like that with. And, for doggus, it's about love. Sharing time, doing fun, exciting stuff, together. And trust. Humus is willing to play with me, teach me, so he must trust me. I trust him! Ahhh, I love him.

Truth is, dogs love almost anything involving action and excitement. Even running after a boring tennis ball is better than lying around being bored. Sticks are a little more fun, but there's little that beats a rat hunt, or a possum hunt even better. Except, maybe, being able to drive a car! Especially, a REALLY LOUD one...

[Sorry this turned out so long. Hope you find it worth the read.]

If dogs can be (permitted to be) excited by action and adventure, why can't humans? Sure, different things excite us. To a degree. Even I find rat hunts exciting. The little blighter might run up your leg, like happened to my younger brother. It might even bite you... And I bet learning to carry fire, many thousands of years ago, was exciting too.

To me, excitement and discovery go hand-in-hand.

Now let's assume that dogs also have a very long evolutionary history. Not as long as us, but long nevertheless. Tell me, why... tell me why dogs would have evolved a sense of excitement? What possible survival benefit could that bestow?

I guess, for dogs, it also generates a sense of bonding, of unity, of common purpose - which would be great when it's time for the dog pack to go hunting for larger prey. Don't you find your own dog's excitement to be contagious? I'm sure it also promotes the release of hormones like adrenaline, which increase speed and strength. Not to mention feelings of fun, pleasure - something that makes it worth doing, again and again and again, even though some will get hurt, some maimed, some killed. But hunting (and cooking food over fires) is what provided us with enough fuel to survive without having to spend all our time just eating, and to grow bigger brains...

Brains use a lot of energy, which is why even warm-blooded, foliage-eating animals like sloths, koalas, panda bears, sheep, cows etc tend not be be the fastest or the smartest among the gods' creations. Snakes, despite often being hunters and eaters of prey, got a real bum rap, with their cold blood. And whether snakes get excited, I can't say, but maybe, on the trail of live prey, they do. I know for sure that sheep get excited. Mainly when they realise there's "better food" about to become available. They meander lazily from one grass patch to the next, but boy, do they run, bound, leap, push and shove (and Baaah) when the scent of yummy sheep pellets is on the wind?

And you'd have our ancestors kill the first man or woman to "tame" fire?

Sorry, but I don't see any future in that approach, either. In fact, I'm quite convinced that the taming of fire was an essential, early requirement for us humuns. I'm sure that's why the gods deliberately tilted our beautiful blue jewel in space.

The Bible even says that God skinned animals to clothe us [Gen 3:21] - for warmth and no doubt a degree of protection, since in reality, we weren't naturally equipped to survive on this planet. We were put into a harsh environment to accelerate our evolution, and surely, it did.

So, you'd like to argue with the god who instructed: [Gen 1:28 (Page 1 in many Bibles)]: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill [KJV: replenish - which is likely true] the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over [all]." ?

I say that "fruitful AND multiply" are not repetitions, but are two things, one general, and one specific. Multiply is clear - have multiple offspring, but I believe that the first, fruitful, is something else - a general, wide open directive - to "bear fruit" - also means create or produce things - the results of your thoughts and labours. Build things, such as houses for your family, maybe invent things, maybe discover things. And just look - at the phone you carry, the computers we use, the cars we drive, the planes we fly in...

We have done as commanded, and, in doing so, over and over we have proved our lack of wisdom, our lack of self-control, our inability to be good and selfless, to live together in harmony. Instead, we are covetous, greedy, and hostile; we create things (poorly) purely to "make money", we maintain and magnify our enemies rather than make peace with them, we wilfully weaponise everything, we constantly prepare for war and killing. And we have filled the Earth. The time has come.

The Bible clearly says that this time will come [Ecclesiastes Ch 3, Revelation]. It was known from the very beginning. Certainly, we have reached the end of our capacity to survive, and it was known that we would. We, smart savages, not yet sufficiently evolved, cannot be let loose in the cosmos, so what is to be done?

We humuns are by no means the dummest, but we are not evolved to live in peace. Jesus told us, showed us, (The WAY, the Truth and the Life) but can we do it? We are still, really, just technologically advanced tribal cavemen, who will readily kill anything that gets in our way, one another included. This is why your MWRTW - the "Maniacs Who Ruin the World" are also set to be exterminated. They will not be the survivors, but they are far, far, far too arrogant to realise this, perhaps.

[Natural Evolution (via competition) results in the biggest, meanest, greediest, most selfish, most bullying, most vicious rising to the top, to dominate, as seems to have been the case with the dinosaurs, and as is clearly the case with us right now. This leads to an evolutionary stalemate, as, to complete, the underlings must become like them. Yuck! That is why we are now being subjected to Managed Evolution... AKA: Farmed! Just as farmers cull the sick, or poor producing stock, and breed from the "best" ones...]

Oh, for any of the MWRTW who may be reading this, it also says that God hates those who are selfish and greedy and liars, the debauched, the murderers and destroyers of this precious planet, and that they too will be destroyed [Rev 11:18, Psalm 37 and elsewhere].

Of course. Just think about it; what kind of civilisation would naturally descend from such a group?

As it also says in the Bible, repeatedly [Mat 5:5, Ps 37:9,11,18, 22, 29, 37...] The meek will inherit the Earth. Whether this is a great thing or not, I'm not quite 100% sure. It sounds to me like some of the cream of this crop (144,000?) will leave this planet alive, and be taken into heaven. Probably, already have. Wasn't Elijah one? [Kings 2:11] Of course, heaven is out there, where the angels sing and the gods create new worlds. ("In my father's house are many mansions..." KJV John 14:2)

But the thing that I see is that meekness, integrity (goodness), and kindness and caring (love) is what the gods are seeking in us, and they (the meek) will be the chosen ones who will start the next civilisation here on Planet Earth. [Mat 19: 23,24, & especially Mat 19:28-30]

Greed, lying, violence, destructiveness, debauchery and all the other despicable characteristics will have been "culled out of us", [Mat 24:40] and the despicable, hateful MWRTW will be cut out for sure (and maybe packed away until the next time our progeny run amok?)

I believe there may be another aspect to what's currently happening, but I'd have to post about that another time.

Does any of this make sense, bring you some kind of solace?

Hope so.

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The thing is ...

Look where going forth and multiplying and all that jazz... has lead us... 8 billion ravenous beasts... eating cheap energy ... and the cheap energy is in serious decline...

No other species does anything remotely close to this ... because they don't have the 'intelligence'...

If a deer population expands beyond the carrying capacity of the land ... they die back... they do not invent a Haber Bosch process and use petro chemicals to grow more plants to feed the herd allowing it to grow to many times the carrying capacity of the land.

As I said ... 'intelligence' is a burden... it is actually stupidity.

Does anyone here think that what we have done to be able to feed 8B ... is smart?

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Oct 1Liked by Fast Eddy

The best thing for this poor planet would be our extinction, which is on its way

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Couldn't have said it better myself! FINALLY - someone who thinks and 'knows,' as I do. Fast Eddy - awfully glad to meet ya! What first got me re the death vax was finding out that the FDA approved by 'grandfathering' it in so, that begged the still unanswered question, exactly which bioweapon preceded this one? Crickets...

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“Truth is like poetry.

And most people fucking hate poetry.”

Adam McKay, The Big Short

 — We will never run out of minerals, or petroleum for that matter. There is an ample amount of these resources in Earth’s crust, actually more than we could ever extract.

 — Phew! Are we saved then?

 — Well, this was the truth part. Now it’s time for some poetry.


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"Logic dictates that you cannot test for the long term, without the long term. "😂

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what makes one stupid? eating lies! beware you are not eating those! and you have eaten one allready thinking we exist for 200 000 years . where is your evidence for that? made up in a lab from bones of monkies!!

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deletedMay 26Liked by Fast Eddy
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And here we have a very useful barometer measuring the ongoing stupidity....

MMW They will blame Grayson Murray’s death, PGA winner who died at 30, on vaccines.


How many have to drop like flies before they admit they have poisoned themselves?

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deletedMay 26Liked by Fast Eddy
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Last night I had a speaking event in a small South Island NZ town.

The hall was full, with an engaged, enthusiastic and intelligent audience.

After we finished, one of the people who came forward to speak with me, introduced herself as a GP.

She is a working GP.

She shared that their medical practice is absolutely swamped with patients....

She told me that the nature of the consultations has changed.

Now there are many more serious, complex and multi system conditions....that are rarely if ever seen in a GP practice.

Her observation was fully in line with the quote from a recent Herald article about the crumbling of Emergency Department care in hospitals....because of sheer numbers AND the increasingly complex and serious nature of presenting conditions.

Yes - the GP believes she knows why she is seeing this.

She is awake. Overworked, concerned, but awake

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deletedMay 27
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Hi Jeanine, thanks, but it's 115 minutes long. No time to watch atm. In summary, it's saying the jab kills the brain, slowly, Yes? Can you say why it affects all (more than a huge pop'n reduction is going to?) Of course, they think they are so superior, but also, they are small in number and don't want the majority to wake up and wipe them out, so dumber and fewer suits them fine.

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Tucker Carlson is MSM... I suspect the reason he was removed from Fox was because that would give him credibility in his new position as 'independent' journalist.

Put it this way - the Men Who Run the World control all media -- they have a Ministry of Truth for this.

We have evidence of this from Operation Mockingbird + the fact that they were able to shut down all negative Covid stories over the past 3 years.

Of course Substack was not shut down -- no censoring at all ... that is because Substack was the designated platform for anti-vaxxers... it was allowed to not censor to give the A-Vaxxers somewhere to blow off steam... and to all the Ministry to keep an eye on everyone. There has never been any concern about SS polluting the Vaxxers minds... try sending a Vaxxer a SS story and you will understand why.

Tucker is in The Club - big time --- if he is saying something that appears to be exposing a secret - he's not -- he's been instructed to say what he is saying - ie he is lying.

This is not about mind control ... or Deagle stones... or 5G or whatever rabbit hole Tucker and others are trying to send the A Vaxxers down.... his role is to confuse you ... he is playing wounded mother bird to lure you away from the Truth.

And THIS... is the truth... that they do not want anyone to believe ... because if the herd understood that depletion of affordable energy was the reason for the Covid Death Shots... they'd lose their minds

UEP - the truth https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

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