
Yes ... it is a con... but it's good that you and all the other https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/ believe the con.

Because if you acknowledged the truth -- you would fall into deep despair and that would be bad for the world.

I won't make further efforts to steer you right .... we don't want too many people waking up

BTW - what are you doing to stop global warming? Did you not have kids... do you not drive a car... do you live in the bush ... or do you live in a house with heating and AC...

I had a manager working for me who was forever on about the green bullshit ... once he flew long haul business class to watch a concert in Germany ... 3 day turn around...

Anyhow .. when salary reviews came up ... I suggested cutting his salary by 30% ... cuz that would help him reduce his carbon footprint ... less vacations... less buying stuff etc....

I was joking ... he was not laughing.

How about you ... why don't you go into the work and volunteer for a pay cut?

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Great post, though the SSS don't need the barnyard animals and are just culling them in installments so they wouldn't rebel:

There is definitely a man-made Climate Crisis, but it has nothing to do with so-called greenhouse gases, and everything to do with satellites, balloons and ground stations causing artificial drought by dissolving clouds with EMFs, and of course, other geoengineering techs such as chem-trails, so even if some would not agree on Anthropogenic Global Warming, everyone should be against Carbon Climate Action!:

Climategate - Leaked E-mails Expose the Scam of "Climate Change"


Changing the climate through satellites and huge radar weather stations:



Best scientific sources to debunk carbon climate action:


Killing me softly with green songs:


Carbon reparations:


Climate deaths:


The full plan exposed, and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet



No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.

Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.

This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.

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You should consult Doomberg. They provide convincing arguments that there is actually plenty of oil and gas for the foreseeable future. Enabling a non-panicked transition nuclear if the halfwitted “greens” will permit.

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Ask Doomberg why we are steaming oil out of sand if there is so much left...

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He is clueless

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Notice how while being sanctioned heavily somehow a Russian company was hired by the UK to look for oil in Antarctica, lo and behold they found a massive amount. Talk about the harsh arctic for extraction! Yeah the green revolution more like soylent green?

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No. Extraordinary means are used to get oil because vast amounts of oil are kept off the market.

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Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, on and on. Federal Land.

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I have addressed those locations here - and North Sea -- see tge charts...


BTW - I have a new friend who is an oil and gas engineer -- he was born in Aberdeen and worked on the North Sea for years... he was telling me that that the fields are in deep depletion ... in fact he has a property in Aberdeen and he was saying the value has dropped 40%... because of the sorry state of the oil fields...

Alaska is the same situation ... as is Mexico

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I'm talking about all the area where oil and gas drilling is not allowed! Of course, there is depletion where oil and gas is being extracted.

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Where is it not allowed... so you think the government would not allow extraction if there was economically viable oil... that they'd rather commit suicide?

Did it ever occur to you that they make this shit up about banning oil drilling?

I have a mate in oil and gas and we were discussing New Zealand's plight ... the govt banned new exploration ... he said that is bullshit ... there is oil but in locations that are not economically viable.

Sounds better to say we have oil and the govt is just stupid .. rather than there is no more viable oil. Imagine what would happen to the NZ dollar and economy if they admitted that

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Oil drilling is not allowed where oil is abundant to keep the price of oil up for the Rockefellers.

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But the Rockefellers have a share in the ownership of the Fed... the Fed owns the reserve currency... the printing press... why would they need to waste their time with flogging oil?

Oh and BTW... high priced oil is not good for anyone... as we are witnessing ... that is what is shredding the global economy


According to the OECD Economics Department and the International Monetary Fund Research Department, a sustained $10 per barrel increase in oil prices from $25 to $35 would result in the OECD as a whole losing 0.4% of GDP in the first and second years of higher prices. http://www.iea.org/textbase/npsum/high_oil04sum.pdf


For most of the last century, cheap oil powered global economic growth. But in the last decade, the price of oil production has quadrupled, and that shift will permanently shackle the growth potential of the world’s economies. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-09-23/how-high-oil-prices-will-permanently-cap-economic-growth

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Governments the world over are captured by the Rockefellers and their ilk.

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Makes sense...

Is that where the term algorithm comes from ( Al Gore) ?.... I ain't dancing.

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Deep conspiracy stuff here. Partial truths in a toxic oh so tidy and tight mix. Al Gore! Oh My Gore. Oops my eyes just rolled out of their sockets. I remember we had an "Earth Day" at our Junior High School in 1970

(or '69). Joni Mitchell sang Big Yellow Taxi around then. I'm sure she was bought, not. She was there before Gore, and he was there long before EVs. I remember visiting VW R&D in Wolfsburg in 1989. They were really concerned about the "CO2 Problem" (Awareness thereof) becoming their problem back then.

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Peak oil is an exploded scare

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Did I misunderstand? You think climate change, which is a result of global warming ( and cooling if we were entering another ice age) is just a con? I think the climate, the oceans and the polar ice caps may disagree.

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Sep 23Liked by Fast Eddy

Nah. Its absolutely a con.

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