May 20Liked by Fast Eddy

A disease didn’t kill the chickens, just like Covid didn’t kill people…people, using USDA “protocols”, killed the chickens and people, using hospital “protocols”, killed the people. Then, “protocols” (vaccines) killed some more of those people. Viruses (if you want to believe that), propaganda and demoralization were what fooled the people into this grand depopulation agenda. I’m sure some of the people involved in this hideous agenda might believe peak oil is running out so they took part in it for their monetary lusts, while others took part for their other monetary lusts. The top operators don’t care how they get people on board to participate and they will recruit according to each persons lusts, blackmail and coercion, if necessary, with death to follow if resisted. Your prediction of 100% death rate flies in the face of reality as they need a working, controllable population to further their goals. They need to control the rate of death, which cannot happen with an uncontrollable “virus”, as they themselves would be susceptible to it. They may be insatiably greedy for power and wealth but they aren’t stupid. This is a controlled demolition..to do otherwise would risk their own deaths by way of a killer “virus” or vigilante mob attack (which could still happen). They will continue to unleash each offensive move until the demoralization and culling has reached “their” determined, manageable levels. Peak oil, imo, is just another excuse to propagandize and further their goals, by way of disabling the movement of people, along with the climate change hoax. Now, if you want to talk about depopulation, in order to control and experiment on people, to further and refine THEIR bloodlines and the worship their master desires, then we’ll be getting to the heart of the matter. Otherwise, you’re just an unpaid worker in their grand scheme.

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The coup de grace - finishing off anyone who survives the Bossche Mutation...

What nuclear annihilation could look like

“The survivors would envy the dead.”


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I think things are going to be very difficult for a lot of people in countries that have had an elevated lifestyle due to cheap energy. Those countries that are struggling along on natural resources and rural living will be the LEAST affected.

The globalists should try being honest and making plans to help humanity and themselves instead of business as usual with concentrating money, assets, power to no real useful end. Thing will not end well for the hyper rich if they cause a collapse of civilisation they rely on to be well off.

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May 19Liked by Fast Eddy

Titan proves abiotic oil & hydrocarbons. Banking fkery does not prove peak oil.

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May 20·edited May 20Author

When will the North Sea and Alaska oil fields refill? As we can see they are in deep decline.

Why do we need to steam oil out of sand .. if the oil fields refill?

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Aug 7Liked by Fast Eddy

Seriously, fast Eddy what would you suggest a person alone do to get prepared?

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Given https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-utter-futility-of-doomsday-prepping I would suggest stockpiling a jar of fentanyl...

I would do this but I am not sure how to go about it... I cannot exactly go to a doctor and say I need this so that I can put down my wife and dogs so we do not have to starve to death ... after being beaten and raped by bad guys when the world collapses...

What I am hoping is that when the end game arrives... fentanyl (or similar) will be made available by governments around the world... they have already done us a kindness by trying to exterminate 8B... so why not go the extra yard and provide an exit pill?

I also hope that they will unleash their nuclear arsenals as the coup de grace.

Nobody survives.... the best we can hope for is a painless death

I am dead serious.

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You're trusting the fox's account of chickens in the henhouse. They have every incentive to say this is a declining resource and its getting harder to support you plebes, now take these injections so that we can crispr your genes as we please.

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Why do we steam oil out of sand?

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We make "money" by doing so. My Imperial Oil shares continue to pay well and may do so well past my expected expiry date.

The EROI accounts are of interest, with trends converging to 1 sometime in the future.

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But why steam oil out of sand.... drill miles beneath the sea... and drop bombs down holes to blow up the rock formation and suck up the dregs... if there is so much easy oil left?

And why are we trying to work out how to drill for oil in the Arctic?

Any competent business person would go with the least expensive production option - but of course... if the conventional oil (cheap oil) has peaked... well then - yes you steam oil out of sand etc...

Cuz otherwise you run into a supply problem - and before you know it oil is $147 a barrel and screaming higher...

Remember 2007... just before the GFC... oil hit a record high.... then shale kicked in ... and it prevented $300 oil.

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The Precarious State of the Shale Oil Industry:

Try to get your head around the idea that by 2027, US tight oil production might be 12 MM BOPD, not the 9 MM it is now, which is what cheerleaders say it will be, and that means we'll actually have to find and extract 12 MM BOPD... before we can ever grow the new 3 MM. Man, that is a slew of new wells! Thats gonna take like...four times the HZ wells we've already drilled in the US.

Where? https://www.oilystuff.com/single-post/the-hamster-wheel

About the author:

Mike Shellman was literally born in the oilfields of S. Texas. He started tailing out sucker rods when he six years old, learned to throw a spinning chain by the time he was 12 and became a driller on 1500 HP rigs by 20. He's done just about everything there is to do in the oilfield, from ditch digging to deep well design and implementation. He has operated as many as 90 wells in the past and owned various non operated WI and royalty interests throughout Texas, including tight oil wells. He still drills wells every year, based on his geology, with his own money. His operational company was one of the first in the industry to render produced water reusable and beneficial to the environment under Environmental Protection Agency and Texas Railroad Commission compliance standards he helped draft, and implement. He worked with many of the same employees and service providers he started

operating with over 45 years ago. We're all still family.

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Eddy an inventor has made s9mething that needs oil 9nly to start..goes for a long time gives off no pollution. It's been trialed once successfully. That could extend our time to find solutions if they don't kill off the inventor. To forestall that they are putting plans out everywhere they think it will be safe. Let's see.

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Yes and then there is this right? https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181119-why-flammable-ice-could-be-the-future-of-energy

Imagine what would happen if we had energy that cost almost nothing and was unlimited... we'd pave the entire planet over in a decade

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Yeah, the dates may be adjusted for optimum propaganda effect, the sad fact though is that the free lunch is almost over and alternatives should be seriously considered. Perpetual waste economy helps no one.

Cheap energy allowed population growth which is great for ponzi schemes, even if the magical abiotic fuels were 'real' it seems like they are not 'enough' or they would all be in use but we are still depleting one time fossil reserves and they ARE getting harder to mine and find.

So the cheap energy will be coming to an end in many places. Those countries that cannot export something essential and do not have their own reserves will struggle, even if someone somewhere has access to these other sources of fuels that no one has been able to tap perpetually.

Old gas wells are piped to recover remaining gas but it is a diminishing flow, same for oil wells, they recover somewhat as the oil flows to the lowest points but little demonstration that 'new' oil or gas is formed NOW.

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May 21·edited May 21

Nice to see some speculation on what's going on and why that makes sense. A couple of things I've wondered about - why are there so few, if any, defections from the elite agenda once one is a member of the club? Could it be their agenda has redeeming sides to it? Secondly - many wonder why they'd target their most loyal and gullible followers (injectees) for harm, and leave those who see through them (at least to some degree) unscathed? One reason is psychopaths have more disdain for those they can easily fool than those they can't. This piece presents another reason. If they're trying to preserve, rather than destroy civilization, better to have worthy humans who can think than a population of mindless drones.

Here we have possible explanations for both questions.

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Getting into the club is extremely difficult ... but once you are in the most exclusive club in the world.... the perks are phenomenal.

Why would defecting even cross your mind? To what purpose?

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For the same reason there are whistleblowers anywhere. Some people have a more functional conscience than others. I'll grant than anyone who ascends to membership in this club is, on average, less empathic and more psychopathic than average. Still, when the scale of the carnage they're signing up for becomes apparent, it seems reasonable (to me) a few would run the other way. IOW, money, perks, and power aren't the most important things to everyone. I don't have it figured out, just trying. I've never been religious, but non-human evil forces provide the neatest explanation. Beyond my pay grade to know about that, just an unmissable observation.

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They only allow people into the club who have read The Prince .... and who understand how the world really works.

These people realize that whistleblowing is futile... that The Men Who Run the World are all powerful... that the only viable option is to join them ... to seek membership in The Club.

Military leaders are all in The Club... senior politicians... billionaires... anyone with any influence...

And the will remain in The Club because there is no other option ... if they tried to overturn The Club they'd have no support... and even if it was possible to over turn The Club... another Club would replace it...

This is the way the world works...

Better the devil you know.. if you are in the Club ... this devil rewards you very well... and at the end of the day... that is all that matters

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1567945974537936897

“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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Wow, someone more cynical than me! I've read The Prince, and I understand at least much of how the world works, in the way you allude. Understanding it doesn't mean you have to embrace it. You're right, whistleblowing is futile in today's world. Even years ago there was no guarantee you'd get any traction, and might just be screwing yourself for nothing.

We disagree on a few points though. The only option isn't to join them. Given a choice between being an active member of a group that spreads misery and kills, just so I could have a lot of perks, or staying as far away from those assholes as I could, but STILL having a very comfortable lifestyle and being a decent human being instead of a monster, I'd choose the latter. As would a whole lot of people.

That the devil rewards very well is true, but it's not all that matters.

Almost every wealthy, powerful person is clearly a total dick to the point it sure looks like they sold their soul to the devil. Those that appear otherwise, like Musk, are likely just good at masking. Pretty striking how they all seem bent on destroying Western civilization.

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That's why you will never be in The Club... and that's why The Men Who Run the World... run the world... cuz they are willing to do whatever it takes.... and you are not...

That's why we are all being farmed ... and there is nothing we can do about it ... because all those who have the ability to do something ... are in The Club.

The Men Who Run the World do not want to destroy civilization ... all they want to do is prevent a horrifying outcome when the global economy collapses for want of cheap energy.

They are actually doing us a kindness by exterminating us.

We need to be grateful for this... the alternative is very nasty

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Why do you think I'm not willing to do whatever it takes? But, we should leave me aside, anybody can say anything about themselves in a post, or face to face even. Talk's cheap.

There are beaucoup reasons I'll never be in their club, but that's not one of them.

It's a club of people who are exactly like the masses they disdain, in that they think they know things that they can't, and don't.

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Ah but they clearly havea a Plan C or maybe a plan D and that plan is independent of them. Which is an admission that they are willing to admit defeat. Bring it on.

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They don't believe in the Devil... nor do I.

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But don’t they worship Satan?

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Probably why they keep firing up the LHC during solar storms. Tech has come far enough that most of the Plebes can be done away with, without any serious consequence for the banking corps & their tentacles. They keep spraying the atmosphere with crap, its pretty obvious they want to induce another ice age and genocide is their only way to preserve the counterfeiting license.

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Nup. Your analysis is shit. I doubt that Peak Oil is a thing but I’ll have to let that go for the moment as I have not done reasearch on it. But your analysis also relies on viruses being real and being able to mutate which sorry to have to tell you dead things don’t do (unless they were alive first of all, in which case they mutate from life to death). Despite billions of dollars over 120 years or more there never has been a pandemic, military made or not. And there won’t be. The only way to get poisons into people is by needle. But I figure everyone’s over that right now. It also relies on comptence of elected officials but even you must know that every single one of the elected officials during the pandemic in Australasia were full 100% idiots. They agreed to the genocide due to $ nothing else.

It’s about time that we sat down together and solved these problems instead of letting the stupidest of us bring about calamanity.

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One question for you ... if there is so much easy cheap oil left...

Why are we steaming oil out of sand?

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As I said I don’t feel I have spent enough time on this topic to have a POV other than people have been claiming peak oil for over 20 Years. But Oil is currently 78 USD a barrel so the tarsands have to produce it at a level that it can make a profit on. If it was too much more expensive, than oil from Saudi say, then they wouldn’t be able to do that.

My main point is that there has never ever been a pandemic. Nor has there ever been biological warfare except at the end of a needle and I figure they’ve played that hand and trying to do it again will see them hanging from lampposts.

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Yes but the tar sands has been producing since the late 1970s.... oil only lifted off in price after the turn of the century ... how does something that is so costly to produce compete on the oil markets with the easy stuff - unless the easy stuff is depleted ... driving up the price of oil (see Supply and Demand Economics grade 10)... which makes the tar sands feasible - and necessary ... to ensure sufficient supply...

There's your answer.

Meanwhile .. we drill thousands of holes in the ground - drop bombs down to blow up the shale .. and suck up the dregs... now that really sounds desperate ... oh did I mention:

All the while losing 300 billion dollars in 15 year!!! https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/us-shale-has-lost-300-billion-in-15-years-1029335848?op=1

Supply ... Demand... if shale does not happen (at a cost of 300B) then supply would not be anywhere near enough for the global economy to function ...

Recall oil was $147 just prior to Drill Baby Drill? Now imagine what happens if Drill Baby Drill does not happen.... $200? $500?


According to the OECD Economics Department and the International Monetary Fund Research Department, a sustained $10 per barrel increase in oil prices from $25 to $35 would result in the OECD as a whole losing 0.4% of GDP in the first and second years of higher prices. http://www.iea.org/textbase/npsum/high_oil04sum.pdf


For most of the last century, cheap oil powered global economic growth. But in the last decade, the price of oil production has quadrupled, and that shift will permanently shackle the growth potential of the world’s economies. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-09-23/how-high-oil-prices-will-permanently-cap-economic-growth

It's not complicated... those who cannot see the obvious... don't want to see it.

Because there is no solution to this ...

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What’s the price of oil compared to a gold bar.

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The price of gold is irrelevant.

This is all you need to know about what happens when energy prices spike:

The Beginning of the End

JUNE 13, 2003 - There is increasing evidence that massive economic stimulus — monetary, courtesy of the Federal Reserve, and fiscal, thanks to the president and supply-side minded lawmakers — is taking hold. The magnitude of the policy turnaround, which caps a constructive, multi-year reflation process, should overwhelm the economic negatives — including the drag from expensive oil and poor finances at the state- and local-government levels.

Expensive oil and its impact on other energy costs remains a concern.

The current level of U.S. monetary stimulus is massive. Real interest rates have fallen 5.2 percent from December 2000 to March 2003, reaching -1.2 percent. A swing of this magnitude may be historical.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/207227/reversal-fortune-david-malpass

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And I’m more worried about this at the moment;


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Why would you worry about things that you have no control over?

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I’m in Europe in July that’s why.

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Worrying will not change anything.

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well yeah but poisons get into people in MANY WAYS and now SPRAYING THE SKIES WITH POISON is one major way. AND FREQUENCY ( 5G, WIFI etc) can create ANY DISEASE SYMPTOM

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This is BULLSHIT...there was NO VIRUS...only propaganda, the winter doldrums and 5G!

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your observations are very astute, too many fail to grasp the relevance of the "cost" of extracting energy...

some research has shown that some major "natural" (un-natural) events have occured on or around deeply buried resources, Haiti being the most recent, amazingly after the major "natural" (un-natural) event those same resources moved up to a more reachable level, the oil fields off port au prince being a prime example.

The extinction theory is valid, excepting a few twists, they (i believe) refer to it as CEP, compassionate extinction program. kinda cuddly and gives One a deep warm, fuzzy feeling..

As observed the "vax" is a highly developed bio warfare agent, however its effects vary from one dna sub group to another, its no surprise that white caucasian is the most affected and those races most attuned to subservience/slavery least affected.

What is less known is the single genetic identifier of the perpetrators who have a unique dna quirk due to "in-breeding"..

They control banking, finance, pharma and have made little secret of their desires for a "world of their own".

lindsey grahams` proposed bill going through american statute will give the ability for the perpetrators to stage a flase flag and get the other facet of depop off to a more "realistic" footing, put simply there simply arent enough dying... yet

As someone who previously worked in poultry science i can also point those interested toward the "h5n1" emerging psyop.

Symptoms of this imagined zoonotic infection in humans are simply `orrid, approx 80% mortality in the infected and One drowns in Ones` own secretions, yum!

Put another way i firmly believe as do others that a pre-cursor has been placed in the vax that will at the appropriate time begin to show itself... intensely, thus supplying the "evidence" required to hide the crime/s

At such point all resistance and analysis of the "vax" mortality will be rapidly and likely murderously silenced, what is more concerning is that all those "on the fence" and coming around nicely to the vile truths of life in 2024 will immediately jump ship and revert to type.. and... assist willingly in the new levels proposed of silencing/eliminating those of Us who will and always will refuse..

Tough times ahead, but thats` not the half of it, theres an intensely spiritual element to all of this that requires a really, really open mind to comprehend.

Basically it revolves around all the stuff they steered you away from since birth and all the stuff they stuck you full of, things that dumb you down, from your drinking water, your food, your clothes your "fast" food, the communication mechanisms that flow all sround you, disrupting the "real" ones i might add..

As we say, "you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink", its up to you to follow the evidence and discern what is a bread crumb and whats merely a small lump of poison that looks like..... a breadcrumb..

For any interested the very essence of what lies at the heart of the vax (physically anyway) was covered in an almost un-noticed Uk drama called "utopia" circa about 2014.. you can get both seasons box sets on dvd for pence, cents or sense to you, a superb bit of reveal if ever there was one.. "Matrix", that ones a kabbalah psyop much like the many other kabbalah psyops currently underway.. its about karma reversal for the perpetrators, the innocent get the rap, the perpetrators get to do it again... and again, like in freemasonry where the sins of the fathers are allocated to the sons.. unless the sons become masons... some will get that, some will know who the masons really are or who controls/subverted them anyway..

Anyway, i really must head off to maccy d`s, get a nice human flesh enfant burger, drink a bottle of san peligrino which has absolutely the finest grade of graphene "darling" don my nylon suit, snatch my "i phone", climb into my tesla and simply wish you all the very best..

chin up it could be worse

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I read through the article without click into the various links you provided.. there’s a lot of them, and I simply do not have the time at this present moment, but I’ve saved your ‘stack, and will get back to it later.. not too later, as we don’t have that much time, it would seem. 😂

Thought provoking work.

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Didn't you mean to write "These facilities cannot be controlled without computers and energy" ? Great post.

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That's one of their "reasons" to murder us:


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Wow, thank you I will follow you

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The pole shift is happening they want rid of as many of us as possible before that SHTF…

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Sky is falling.


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Overcapacity and Price Wars

China’s deflationary spiral now entering a dangerous new stage


Not quite yet... but it will fall.

I imagine there would have been idiots like you in Rome etc... https://www.worldhistory.org/collection/28/the-fall-of-civilizations/

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I see where you are going here.

But, with all due respect… nah.

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Feel free to point out what part of my thesis is wrong.

It's rather difficult to rebut 'nah'...

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Is it a collapse or just the pause at the very end of another exhalation?

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PTB is "powers that be"

What is UEP?

What is BAU?

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Ultimate Extinction Plan

Business As Usual

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i fucking hate all these BULLSHIT 3 LETTER CRAP no one knows the definition of...

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