
Timely... https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-great-cholesterol-scam-and-the

Not sure why one has to pay to read the entire article and comment... ah yes of course... the author is a doctor... and doctors LOVE $$$$!!!! Everyone LOVES $$$$.

Fast Eddy does not LOVE $$$$ enough to do that... Fast prefers bashing in the faces of DelusiSTANIS with Truths. Most people do not want The Truth .... so charging them to read would result in nobody reading any of this.

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18

midwestern doctor's substack is not a paid thing - yes you can pay if you want, but she values both free and paid subscribers - unless this has very recently changed, or substack is doing something weird.

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At the bottom of the article you can register to read the rest of the article .... one freebie... then I assume you have to pay....

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The Hepatitis B vaccine is mandated for children to attend public schools in 47 states.

Hepatitis B is transmitted through needles or sexual contact, so why is this vaccine pushed babies on their first day of life?

Doctors don’t have a valid answer. In fact, if you ask them why your child needs the Hep B shot on the first day of life, they give you the lame excuse that there could be a hepatitis B-infected needle on the playground.

The thing is, there are ZERO documented cases of a child contracting Hepatitis B from an infected needle found on a playground.

Ex-pharma consultant @calleymeans says, “If the same fervor that our institutions use to push vaccines was pushed towards not poisoning kids with our food, we would save trillions of dollars in healthcare costs.

Not only that. “We would not have a budget crisis in this country” and “We would unlock human capital like we can't even believe.”

“So anyone that says lifestyle interventions fail is totally full of sh*t. The piggy bank for medicine is basically managing lifestyle conditions that aren't cured yet.”

Full Interview: https://youtu.be/n8FvxPrsVAM?si=97mYgLOIHBqCGZ5H

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More evidence that Vaccines were created to be KILL SHOTS https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-sids-sudden-infant-death-syndrome

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Great article. Not sure about vitamins and supplements as there seems to be conflicting data about those as well.

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The reason I did not take supplements up until two years ago ... was because I had read a number of times that supplements were useless...that the body could not absorb the nutrients in the supplements... of course that was when I was not yet totally sceptical of everything...

Then I spoke to a neighbour who is a homeopath and she informed me that supplements are extremely beneficial because no matter how good your diet is... you cannot optimize for the wide range of nutrients you need to ensure excellent health.

She said that taking supplements with food overcomes the issue of the body not being able to absorb them.

In the 2+ years now that I have been taking supplements... I have not had a cold ... nothing... clearly my immune system is firing on all cylinders.

Of course The Men Who Run the World do NOT want the herd supplementing... that would lead to too many living into their 90's... and that would be bad for the farm

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The Men Who Run The World have gotten wise to supplements now too. Most supplements are now manufactured by big pharmaceutical companies. They’ve bought out all of the large supplement producers like Natures Own and the like. Now they’re going after the little guys. We have a small shop here in my (not for long) small town. I visit regularly because she really knows her stuff and I trust her products. She refuses to sell anything made by big pharma, but she is also finding it harder to find product that isn’t tainted by them. I’m trying to grow my own herbs and other plants to make my own herbal remedies and health enhancements but it’s really hard because only so much will grow in our Texas heat.

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Jun 30Liked by Fast Eddy

Once life evolves, it tends to cover it tracks.”

-John DeLaney

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if the herd would only drink. but they are right there by the river and prefer a bottle of coke.

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The science has been wrong on vaccines for a really, really long time. The science says that if you inject a foreign protein into the body, you’ll get antibodies. Well, that’s absolutely true, you will. I could take dirt out of my back yard, put it in a syringe with saline, inject it and yeah, I’m going to get antibodies. That’s what the immune system does.

But where they got mixed up was, they thought that “ok, well if we just inject parts of a pathogenic organism, just parts of that into the body, that it will create antibodies that will protect us against infection”. No, that is absolutely not true, and it’s always been that way for every shot called a vaccine, with two minor exceptions.

One was the oral polio vaccine, which was the entire virus, the whole thing, all of it. And the other was the rotavirus vaccine. It was the whole thing. It was the whole virus in an oral product that you swallowed. And it came through what’s called the epithelial barrier in a natural way, the way that you would normally be infected by either polio or the rotavirus. And by doing so your immune system gets to experience all of that organism, the whole thing. And it builds up a memory and antibodies that are robust and will be able to protect you from future infections.

And it secretes a very special antibody into the mucosal layer that does protect you from future infections. But when you take something and you inject it into the body totally ignoring that epithelial barrier, you’re creating something inside the body that can only react to future infections. It will never prevent infections, never ever. Birx admitted it, Fauci admitted it now, you see. Not only that, but the antibodies that are created are suboptimal. Because they’re only injecting part of it, those antigens get mutated, they change.

And so now the antibodies that you have are only looking for what was injected into you, not what really exists, you see. It doesn’t work.


Very obviously... they know all of this ... yet they continue to inject. Cuz population control.

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Oregon Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas, MD has come under fire by the Oregon Medical Board for providing informed consent to his patients. After publishing a study using the data from his more than 13,000 patients, the Oregon Medical, in an attempt to silence the highly controversial study results, suspended his license. https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/vaccine-study-costs-doctor-his-license/

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I believe this is happening in the vaccines given to dogs as well. I can't speak for other pets or farm livestock. But my own experience of having dogs throughout my life, I'm now in mid 70s, is that the unvaxxed dogs did not have loads of lumps and lived longer. Vaxxed got cancer, lumps and died ave. age 10.5yrs.

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I am seeing similar -- dogs with a front leg removed due to cancer... WTF... I am thinking it's the leg that got injected endlessly with toxic waste.

We brought a dog out of Indonesia -- she was vaxxed as a pup and never again until we shipped her... and over the past 8 years no shots... she has never been ill a day in her life...

I am convinced that if an animal including a human... is eats a healthy diet and exercises... generally they will remain disease free... and that vaccines provide zero protection.

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Aug 18Liked by Fast Eddy

I agree. So glad you saved your dog. I had a terrible experience with my small dog recently. She had been limping. The vet said he thought it was cancer in her pelvis although he didn't examine her really, just guessed, and wanted to Xray - over £1,000 but something about him made me not trust him. He sent me to a different vet. She swept my little dog away from me and came back to tell me my dog was 'too wriggly' (she just gets happy at meeting people) and my dog was nearly 13 so she should be put down. I took her away with the pills they prescribed. I only gave her the pain killers. I treat her for arthritis. Outcome; she's running around on 4 legs and being as bright and cheerful as ever. I am actually shaking as I write, I feel so distressed. I'm old now and this means neither I nor my old dogs have any protection should we need medical help. I honestly pray that if it comes to a nuclear war, that the bomb lands on my house.

I am so glad I have found you Fast Eddy. I am on low income so will subscribe as soon as I get myself into safer money situation. Thank you for your incredibly good information and blogs.

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Fast Eddy does not accept paid subscriptions... this is a public service

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Aug 18Liked by Fast Eddy

Fast Eddy you are a true Hero! In these days of 'paid subscription information' it soon becomes easy to be paying >£100 pcm to read the information I used to read on medical libraries and so on. Despite my having had 2 professions, I also had a covert narcissist older husband who said I did not need to pay my pension because I was linked to his. Ha ha. I believed him, he did the accounts since he was a professional mathematician. Result is, he dies when I am 42 and have 3 daughters, and I find he has withdrawn his pensions..... I have worked all my life but injury+disability led to early retirement = very low income = live in fear of DDs not getting paid and all the bad repercussions ensuing. I only live to give a decent life to my rescued dogs who deserve it and truly keep me going mentally, emotionally.

Thank you again Fast Eddy it's decency like yours that really does make so much difference. I won't forget it or take it for granted.

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What heals us is what God made

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And they sure don’t want those who challenge the verse…A concerted effort has been made to keep certain candidates off the ballot. Please read & share as our choices & our Democracy is being threatened: https://arabellasmith.substack.com/p/sea-biscuit-the-race-is-not-over?r=100zv1&triedRedirect=true

The ONLY candidate who has been advocating for health FOR YEARS is Rfk jr. The pharm cartel sure doesn’t want him in office.

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Subject of Vaccines. A book I use written by researcher to minimize mental problems believes that Aluminum is the major culprit and uses routine Silica to remove it, so consuming the Silica should help as a remedy. If valid, then Silica should help prevent "Blood Sludge". Also have heard that some airplanes disperse Aluminum in the upper atmosphere for secret reasons.

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Subject of Vaccines. A book I use written by researcher to minimize mental problems believes that Aluminum is the major culprit and uses routine Silica to remove it, so consuming the Silica should help as a remedy. If valid, then Silica should help prevent "Blood Sludge". Also have heard that some airplanes disperse Aluminum in the upper atmosphere for secret reasons.

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Don't tell the Vaxxers this ... we don't want them all living till 100.

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Take vitamin supplements that are made by big pharma?

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Your 'food pyramid' is based on junk science, and those promoting it are beneficiaries of the big business interests which you're supposedly against. Carbohydrates are not sugar. Sugar is sugar. Saturated fat causes high cholesterol, which is a key factor in heart disease, still the biggest killer in the US. Dietary recommendations are not an Evil Plot by Them to poison us, as most people' are doing a great job at that already.

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Waiter -- please send this fellow an extra helping of pasta and a loaf of garlic bread slathered with seed oil -- put it on my tab! I write these expenses off under 'curing stupidity'

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Yes, I was anticipating a mouth-breathing response instead of a rational discussion. With friends like these...

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Hey Eddy - i just noticed this on MWD - so i guess you are right, "sadly", as she has so often said:



13 hrs ago

I just changed to a paid subscription. Where is the final part of the article?


A Midwestern Doctor

12 hrs ago


Refresh it and make sure there's a section called "conclusion" at the end.

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I am forever amused by the SS authors including doctors and scientists --- who are leading 'the revolution' to save us from the evil overlords who are hell-bent on injecting everyone.... have put up paywalls....

Do they really need the pittance that they generate from monetizing the revolution?

They disgrace the term revolutionary...

But then again ... nothing surprises me given https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/substack-a-ministry-of-truth-production

Who knows ... even Fast Eddy could be a psyop.... lashing the herd with truths... knowing most of them will recoil and take refuge in DelusiSTAN...

The fact that Fast Eddy's subscriber base is in the 100's (when it should be billions)... is evidence that https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/there-is-no-cure-for-stupidity

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Aug 20Liked by Fast Eddy

yeah i was disapointedly surprised by MWD doing that. But then everything changes in this bizarre creation, sometimes (perhaps frequently) even into its opposite

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

and then maybe it isn't such a pittance after all i mean 100.000 subs even at 10 bucks apiece . . .

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100k paid subs... or total subs?

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

no i think that is total subs, but most subscripts are substantially more than 10 bucks a year; i think her minimum is or was $80/year. So if even only 5% subscribe, that is not small change - $400k! ( i was surprised when i did the math) Maybe this is why many end up with paywalls - the cash lure is too intense - of course they will lose subscribers too, and the ones that start demanding too soon probably perish. And probably substack inc is always pushing them for paywalls (you would know, do they?) and then everyone (esp the authors) starts thinking it is the norm.

Too bad really, because as MWD herself wrote recently re medical science not acknowledging the importance of stomach acid: "Situations like this are some of the clearest illustration that modern medicine is much more a sales directed business than a science." Substitute "substack" for modern medicine and "service" for science.

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I have not been prodded by SS (aka The Ministry of Truth) to beg for $$$.

That said ... I likely do not get on their radar as most people are https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

Which limits the numbers that would read any of this.

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