It's like this. Ask 10,000 people what the economy runs on and 9,500 will say money. 499 will say energy and just 1 will say surplus energy, the energy left over after you have rebuilt, replaced or repaired all the stuff we have built in the last 100 years.

Now as Fast Eddy has pointed out energy production is dropping but cos he is not one of the really special people who can see clearly that the world runs on a very special sort of energy, called in the trade, "surplus energy " he fails to see that surplus energy supply is collapsing at an astonishing rate.

And The Men Who Run The World? Well they have been well aware of this particular predicament for well over 60years so you can all be sure that plans have been put in place to manage the situation.

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I believe we have the mechanism of extermination https://www.harvard2thebighouse.com/p/sars-cov-2-is-the-most-dangerous

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I wonder how it might be tied into https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous

We are repeatedly deploying a leaky vaccines ... knowing it is worse than useless...

Anyone think they might be trying to create a hot strain of covid?

We need to keep in mind that the Vaxxed are not vaxxed... they are shooting up with a vaccine that was intended for the original strain ... which no longer exists

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Thought you might like that one.

Its a long read, but really makes you think about what could be next.

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I am certain Covid is not over... they didn't go to all that trouble for money... as most people believe...

The power they demonstrated in getting 6B+ to inject toxic waste... indicates they are all-powerful... when you are all powerful you do not need money... you own the Fed... you do not sell dodgy meds for a buck

I can't wait to see how this ends... what the actual mechanism is for the extermination.

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And it should be stated that there are no civilization-scale substitutes for the millions of years of stored sunlight we enjoy in the form of coal, petroleum, and natural gas: high-density, transportable, storable, and hoardable. When these are gone or can no longer provide a return without subsidies or without ignoring all the costs of their extraction, refinement, and distribution, so goes surplus energy and the civilization it built.

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Just wondering...the "plans" they put in place to solve the problem woulndt be goergia stone teaching of under 500 000 population? That would clearly solve the energy prob... and still leaves us in 2025 for our last years 🤣😂😅🤪

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All of the above isn't to imply that the 9,500 are stupid in any way as folk are essentially social animals, and the world they live in is the world of their tribe. Why on earth think independently of your tribe? Where would it get you in terms of status or more importantly security. Don't they say that those who trade the liberty of independent thought for temporary security end up with neither?

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Jan 3Edited

a tribe is there to reciprocate benefits.

you can't reciprocate benefits if they are too stupid and blame bankers, politicans for the resource problems because they keep pooping out the same morons.

they are -not- your tribe anymore the moment they cease to benefit you whatsoever

it is tautological that only resourceful and capable people get to live in the wild.

retards naturally die out for overconsuming resources or being too stupid to farm or manage their land. the reason you have iq is to think independently...???

imagine the converse. everything is shared. african shared mentality. and they only live on the goodwill of western world for their resources (aka placating to maintain minimal political stability to extract resources)

social species doesn't mean being completely co-dependent. the neocortex was brought to your head to imagine future possibilities that would not be exist otherwise. how can 9500 of your neighbours be your tribe when theres only one bread in the future in 20 years and all they can think about is their future retirement cruise in 2035?????????

how did you think western world got to enjoy civilization?? they had higher iq and extracted energy out of the ground.. the faustian spirit of ''progress'' and attribution of credit to INDIVIDUALS whom have MERIT. the shared mentality of yours is mines of communalism works great in small scale tribes. but civilization is INTRINSICALLY AUTHORIANIAN because the TECHNOLOGY has a SET OF REQUIREMENTS SUCH AS AN INDUSTRIOUS, HIGH IQ POPULATION and SUFFICIENT ENERGY/RESOURCES and HIGH COMPLEXITY social schemas.

there is NO TRIBE behind the veneer of insufficiency, what tribe is there???????

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As the famous quote goes: "How do you go bankrupt? A little at first, then all of a sudden". I see 2025, unfortunately more of the same but with more headwinds. My wish is for a global thermal nuclear war to finally fix and eliminate stupid once and for all, aka "Humans".

But as been mentioned many times, energy is the "lifeblood" on industrial civilization and cheap easy to extract oil is harder and harder to get at. If it wasn't for exploding debt and speculation, Shale Oil, Tar Sands, Wind/Solar would be an afterthought. As cheap and affordable energy goes, so does Industrial Civilization.


Europe and especially Germany are already realizing that Wind and Solar are not the solution to fossil fuels. Their economies are going into recession and in some cases depression. Germany's auto industry is collapsing because China can now produce quality vehicles at a fraction of the price Germany needs.

Eventually it all comes crashing down because people will not be able to afford the taxes and the prices needed by the energy producers to pull it out of the ground. And NO, Big Government is not the solution. It cost the US Gov't several billion dollars to build "7 EV charging stations". That's Big Government for you.

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There's nothing to worry about. The ET's are helping us. Those drones in America, they're using them to fill up the oil wells. NSA agents have acknowledged this on the quiet. The ET's have done it before and they'll do it again.

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The fool who writes this informed me that crypto would solve the problem of declining affordable energy ... https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/

I unsubscribed

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Nothing to worry about, we'll just swap out every commuter car, tractor, ship, and plane with one that runs on magical limitless and free electricity or hydrogen, all without civilization skipping a beat or even noticing anything has changed.

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"No Longer Sustained by Education, Western Humanity Is in Death Throes"


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Education? My education, 1960s, inner London, really amounted to: you are really lucky to be born in the UK/greatest Empire the world has ever known etc etc.

When all is said and done "Western Humanity" is no more than a story we are lumbered with, told by TMWRTW so we could feel OK about ourselves, as we went round the world exterminating indigenous peoples and getting the Chinese hooked on heroin.

But of course if it has been something of a comfort blanket to anyone I wouldn't ditch it, what on earth would be gained. Well there is the possibility they might see all the other comfort blankets they have surrounded themselves with over the years. But then what??

Western Humanity? My arse.

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let's not forget the starving of those millions of Indians who 'were breeding like rabbits' hahaha...

I suppose the barnyard animals need to believe they are good ... and that their civilization is not based on murder and plunder... otherwise they go insane?

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When Nord stream blew up, Biden promised LNG to them, and now that is running out and Putin is laughing.

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How do you know Nord Stream was blown up?

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Because Germany made s frantic bid to change energy supplier to US LNG.

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Russia Reclaims Its Position as Europe’s Top Gas Supplier - Russia has surpassed the U.S. as the primary supplier of gas to Europe, despite efforts by the region to reduce reliance on Russian energy sources.


And I just read that Ukraine is blocking that gas... odd... now why would Ukraine block gas to their friend NATO? Surely Europe would not allow that?

Everything is fake....


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How do you know that?

Oh right ... cnnbbc .... which insisted the covid vaccines were safe and effective... told you

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I always wonder when I read that a country made an illogical - suicidal - choice re energy.

For example NZers were told that the reason they are fucked ... and nearly out of gas... is because of a ban on oil and gas exploration ...

Turns out that was bullshit :

What has changed is that all the extra drilling hasn't turned up much extra gas in the past few years. This is despite record amounts spent on new wells - nearly $1.3 billion between 2020 and 2024. Energy companies now think there's less gas than previously thought. https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/new-zealand-is-a-total-shit-show

Governments do not want to spook their barnyard animals... so they lie.

I suspect that Germany really had no other choice but to do what they did... I will assume they shut down their nuclear power plants because there was no fuel - or the fuel was too expensive https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/why-dont-we-just-build-more-nuclear/

Again - the last thing they want the barnyard animals knowing is that we are low on uranium....

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An act of economic warfare by one NATO state against another. And the world looked on.

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Cognitive dissonance. The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

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Oil , not "fossil" fuel , like water is one of the most abundant resources on Earth and it is renewable....we will never run out of it.

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Oil is a fossil fuel and is not renewable.

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false...the "fossil" fuel narrative was created to convince people that there was a finite amount of it on earth...another big lie for the masses...

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There is a finite amount of it on earth since the earth itself is finite.

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I am going to set up a Hall of Idiocy... and the most idiotic comments on this SS will be posted there....

Yours will be the first

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I heard of this theory decades ago. Foundations of abiogenic hypotheses: Within the mantle, carbon may exist as hydrocarbons—chiefly methane—and as elemental carbon, carbon dioxide, and carbonates.[17] The abiotic hypothesis is that the full suite of hydrocarbons found in petroleum can either be generated in the mantle by abiogenic processes,[17] or by biological processing of those abiogenic hydrocarbons, and that the source-hydrocarbons of abiogenic origin can migrate out of the mantle into the crust until they escape to the surface or are trapped by impermeable strata, forming petroleum reservoirs.

Abiogenic hypotheses generally reject the supposition that certain molecules found within petroleum, known as biomarkers, are indicative of the biological origin of petroleum. They contend that these molecules mostly come from microbes feeding on petroleum in its upward migration through the crust, that some of them are found in meteorites, which have presumably never contacted living material, and that some can be generated abiogenically by plausible reactions in petroleum.[16]

The presence of methane on Saturn's moon Titan and in the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune is cited as evidence of the formation of hydrocarbons without biological intermediate forms,[2] for example by Thomas Gold.[6] (Terrestrial natural gas is composed primarily of methane). Some comets contain massive amounts of organic compounds, the equivalent of cubic kilometers of such mixed with other material;[70] for instance, corresponding hydrocarbons were detected during a probe flyby through the tail of Comet Halley in 1986.[71]

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I'll refer you to an article written by JMG several years ago, it is still relevant to this day: "Technological Superstitions"


The problem is that Industrial Civilization continues only because of the debt that has been created. You can have an infinite amount of fossil fuels but if it is extremely hard to get at, what's the point? Because the only way it will be extracted is if more debt is created to incentivize the energy producers.

Are the energy producers going to bother extracting extremely difficult oil out of the ground if it is near break even or even worse they are doing it at a loss? I don't think so.

It is why many Shale companies went bankrupt, because they were operating on speculation and investor funding. In other words they sold snake oil to unsuspecting investors. When those investors stopped funding Shale and other alternative means of extraction, those Shale companies went belly up.

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Good post! Standard Oil /Rockerfeller came up with the "fossil" fuel narrative a long time ago... without scarcity capitalism doesnt work as well...

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Congratulations to you if you have actually been able to convince yourself of that.

I unfortunately am not mentally ill/retarded... so I cannot join you in DelusiSTAN

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I'm a little surprised you didnt know...funny how it triggered you..lol

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Ian that is really good news.

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Thank you for that little nugget, Jonathan from Canada. Your knowledge and wisdom never ceases to amaze us.

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Really depends on how much of the year there is. I’m hoping to graduate from community college in May to get my associates degree, and I really am going to need it.

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America the Turd World Nation --> "US Homelessness Epidemic Explodes Under Biden-Harris"


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