Sep 25Liked by Fast Eddy

You really have to think about this in a simple way.

I have several 55 gallon drums in my shop.

I think about 60 or 70 million of those, full of oil, getting sucked out of the ground every day.

And we have been extracting it for how long already?

Your point is 100% valid Eddy.

The fact that it's never discussed, further proves your point that we are screwed and most people are dumb as a box of rocks.

What's coming is unimaginable.

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Liked by Fast Eddy

It's amazing the oil has lasted as long as it has. The Elders haven't done badly really.

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Sep 25Liked by Fast Eddy

You don't even beat everyone up for money to read your excellent work like most of the others on Substack.

YOU deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, NOT the clowns they now hand it to.

You and your work are much appreciated 👏

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The World According to Fast Eddy is funded by the proceeds from www.purebolivianblow.com

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Fast Eddy

But but everyone can live off their blog. LOL

Sage Hana banned me for laughing at the idea of paying money for his content.

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Sage banned you?

I would never ban anyone... no matter what unsubstantiated stupidity they tried to post here... if they stupidity turned out to be true... I would change my mind on the issue in the interest of maintaining my perfect record of always being right... however if the stupidity was nothing more the delusional idiocy I'd try to reason with them... if that did not work I'd rip them a new arsehole... tear out their entrails... and feed them to the dogs...

Kirsch banned me for asking why he does not offer Tiffany Dover One Million Dollars to be interviewed.

Sasha banned me for asking how she got top secret docs implicating the DOD in crimes against humanity ... and why she was not sharing a cell with Assange after releasing them.

Mark Crispy Miller banned me for celebrating whenever a celebrity or doctor who pushed the Rat Juice got injured... he was not on board with my Schadenfreude

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Forgot -- Sam Bailey banned me months ago for posting this https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/viruses-do-not-exist-was-a-psyop

I only found out the other day when I tried to post this https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/dr-sam-bailey-viruses-do-not-exist

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Those are all noble causes, well-played.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

sasha's kid was the weird girl that had "alt-right" views as a 12-14 year old precocious girl that had IQ 145 b/c billionaire father. she showed up on alex jones controlled op show, that is cia led. lol.

fyi sasha has companies formerly made/led for pharma products, health, diagnostic products. so yeah elite in-housing as always.

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Sasha Latypova (aka The Corpse) ... she looks like a worn-out pole dancer/hooker

When Sasha came onto The Scene, I conducted an internet stalk to check her background. There was next to nothing on her (the Ministry of Truth has since filled in a few blanks but still… )

Her claim to fame was publishing top secret documents that could result in quite a few powerful people ending up at the end of nooses at some point.

I asked her how she got her hands on these documents, which surely would be stored in a room in a box next to the files that detail the operation to murder JFK and the government plans to knock down the Twin Towers.

I asked her why she was not sharing a cell with Julian Assange.

She refused to respond and instead hurled homophobic insults at me suggesting I was trying to mate with my dog. She informed me that she was very rich and had a chateau in Bordeaux and that she was on a ski vacation in Aspen and was drinking $400 bottles of wine (and she wants readers to buy her coffee). Hardly the behaviour of a hero who has dedicated her life to saving the world.

When I pressed her for more information on how she was able to get these damning documents, she continued to mock and taunt, and ultimately she banned me - permanently.


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Sep 25Liked by Fast Eddy

That's ridiculous. Evertime I read an article and it cuts me off part way through saying for paid subscribers only, I unsubscribe..lol

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Particularly when the author of a pay to read blog believes he is leading a revolution and delivering us from evil...

Kinda reminds me of the Catholic Church...

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Geert, trying to warn the world, explain his thesis as it plays out.

But you gotta buy a ticket to the dance.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Fast Eddy

The reason the barnyard animals don't connect the dots is because they have been fed a steady diet of sex, food and entertainment over the past several decades. That has turned them into procreating barnyard animals who don't consider anything but pleasure. They also have been fed a steady diet of propaganda such as wind and solar, that it will save the day or perhaps it's the latest techno energy craze that is always years away but that too will somehow save the day. On top of that the government and media always ignore, (actually don't want to tell you) the basic facts that "cheap energy supply" is and has been in decline and it will continue on that trend.

The barnyard animals, think because they can pull their vehicles into their favorite petrol station and pump fuel, that will never change. The worst they imagine are higher prices for fuel just like everything else.

What they don't consider is that the higher the price of fuel climbs, the worse effect it has on their eCONomy because in order to pay for that higher priced fuel, it takes money away from the consumer eCONomy.

They also don't consider that now we are at the point and actually have been for decades, extracting fossil fuels from hard to get at places, such as offshore, tar sands etc. It will get to the point where in order to extract those fossil fuels and convert them for public use will require more and more energy which in turn will drive the costs of those said, fuels. At such a time people will not be able to afford them and so they will be left in the ground because there will be no buyers for that product.

Lastly, the barnyard animals fail to consider that our "ENTIRE WAY OF LIFE" has been made possible by fossil fuels. There's NO going back to Little House On The Prairie".

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Sep 26Liked by Fast Eddy

no fasteddy, yes its the truth but it is still rational to buy a few days of luxury living by doing population control measures even if it is futile in the end. maiming as many humans as possible through psychological warfare, war or any attempt is perfectly rational if you value living another day in lala land

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They have been controlled population for decades https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/vaccines-are-population-control

The Death Shots have no reduced population - it continues to increase... as it must...

This is about extincting us ... before the collapse arrives https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

FastEddy, this idea that the jabs were put out as an act of kindness is ludicrous. They don't love us, they hate us.

And if your vision of the collapse is correct. May we all be at peace with Death, the greatest liar. As the Gita says about soul " fire cannot burn it, water cannot wet it, the sword cannot cut it".

This change we're going through is absolutely necessary. What exists has to be destroyed for something else to be born. There is no doubt. You want to continue living under a system that is built on deceit?

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What do you think will happen if they fail to exterminate us before the global economy and supply chains collapse?

Option 1. 8 Billion humans will gather on the streets and sing KOOMbaya... and a Jesus-like figure will turn stones into McDonalds Hamburgers and feed the heaving masses? That this same figure will conjure up electricity and petrol and allow civilization to continue unabated?

Option 2. 8 billion humans will gather on the dark cold streets of the world...extremely pissed off because the lights have gone out ... and there is no food.. the children will be howling in agony because Uber Eats is no longer available. When the 8B realize civilization has collapsed... that there is no longer police or courts or military or government, many of them will resort to mass murder, rape, and cannibalism as they battle to stay alive.

You'd have to be seriously delusional to think that Option 1. is an option.

How do you feel about being raped then torn into pcs by a starving mob and boiled in a pot?

How do you feel about being forced to watch your children being raped and skinned alive then roasted over a fire then eaten?

Take a look at what happened in New York City when the power went out in New York City for a short period of time in 1997. The people who went on a rampage understood that this was temporary... the police remained on the job.... yet....


Exterminating us IS an act of kindness... if they fail ... and you are locked in your home ... and the bad guys are bashing your door down... cuz they believe you have some cans of beans... then you will understand where I am coming from

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Here's a solution: Reincarnate dinosaurs.

'Fossil fuel' is like 'landfill.' Both sound great but both are mere prettied up bullshyt or was the earth asking to be 'filled' with raw garbage?

What really pisses me off is having aligned the supply of oil to huge dead animals who, like nothing else ever, turned to oil instead of dust and, intimated an endless supply without ANY thought or concern to what happens to the planet as this oil is sucked dry from it - never mind folks running out of toilet paper... ah, capitalism...

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I've covered that here:

The Dumbest Species Ever?

Why 'intelligence' is a huge burden


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